Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Underwater Tennis Court off the Coast of Dubai

The Difference between Optimistic and Pessimistic People

How to Swim with your Elephant

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Your body is a brilliant machine that deserves far better than what marketers want to shove in it.

When life gets stormy and hope is nowhere to be found, don't wait around for the sun to come out tomorrow, look in the mirror.  The sunshine is in your heart now.  Shine your own light and make your own rainbow today.

Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once.  Breathe.  You're strong. You got this.  Take it day by day.

What is achievable in your based on the stories you tell yourself.

Only grow thoughts in your brain that you would not mind putting in a vase.

Life is short.  Stop worrying about what might happen.  Live in the moment.  Follow your heart. Be with good people.  Forget what hurt you - but never forget what it taught you.

Grab a piece of paper and a pencil for a moment and alertly look at a flower, slowly sketch it on paper (don't worry if it doesn't look perfect), just focus on describing it through your doodle...notice that in that moment you aren't thinking about the past or future, or any problems, and peace is possible while you draw the flower.

May you dream of lovely things and wake up to find them real.  Good night.

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with. - Wayne Dyer

Hey you - yes, the one reading this.  I just wanted to wish you good health and happiness and thank you for being a part of my life.  Have a great day.

Owl Journalism School. The 5 W's...Today we'll learn about the 5 W's.  Who, who, who, who and who.  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Yes, like the saying goes, we are what we eat! :D

  2. Those elephants are very nice:) And big

  3. An excellent post and wonderful art!

  4. oooo ... i was in dubai this month, but i didn't manage to check out the underwater tennis court! thanks for sharing that video :)

  5. Interesting how the man swims with that elephant.

  6. Hi Linda, the underwater tennis court looks awesome but I don't know whether I will be watching the underwater creatures or the tennis game. Beautiful quote about not be lonely if we like the person we are alone with!

  7. Anonymous4:08 AM

    How to Swim with your elephant, is very beautiful Linda. Hopefully he does not sit into the water on you.

  8. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I'd love to visit Dubai one day.

  9. Happy Thursday, and do enjoy your day. Thanks!

  10. really terrible again laughed at the movie with that bag on the car hahahahaha ... really fun :-))))))))) The video of the underwater tennis unfortunately did not do it to me., But further there are again many very nice movies in the various blogs.
    Your text spells also are truly amazing and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this :-)
    Best regards, Helma

  11. trop marrante la première vidéo ....
    bisous et belle journée

  12. Bonjour chère Linda,

    Un petit billet très enrichissant...

    Gros bisous ❀

  13. Hi Linda, Beautiful words of wisdom as always. Life is short. That's a great reminder that I really shouldn't waste any of it. :)

  14. Love the art pieces in this post!

  15. Hi, dear Linda! Dubai seems to have everything and wants even more. It would be nice if a fraction of the money required to built an underwater tennis court was used to feed the hungry people of world and clothe and house the poor. The lesson about the differences between an optimist and a pessimist is a valuable one. The world reacts favorably to positive, enthusiastic people. If pessimists realized how easy it is to make your own good luck they would surely try to become more optimistic in their approach to life. It warmed my heart to see the man who has bonded with elephants and goes swimming with them. Some people would rather shoot those majestic beasts. He and I would rather give them a great big hug.

    Thank you very much, dear friend Linda!

  16. le sac à main .... très drôle Linda


  17. Bonjour Linda,
    J'ai beaucoup aimé le vidéo des éléphants, c'est un si bel animal ♡



  18. That last cat pic is especially good...Heidi Shaulis has captured perfectly the essence of the feline...that aura of untouchability...that notion that nothing and nobody comes close to the cat's superiority over other beings! I mean, I get weak in the knees when my cat allows me to pet her!

  19. Love the gag. That was funny.

    I'm an optimistic person. I'm happy about that.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  20. Enjoyed today's quotes!

  21. A great post and wonderful art! :-)

  22. The elephant video is something else... they're such magnificent animals.

  23. Love the quote about life being short from Karen Salmansohn. It's true and important! I love Candy Waters art, too. It's really beautiful!

  24. cute gag video. The other videos were good especially the one about swimming with elephants. All the quotes were outstanding. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  25. I love all the upbeat quotes!

  26. Very funny gag, Linda !

  27. Bonjour ma belle Linda, toujours aussi plaisant! Bisou et bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  28. I was wondering how an underwater tennis game would work! That makes sense, after watching the video...

  29. Dubai needs to find a good humanitarian effort to spend! I've watched elephants in Thailand...such amazing animals!

  30. So amazing court underwater, enjoy your Thursday Linda

  31. Love the kitty art. Hope you are having a nice week!

  32. OMG I have to show my tennis loving hubby that underwater court!

  33. The 5 Ws! Ha! Also appreciate the optimistic vs. pessimistic video, boy, so familiar.

  34. Thank you Linda, that was another lovely post.

  35. The elephants! How I would love to have that man's job! Thank you, Linda! Great post.

  36. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I love the elefants

  37. Awww... I loved seeing the little elephant having fun .... I noticed the bigger ones staying on the downstream side of her to keep her safe throughout the whole thing.... elephants are so clever aren't they? ..... amazing creatures....

  38. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Various video are so interesting!



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