Saturday, March 22, 2014

Blizzard in Montreal Today

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  Yes, we got a blizzard here in Montreal today.  They were expecting 15 centimeters of snow and am not sure what the end result is yet.  

The videos I have selected for this post are:  Another Just for Laughs Gag (Quebec's version of Candid Camera)

Here is a fun, upbeat video "I Wanna be a Minstrel Man" from 1934!  Enjoy!
Last but not least for the videos in this post is a beautiful classic piano piece accompanied by soothing ocean wave sounds and lovely nature images.  Relax and enjoy!

I took a few photos today of Montreal's blizzard.  The last photo shows how sweet Romeo is unaffected by it all.  :)  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

The next items are things that I found on Facebook, and I am providing the links to the pages just beneath the photos.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. i hope the blizzard has not caused too much inconvenience or major problems for you and your community. stay safe, yes. and thanks for the hilarious video ... that was a very elaborate joke and well-executed too! :)

  2. Helen Devries5:00 PM

    I wonder sometimes what would happen if cats had to brave the elements and go to work.
    Strongly suspect work would be abolished.

  3. Lots of snow Linda.
    good weekend.
    a kiss

  4. Hope your have warm sunny days soon. : )

  5. Romeo looks quite sleepy.

    We got hit by it too. I took some shots... which I'll be saving for a later occasion.

  6. Well, at least the snow from late-March blizzards doesn't hang around too long. And it IS pretty! :) Romeo looks like he probably takes everything in stride. I love the rosebush quote.

  7. Certainly the winter of my discontent. I believe the Atlantic shoreline took the worst this time.

  8. I'm happy to have your visit and comment on my blog. You live in Montreal? Then your native language is French? Montreal is one of city where I would like to visit.

  9. A blizzard after the first day of spring! Here it was 72 degree F (22 C) today – I don’t think I could ever get used to that much snow ever! You find the cutest videos – I enjoyed them.

  10. Anonymous11:33 PM


    Hi Linda !

    I hope you'll have warm sunny days soon.

    Romeo is so sweet ! :o)

    Greetings and I wish you a nice day.

  11. Hauskoja videomuskkia lunta on paljon tullut teille .
    Aurinkoista sunnuntaipäivää Linda :)

  12. Poor you! More snow via a blizzard! May warm weather soon show up. I am so enjoying the Laughs Gags that you have been sharing. They make me burst out laughing ~ which is a little embarrassing in our hotel lobby where I'm trying to listen to your clips discretely! What a cute kitty! Stay warm!

  13. sweet Romeo:) Hard winter there. Here in Finland we have already touch of spring.

  14. Keep warm as I am sure you are.
    Like your cat, looks comfy.
    The piano video is lovely, I myself play that piece.

  15. we were enjoying spring... until last week that was.....

  16. j'espère que le soleil va revenir bientôt chez vous, ici c'est le printemps, entre éclaircies, et un peu de pluie.
    merci pour les photos et vidéos,
    bon dimanche

  17. encore de la neige!
    un hiver qui se prolonge mais je pense que vous y êtes habitués.
    bonne semaine @ bientôt haude

  18. Once again you have out done yourself. I especially like the video of the minstrel man. I wish they would once again make movies (musical ones) like that. The rose is very petty and the quote is so true. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  19. I love the gags video, that was so funny, the looks on the girlfriends faces! Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope to check in on yours very often! I was once in Montreal, when I was a child, for Expo 67.

  20. You had a blizzard? MOUSES!

    We had spring yesterday mornin' and then a little snow in the late afternoon. Now it's snowin' again. Where did the spring go? *sighs* Did someone fling it somewhere?


  21. Wow, that's snow! I do love how soothing everything looks when covered in snow, especially when you can stay indoors with a nice glowing fire. I enjoyed your post, and imagine you have to keep yourself chuckling when winter goes on and on.

  22. Hi Linda, nice to meet looks just like that here, we got a few good inches overnight...but now it's melting.


  23. Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm a sensitive person too. It can be painful but I think the ability to feel deeply is ultimately a gift.

  24. Brrr... ici il fait tellement froid, ce vent glacial est toujours présent, nous en avons eu de la neige et ils nous annoncent une autre bordée au milieu de la semaine, j'espère qu'ils se trompent... Merci pour ces vidéos, musiques et photos! Bisous tout doux et bonne soirée!

  25. I love the snow, the cat and the quotes very much:)
    Here is spring temperature today:)

  26. Ciao Linda, spiacente, ma io non so scrivere in inglese, anche se arrivo a capirlo.
    Prima di tutto ti ringrazio per la tua visita da me e poi devo dirti che il tuo blog mi piace perché vario. Purtroppo il prilo film non riesco ad aprirlo, ma mi sono goduto gli atri, compreso quelli dei post precedenti. Ho cercat di mettermi tra i tuoi follower, ma l'accesso mi viene rifiutato. Hai qualche consiglio da darmi?
    Per il momento, buona settimana.

  27. Scary, Linda, your candid camera... ! Hope warm days are coming soon... ! And Romeo, what a photo-model !

  28. A very entertaining post Linda, hope the weather's improved since.

  29. I so love all the videos and quotes you share here, Linda. (The Project Happiness cartoon is such good advice!) We were supposed to get snow yesterday but it was barely a dusting. So it looks as if Spring might truly be here finally... I hope so! Wishing you warmth until your snow melts.


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