Monday, February 03, 2014

Laughter for Monday

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  The video I have selected for this post is a humorous 2 minute clip done by the Just for Laughs group right here in Montreal!  It is the Quebec version of Candid Camera. Enjoy!

Since winter is long and hard this year I wanted to share some humour, and I found this on Facebook and am providing the link to the page where I found it.  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. I'm smiling, Linda. Thanks for the chuckle.

  2. The funniest part is at the end when they *don't* copy what she does!

    That groundhog does need a serious talking to.

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM

    ❀✻❀ ✰ ✰ ✰ ❀✻❀
    Hi Linda !!!
    Thanks for this post ! I love it !!!!
    ❀✻❀ ✰ ✰ ✰ ❀✻❀

  4. génial! merci Linda, j'ai bien ri!

  5. Cute video. It made me smile!

  6. I'll settle with the groundhog and say four more weeks.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing some good humor tonight, dear Linda! That video was so funny. The people being "tricked" seemed to have a good humor about it. And those cats look like they mean business!

  8. what a hilarious video, it made me smile. thank you for that :)

  9. Exquisitely funny, Linda!
    Thank you for the laughs, a wonderful break in the monotony of our grey winter days: the snow cover it very thin, the sky are solid grey, no luminosity in sight.
    Wishing you all the best,

  10. Hello Linda !
    But where do you find this video ? I'am smiling
    Have a nice day

  11. Very funny Linda, cheered me up. We need more programmes like this on TV. We get too many reality shows these days.
    Have a good day.

  12. Muy bueno el vídeo, me ha hecho reír. Un abrazo,

  13. Something tells me that groundhog is in trouble...

  14. We see this hidden camera and LOVE IT...this was great.

  15. Brilliant, love that last picture!

  16. Those cats surely mean business, as cats generally do!

  17. la vidéo est vraiment extraordinaire


  18. So amusing, Linda!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings :-)

  19. That video was hysterical, Linda! Sometimes my third graders would do that to another third grader and I'd get a whine, "They're copying me, Mrs. B!" This would happen every year! Sometimes several times! I want to speak to the groundhog too! Have a good one!

  20. Thanks for the warm welcome and smiles...I could use 'em today.

  21. Oh how I wish our connection was fast enough to watch videos, this sounds like fun. Take care and have a good week Diane

  22. Loved that video. I was laughing out loud. Thanks!!! : )

  23. C'est toute cute ces vidéos hihihi ta photo aussi, c'est vrai qu'on a un dur hivers cette année mais aujourd'hui était superbe, je suis allée prendre une belle grande marche! Gros bisous tout doux et bonne soirée!

  24. Hilarious, Linda !

  25. Hi Linda, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. It is so nice to meet you and I really enjoyed the funny video and the cat pictures! A good laugh was just what I needed tonight. Have a lovely evening! Delisa :)

  26. Ha ha ha love the cat picture! Just like cats to take control.

  27. That was sooooo cute. Can you imagine being the person they were copying? I don't know how I would have reacted. I might have gotten up and left.


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