Saturday, February 01, 2014

The Fun Theory (video) and a Heartwarming Photo

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  The video I have chosen for this post is a delightful 2 minute clip about a fun way to use the stairs.  I loved it and hope you all do as well!  :)

The photo I am sharing today is one that I found on Facebook, and am providing the link of my source.  I have to admit that I shed some tears when I saw it,  however, they were happy tears, as I found it very beautiful and heartwarming.  The story behind this photo is:  "The hospital allowed this lady's cat to visit her during her last day on earth."  Too precious for words.  Here is the link to where I found this:  Amazing Facts and Nature Page on Facebook

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. I saw another version of the fun stairs a few years ago. It still makes me smile. I wish I had the opportunity to "play" on them, too!

    The picture is precious. What a nice way to leave this earth - experiencing the love and warmth of a pet.

  2. Love the creativity of those who came up with that unique idea for the stairs. And the success of it was amazing. Sweet photo of the dying lady and her precious pet.

  3. Special moments with a very dearly loved cat, comfort in each other's arms. Musical stairs, fun. Cheers from Jean

  4. Piano stairs does sound fun

  5. that's a very moving, very touching photo. thank you for sharing that.

  6. The last moments together ... it's very touching.
    Service hospital has done a nice gesture.

  7. Very touching photo...tear in my eyes.

  8. A very heartwarming photo. Its good to hear that hospital allowed the cat.

  9. What a sweet story! Thanks for sharing.

  10. I should have looked at the stair video last, it is wonderful but it makes me sad that her cat was left without her, well I guess on the up side they got to say goodbye.

  11. The idea of fun is so interesting I sent it along to several young people to think about as a possible science fair project.

  12. Such a wonderful story of the woman and her cat. Awesome!
    xo Catherine

  13. That's such an amazing picture. Such things inspire hope in me somehow!

  14. I have heard about those stairs, but never saw the video--thank you for sharing! And how sad but sweet to see that woman and her cat together.

  15. Touching, Linda...

  16. Hi Linda! I have actually seen the Piano Stairs video somewhere else, but I can't remember where. And I love "Carrickfergus" especially the Clancy Brothers version ~ but this is lovely. My mother's dog and cat hardly left her bed when she was dying from renal failure in hospice care at her home. The comfort Daxi and Mitsey gave her those last few days is beyond comprehension! Thank you for the beautiful memory which I do often think about. Have an awesome week!

  17. morsomt video og en rørende bilde

  18. Ewn effet, c'est tellement touchant. j'en ai les larmes au yeux... Quelle bonne idée pour les marches, c'est superbe ça! Bisous tout doux et bon dimanche!

  19. Those piano stairs are very creative! What a great idea to get people to get more exercise. LOVED the story about the cat and the dying owner. How very, very precious for both of them. It gave the cat closure and brought comfort to the woman.

  20. A wonderful story.

  21. Oh dear me, after the laughter the tears.

  22. Anonymous7:04 PM

    ❀✻❀ ✰ ✰ ✰ ❀✻❀
    I love this wonderful story !
    Thank you so much Linda !
    Big hugs to you
    ❀✻❀ ✰ ✰ ✰ ❀✻❀

  23. I think all escalators should have something like this. Running up and down stairs is a brilliant way to keep fit.
    I like the link Linda, some wonderful stuff on the web page.


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