Saturday, March 09, 2013

Daylight Savings Time

Hi everyone!  Daylight Savings Time begins tomorrow where we advance our clocks by one hour.  I often wonder why we change the clocks like this, and it was mentioned on the local (Montreal) news the other night about "why not leave it one hour forward all the time"....and asked if people think this would be a good idea or not.  This would give everyone more daylight, even in the winter.  

The video that I have chosen for this post is an absolutely beautiful and soft melody..."Soul Shine" (Kenio Fuke).  I hope you all enjoy it as much as I! 

I purchased a tea the other is called "Sultan 1936 After Meals".  It contains caraway, rosemary and peppermint.  It is delicious and has a wonderful calming effect after a meal.  I highly recommend it. 

The photo I am sharing today is one that I took on my farm visit on March 5th.  This sweet dog kind of acted as a guide, he followed me around a bit and made me feel very welcome.  The horses seemed to have a good "rapport" with the dog and also made me feel welcome.  LOL!  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I really appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you can always share by clicking on the 'comments' link at the end of my post.


  1. He looks like a fine sturdy farm dog. The animals do relate with each other once they get to know each other.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Larry.

  2. I totally agree!! Why can't we just leave it with more daylight in the evening. I have never heard a good reason to keep changing it twice a year.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Ginny. It will be neat to see if they do change it.

  3. L.D. is right about different species bonding. They often put a goat in with valuable race horses for companionship, since they aren't big enough to hurt the horse during.... ahem.... horse-play. (I would apologize for the pun, but it simply fit too well not to use it!)

    1. LOL Gorges. Thanks for the comment. :)

  4. I love that big huggable dog!

  5. I'm glad I don't have to work tomorrow. I'd hate to lose an hour of sleep

    1. Gaining an hour is better than losing one, this is for sure!

  6. The dog looks so sweet. I love to watch animals of different species relating well to each other.

    Lovely music--so calming!

    1. Hi Tina, thanks for your comment, and I really appreciate you listening to the video. :)

  7. Our state government won't introduce daylight saving. We in the south would love it but those up north are against it and they win.

    1. Hi Diane, thanks for your comment and feedback.

  8. simply beautifully captured shot...lovely!

    1. Hi Kalyan, thank you so much!

  9. A nice dog who helped you. Lovely.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Bob.

  10. My first time here loving it ;)
    Daylight saving is a good thing.
    Follow each other.

    1. Thank you for your visit and comment.

  11. Very sweet, love dog and companions! :-)

    My biological clock simply detests Daylight Savings Time. I am an early bird, and still I feel that one hour "stolen" for three quarters of the year weighs heavily on my well-being. Once summer time starts, it not only means that we get up an hour earlier (which is fine with me), but that we need to get to sleep an hour earlier. And therein is the crux, I don't get tired earlier because I am a natural born night owl. Lack of sleep is what this gives me.

    1. I agree. And, living at the far western edge of the eastern time zone, it is like double daylight time for us. It doesn't get dark til ten at night in June, and I have to be up at five. Plus, it was just starting to be light it the morning as i went to work, now it will be dark again. I wish we would just always stay on standard time.

    2. Same here, Merisi. Thanks for your comment.

  12. That farm visit must have been great fun. Farm dogs are often great companions and friends as well as being good workers. The reason for daylight savings time originally was to give farmers more daylight to work their fields. Some have suggested that with the decrease in farming we no longer need to do this. I'm not sure. It's nice to have more daylight during the warmer months.

    Enjoy your Sunday, Linda!

    1. Ah, so that's how it originated. Thanks for sharing this, Lowell, and my farm visit was great fun!

  13. The dog looks funny and sweet! It is really hard to find such variety of dogs in our area!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Ezhilan, the dog was really sweet.

  14. It's interesting how some creatures just bond. Glad you had a fun farm experience.

    1. Hello Heidi, thank you so much for your comment.

  15. Thank you for visiting my blog! What a lovely canine guide!

    1. Hi Caroline, thanks so much for your visit and comment!

  16. Delicious tea, soft music, and more daylight... What do you want more, dear Linda ?!


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