Sunday, March 09, 2014

Canada Post Dog and Some Squirrels

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  The video I have selected for this post is yet another Just for Laughs Gag, and this time we have a German Shepherd dog 'driving' a Canada Post vehicle.  Of course he isn't driving it but I love the reactions of the people who see this.  Enjoy!  :)

The photos I am sharing are ones that I took on my walk a couple of days ago.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. That was a great video Linda!!
    The squirrel pictures are excellent. I have never seen a black squirrel before.

  2. j'ai beaucoup ri avec la vidéo,
    merci Linda, et bravo pour les photos, c'est mignon

  3. Such a cute squirrel!
    Thanks for sharing that video - my fist laugh on this day! :)

  4. that was pretty clever and funny, Especially as the dog stayed very calm and cool.

  5. The dog driving the mail truck is a great gag!

  6. The squirrels look in good shape. They've had a good winter.

  7. The video was so cute! I love the part where the man appears to be giving directions to the dog. :-)

    Those are wonderful photos of the squirrel! I've never seen a black squirrel--he's pretty!

    Glad to be back after my break! I'll post for the first time Monday.

  8. så fine bilder av ekorn

  9. Hi Linda,

    Just a quick hi and also I want to say thanks for leaving a comment on my post about Bali. I am swamped with work and I've neglected my blog! It's refreshing to visit your page and see squirrels. We don't have them in my home country, Philippines. When I visited Scotland, I had a great time chasing squirrels at the Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.

    All the best and have a great week,

  10. that was funny... always great to start my day with smiles.

  11. Funny video.
    Never seen a squirrel only on films, they do look cute and I often wonder are they a menace?

  12. Super funny video, but your squirrel photos are super, the last one with a shadow is magnifique!! Cheers, Jean.

  13. Fun post. I like squirrels although they can take a lot of bird food for themselves.

  14. what an irresistibly adorable video! and that goes the same for your photos as well! thanks for sharing all this on our furry friends :D

  15. Merci pour ta vidéo et pour les photos de ton écureuil. Trop bien. Bon début de semaine. Amitiés des Alpes

  16. Love the video and photos:)

  17. une vidéo qui est vraiment très comique...

    et l'écureuil est rmignon..

    have a nice day

  18. LOL the reactions are priceless!! I saw one like this once where they were pranking people in a drive-thru haha!

  19. Chubby little squirrels. They look as fit as my lot who live under the bird feeder.

  20. Linda, you videos and photos brighten my morning so much!!! Thank you!

  21. My system won't display video but I love your photos. Canada now has a law protecting your photos! Finally.

  22. Il y avait de quoi se poser des questions, un chien au volant hihihi... Tes photos du petit écureuil sont très belles! Bisous tout doux et bon lundi dans la joie et la tendresse!

  23. Aren't those videos fun. It really does seem as if the dog is driving.
    Cute shots of the squirrel.

  24. Can you imagine, Linda... ?
    Squirrels, so close ! B*e*a*u*t*i*f*u*l !

  25. The driving dog is hilarious! And I have to admit (even though I don't like squirrels), yours are sort of cute. :)


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