Friday, February 07, 2014

Cat Station Master

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  The video I have chosen for this post is a delightful 2 minute clip entitled "Cat Station Master."  Enjoy!  :)

The photo I am sharing today is one that I took a few years ago in a public greenhouse.  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. ...vraiment charmant ce minou....!

    bon samedi

    ly xxx

  2. Coleus leaves always stun me with their different patterns and colours, these are lovely on a winter's day. Cheers from Jean

  3. It's odd the things that capture the imagination of people. Interesting video. Very pretty picture from the greenhouse, too.

  4. Dang Tama the cat really is popular.

  5. Kissa on niin söpönen , ja kuva kaunis :)

  6. what an interesting news clip, i hadn't heard of tama the cat before. she seems friendly. what a unique story =)

  7. I like this beautiful plant in the greenhouse, regarding, the video seems very interesting.


  8. Amazing leaves, Linda.


  9. Lovely clip video, have a nice sunday, from Belgium

  10. Loved the video and love calico kitties. The coleus are a breath of spring.

  11. I love this cat !
    Have a nice week-end.

  12. Helen Devries9:07 AM

    I'm thinking of having a word with my local mayor....if a cat can do this in Japan what can my lamb do for the local economy!

  13. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks so much for sharing this with me and your sweet comment on my Tablescapes. I know I will be back to see more of your lovely post. I am your newest follower on your blog now hoping you will also join me.
    I am also hoping you and your family have a wonderful Valentine's Day and a Beautiful weekend.
    God Bless.

  14. We've been to Japan and really love it. This is something I can totally imagine! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Cute cat! Interesting how this little town has created it's very own tourist attraction. Good for them!

  16. Hi Linda, you have a interesting blog. Your videos are so cool! Pretty picture!

  17. You and your lovely green, Linda...

  18. Awesome cat!

    Great photo Linda!

  19. J'aime ce chat,
    merci pour la belle image, bonne nuit Linda

  20. I really like the Coleus plant Linda....never know what colours will appear.

  21. Il st magnifique ce chat, de beaux souvenirs d'enfance pour moi car j'en avais un pareil quand j'étais jeune, aujourd'hui j'ai une petite Canelle, les même couleurs mais beaucoup plus pâle et poils longs... Ta photo est superbe! Bisous tout doux et bon dimanche dans la tendresse et la joie!

  22. Hi Linda,
    thank you for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed looking at your posts...I realize how drawn I am to anything green...the color I miss in our cold Wisconsin winters. I like your video clips...I'll have to come back and look at more of them!

  23. I sent the video to our older daughter. She taught English in Japan for two years. Here in America in Spencer, Iowa, there was a cat at their public library that drew attention like the railroad cat. I enjoyed your video a lot.

  24. I think Superstation Master Tama may be the start of a trend. I expect to see Concierge Collie Shep at the door of the Hilton next.


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