Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ducklings & Montreal's Biodome

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  The video I have selected for this post is a 1 minute clip of a mother duck teaching her ducklings how to swim.  Enjoy!

The photos I am sharing today are ones that I took at Montreal's Biodome a few years ago.  I have no idea what species of bird they are, but there were two of them and they seemed to be very much at ease in my presence and were walking freely around.  Do any of you know what species of bird this is?  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. lovely video and images!

  2. Lovely video, she was so good to encourage them, then herd them out to deeper water. Identification, sorry, no help from me. Cheers, Jean.

  3. No idea about your birds. How tired those little ducky legs must become!

  4. Anonymous7:40 PM


    Thank you for the lovely video :o)
    I don't know about birds ... sorry. I enjoy this pics !!!!

    Have a nice day dear Linda ❤
    Big hugs

  5. Cute video!

    I have no idea about the type, sorry...

  6. I hope someone can identify that bird. It's beautiful. So many colors. Cute video. The little ones were so cute on their first swim.

  7. A nice video Linda. Also great shots of the bird. I have no idea what kind it is.

  8. Oh the Biodome - so cool!

  9. Cute video! Looks like the ducklings took to the water immediately.

  10. good thing they are so natural at it. I can't swim for very long, and I can't float to save my life (literally)

  11. ...wow...j'adore cette petite famille sur l'eau....

    magnifique photos....!

    have a very good day...

    ly xxx

  12. Sweet video:)

    beautiful birds, but I do not know them

  13. such a sweet video, seeing babies and their mom is always touching. Pretty photos and I'm sorry I do not know that beautiful birds name-

  14. The video is so sweet with the mother and her ducklings :) A mother's life is always busy!
    Can't help with the birds, but they are lovely.

  15. Estoy intrigado por las fotos de ese ave que, en este momento, no soy capaz de identificar. Un abrazo,

  16. It's s tough start for a young duck, good luck to them. Lovely clip though.
    Have a nice day Linda.

  17. Looks like you found some friends at the Biodome!

  18. i'm terrible at recognising birds, but i do like your photos of them! :)

  19. No idea what species, but the birds do love a little like peahens.

  20. Thanks for your visit this morning. I wish I knew what kind of bird that is, but isn't it fun to be able to get close like that?

  21. What an adorable clip!! I love ducks and ducklings :)

  22. Ihana video Äiti ja paljon lapsia opetta ja hoitaa niitä :)

  23. Thank you for visiting my blog! The duck and ducklings are so cute! Beautiful pictures of the birds. I will follow you by Bloglovin, you have a nice blog!

  24. Tout mignon ce video! L'oiseau est beau! Bisous tout doux et bon mercredi dans la tendresse!

  25. Mamy Duck and her little ones..., cute, Linda !
    Don't know the bird..., I terrible in bird-names...

  26. Cute Video Linda I just love Ducks. Hope you are well xx


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