Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday Wishes

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Woman Fits her Life into a 200 square foot Apartment

Dream a Little Dream - Pink Martini and the Von Trapps

Tango to Evora - Richard Abel

Meet Olaf the Snowman (a 21 year old Quebec man builds a 20-foot tall snowman from the movie "Frozen")  Story Here

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. 'listen to the rhythm of the falling rain' ... the opening line to a beautiful song! :)

  2. It is amazing what that woman did with her tiny apartment! And it has atmosphere and is pretty and quirky.

  3. I absolutely loved the Dream a little dream, nice rendition of the song I think. I try to get rid of things lately...mood for organizing but wow...200Sq? I think it's too tiny...interesting.

  4. I too admire the way the woman can fully enjoy the tiny apartment and arranged it in such an orderly way to make it looks so comfy and homely.

  5. cc...
    merci d'étre passé par mon blog
    c'est bien sympa ici...
    bonne journée

  6. Dream a little dream...I love that song! The Von Trapps? The ones in The Sound of Music?

  7. Great post Linda, and the spring break in Canada ........................ :)

  8. I find the small apartments really interesting. And the spring break in Canada is hilarious!

  9. apartment video was interesting!

  10. The escaping prisoners video is really funny and also what this lady did with her tiny flat !

  11. Anonymous5:57 AM

    A beautiful video of Tango to Evora. I wish you a pleasant Wednesday Linda.

  12. hi Linda. Thanks for missing and praying for me. I am on vacation to the Philippines right now with my family, so I dont have the time to update my blog. But when I come back, I will do so:)
    Take care!

  13. Ha ha ha ha, I love spring break in Meanwhile in Canada!
    We are expecting some cold temperature this weekend. Spring has sprung but it seems winter has left a bit of breath.
    Have a great day!

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    qué post más chulis, me gustaría que os pasarais por mi blog, os necesito besos.
    what a cool post, I'd like you to see my blog, I need kisses.

  15. Hopefully the snow will be gone soon from your landscape and you will be celebrating spring once again.

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting.


  16. Oh I have enjoyed this today! Love the sign....we're all in a work progress...give yourself and others time to grow! Love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  17. Bonjour Linda,
    J'adore la chanson Dream a little dream (✿◠‿◠)



  18. Hello Linda, hope all is well in your part of the world. I really enjoyed 'Sketches in Stillness" today.

  19. Hi Linda ... The prisoners getting blown out of the van ... That will keep me smiling all day! :-)))) Thank you!!!

  20. the spring break in Canada...

    a ma préférence Linda

  21. Wonderful...Dream a Little Dream!
    I haven't heard that song in ages. It is one of my favourites.
    And what that woman did with her apartment has really inspired me! :)

    Have a great day, Linda.:)

  22. The "meanwhile in Canada" memes are so funny! :)

  23. Tout est agréable à découvrir. Bon mercredi Linda

  24. Divertido gag y bonitos vídeos.

  25. The gag video was so funny. I am not so sure I would want to live in a small space I have to many things I would want to take. Enjoyed all the quotes. Have a blessed day. Madelline

  26. Meanwhile In Canada is always funny!

    I've enjoyed the sound of Pink Martini since the first time I heard them.

  27. I guess it's true that it's not the size of the space but what you do with it.

  28. J'aime le petit lapin sous cloche
    Bonne soirée

  29. Precioso el tango de Evora, gracias por tu fabuloso trabajo, se muy feliz. Un beso.

  30. all are very good !
    happy Wednesday

  31. I thought my 700 square foot apartment in NYC was tiny, this 200 square foot one in Brooklyn is amazing!

  32. Living in 200 sq ft would send me insane. The Canada Spring break is just hilarious.

  33. The tango is absolutely beautiful! Wonderful post, Linda...

  34. Some great words here :-)

  35. I love the tiny apartment one - more fabulous ideas for me!

  36. How nice, Linda, the gag ! With a little help from my friend...

  37. Oh dear... what would you do if you came across prisoners really escaping? ;-)

  38. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Ha ha... Lesson 1: don't help strangers!

  39. The spring break photo cracked me up!

  40. lol at the spring break one

  41. Bonne soirée douce Linda! Que j'aime les citations, superbes!

  42. I always love to come and read your quotes.

  43. Bom encontrar seu blog. Estive recentemente em Montreal e gostei demais das pessoas. Bjs

  44. Hi Linda
    The 200 sq. foot apt is incredible ..
    Love the song dream a little dream ...

    Have a wonderful day xx

  45. speaking of greenhouse...LOL...I have just finish doing gardening. Loads of work in progress plant. Hopefully they will survive. Just like our life. Everything is W.I.P.

  46. The spring break in Canada reminded me of a meme I saw earlier this year depicting above 48 degrees in Florida with everyone bundled in their winter coats, and below 48 degrees in Michigan with everyone in their sweatshirts and t shirts outside for a cookout. I was talking about that with my dad, since we're pretty much like the Michigan folks here in Iowa, and he suggested even better than a cookout would be to have someone out sunbathing with snowbanks to the sides to reflect the sun instead of mirrors to help get a tan.

  47. The ice sculpture video has some fascinating stuff..


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