Monday, October 26, 2015

Mellow Monday and a New Poll!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! I have added a new poll, just asking you all if you prefer sunrise or sunset. You can always find my polls in the upper right hand column of my blog! Thank you so much for taking the time to vote in my polls!  :)

The videos I have chosen for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Junior the Therapy Cat is a Purr-fect Visitor for Salem Hospital Patients

What is Alzheimer's Disease?

Mobile Phone Black Light - Halloween Party Trick

How to Make Exfoliating Soap

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

You hold the tools to carve your own fairy tale...a grateful heart opens the eyes to the magic that's all around you.

Don't let past ghosts spook away present gifts.

Did you know that negative emotions can create a nervous system chaos, but positive emotions do the opposite?

You can never win an argument with a negative person.  They only heart what suits them and listen only to respond.

Close some doors.  Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance...but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.

I will recover, because I know I'm stronger than this.

When are you going to rake?  All this crunchy is ruining my stealth.  :)

Everything is awesome.

Whether you are more of an extrovert, or more of an introvert, give yourself permission to just be you. Stop beating yourself up.  Don't compare yourself with what you think is supposed to be "normal". You are totally normal and you are totally unique, just as you are.

Hi friend, I think you're positively ("paws"itively) wonderful.  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Que c'est beau!
    J'aime tout ce que tu offres Linda. C'est superbe!


  2. enjoy your week, love you. yes, you can enter my book giveaway. winners will be announced on Friday, love you.

  3. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I always enjoy your post. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  4. Yes, like they say, "It's all in the head!" Think positive, don't let those negative emotions ruin your life.

  5. Linda, Did you watch the movie "Still Alice" about Alzheimers?

  6. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Milk tasting is very funny Linda, I wish you a good day.

  7. The cats are sweet.
    Soap, that is easy to do...

  8. PS...Linda, where will I find what you mentioned on my blog please?
    I see no where to search :)

  9. Hello Linda!:) I'm all for animals visiting patients in hospital, and retirment homes. Animals do seem to know when someone is really poorly. I've just had flu, and my little Teckle never left my side, she licked my face and hands every so often just to say I care that you're not feeling well. So Sweet! Thank you for another entertaining post, and have a good day Linda.:)

  10. I truly feel honored that you entered my giveaway, bless you.

  11. bonjour Linda, merci d'être passée!
    j'ai mis ton lien sur ma liste de lectures, ainsi ça sera plus facile de visiter tes posts!
    bonne journée, je parts au travail...

  12. Gostei dos vídeos.
    Um abraço e uma boa semana.

  13. halloween arrive!
    ici on a beaucoup d''oies du Canada et des égyptiennes aussi , elles aiment la Belgique :)
    bisous et belle semaine

  14. altzheimer.. une terrible maladie Linda

    "meanwhile in Canada" a ma préference


  15. i chose sunset for this week's poll ... cos i usually don't wake up early enough for sunrise, heh! :)

  16. Hello, I enjoyed all the positive sayings and quotes. a great post, thanks for sharing. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  17. Good morning, dear Linda! I enjoyed watching the report on Junior the Therapy Cat. If I ever require hospitalization I would welcome any kind of animal visitor to my room - dog, donkey, cat - you name it. Animals spread joy and lift us out of our dark moods and depressed states. It was disturbing to follow the steps in the breakdown of the brain caused by the dreaded disease Alzheimer's. I appreciated the tutorial on making exfoliating soap. I make an abundance of coffee grounds every day and could put them to good use in bars of soap.

    Thank you, dear friend Linda!

  18. I chose sunrise, although where we live, we can't see either! But there's something nice about being up before the rest of the world, sipping coffee while watching the sun come up!

  19. meanwhile in canada is always so fun:)

    1. Dear Linda the perfect post for Monday. Loved seeing Junior the therapy cat. The" paws"itively wonderful picture . Visited Este Macleod' s site. Just love her whimsical style. Thanks for making me smile. Hugs

  20. Linda, I love both the sunrise and sunset. But I can only vote one. Love the cats!

  21. Beautiful quotes Linda. I don't think that everything is awesome :) There are few things that aren't nice :) Wishing you a lovely day! Liuba x

  22. Happy, Happy Monday Linda... I hope it is a great week. I love that quote about knowing I will recover because I am strong xox

  23. I can't believe how much I had to think about the poll. I actually love both sunrise and sunset for different reasons. But I think I love the stillness of the morning more. :)

  24. I agree with Nancy Chan, even though I chose sunrise. If I could it could be 50% each.
    I loved the Canada one about the bear caring the garbage can.
    Have a wonderful Monday Linda. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  25. I enjoyed the videos and quotes. I voted in your new poll for sunset but I do like them both. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Madeline

  26. You've got to love those Meanwhile In Canada pics, particularly the kitty. I prefer sunsets, probably because I see more of them.

  27. Pumpkin spice ....hahahahaha.

  28. Hello Linda

    Cats are adorable. In my country, there is no tradition of Halloween.
    As always, great post.
    Have a nice, happy week.

  29. I voted in your poll.

    Loved the gag.

    Loved the service cats. I linked you to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  30. halloween is comming, it's not really popular where I'm living, enjoy your Monday Linda

  31. A wonderful selection. The therapy cat also has magnificent whiskers.

  32. Bonjour ma belle Linda, que du beau comme toujours, merci! Bise et bonne journée toute douce!

  33. What a great post, always enjoyable! Thanks Linda :)

  34. Happy Monday, Linda! I chose sunrise, because I love the morning! It's my favorite time of day, because the day is still ahead of me and filled with all sorts of possibilities! I always get a chuckle out of "Meanwhile in Canada." Loved today's and yesterday's. The "Keeping up Appearances" in yesterday's post was hysterical! We used to take Mom's dog, and sometimes her cat, to visit her in the hospital. It's amazing how much that meant to her and them. Hugs!!!

  35. Great, Linda, as always !
    Nice soap !

  36. Great quotes today! I especially like the one about arguing with negative people.

  37. I think the bears in my neighborhood are learning to carry away trash cans and they are practicing on mine:(

  38. Hello my dear,
    I love your posts! Today my favorite clip is about the Cat Therapy: My mother is 89 and bedridden; she lives in a nursing home and would love this visit very much! She is always very pleased when my brother comes with his dog! (Fortunately, that is allowed!)
    Lots of hugs, Traude

  39. thanks for the nice and interesting posts.
    I´ll wish you a nice week :-)

  40. YES too much pumpkin spice! And can't believe how close the poll is....

  41. Such a sweet therapy cat! I think I'd like a visit from him if I were in the hospital.

  42. Lots of interesting and entertaining content. Thanks!

  43. A bear taking out the trash. Love it.

  44. your blog is pawsitively adorable!

  45. funny one with the bear

  46. The cat is so smart. I like the quote about closing doors to people that lead to nowhere. So true.

  47. Hi Linda

    I prefer Sunrise rather than sunset as by sunset I would feel tired. At sunrise I can do a bit of gardening. not compare. In life we tend to compare people against each other. Not very good

  48. I like today's 'Just for laughs' my kind of trick!
    Mean while in cute sentiment from a cat.
    I really appreciate the Alzheimer video. I hope I don't get it and I hope there will be cure in near future. I pray for those suffering from it and their family.

  49. Oh I so loved today's videos and quotes...and "Meanwhile in Canada" is brilliant!
    Thank you so much...:))

  50. I will always have a place in my heart for Canada with family there and a 3 year stint in Winter-peg. The vastness of the country is only comparable to the open-mindedness of its people.

    Oh the jazz places in Montreal. Incomparable!


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