Monday, February 01, 2016

Mellow Monday

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Hand Feeding Hummingbirds

Dinner Fork Door Lock

The Sole to Persevere

Here's to Today - Beautiful Alaskan Sunsets and Time Lapse Photography

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

If we are not fully ourselves, truly in the present moment, we miss everything. - Thich Nhat Hanh

It's your very own journey, live it how you want to!

Today, take the time to slow in the moment...appreciate your surroundings and celebrate all that is good.

Appreciate all that you have.

Today, know that the only approval you need to be worried about is your own.  When you accept how wonderful you are, your opportunities are endless.

It is up to you and only you to create the life you want, and to live each day surrounded by that which brings you happiness.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

My goal is to build a life I don't need a vacation from.

Take care of the land and the land will take care of you. - H. Bennet

It's impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case you fail by default. - J.K. Rowling

I am so stoked!  :)

I have this weird feeling that I forgot to do something.  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Très beau ce post ! J'adore !

    GROS BISOUS et bon début de semaine Linda

  2. Hello dear:-) What a beautiful video - Here's to Today, Alaskan Sunsets. Have a mellow February, Linda.

  3. As always -> nice, Linda !

  4. It's your very own journey, live it how you want to!

    Nice collection...

  5. The images from Alaska are awsome! And yes, I try beeing the change what I wish to see in the world.

  6. I've watched all the videos you've posted, my darling, and I'm still feeling in awe, they're all so amazing and lovely, even touching !
    Have a new week blessed with joy,
    sending love and gratitude to you

  7. je te souhaite une belle semaine , ici rien a faire il pleut il annonce 12° et du vent fort ... février continue comme un long automne

    "Si l'hiver ne fait son devoir
    En mois de décembre et janvier,
    Au plus tard il se fera voir
    Dès le deuxième de février

  8. Hei Linda! Ihania vidoita ja kuvia Kiitos Hyvää alkavaa helmikuuta !

  9. Magnifico, gostei.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Hummingbirds video is so warm!
    Fork door lock is nice idea, and
    The Sole to Persevere video gave me power!


  11. Beautiful sunsets...

  12. Hello, Hummingbirds and sunsets, beautiful simple things to enjoy! Lovely quotes and images. Happy February, enjoy your new week!

  13. Alaska.. des images magnifiques Linda


  14. Bonjour Linda,
    C'est vraiment beau le vidéo des colibris, j'adorais également les nourrir dans ma main!

    Gros bisous


  15. That weird feeling will come back to haunt them!

  16. The Alaska sunsets are lovely! And I like the quote about building a life I don't need a vacation from. Happy Monday!

  17. Beautiful sunsets and now I have to add Hand Feeding Hummingbirds to my wish list!

  18. Some video clips are unbelievable, the birds and the piano player.


  19. Great Alaskan sunsets video. Great post with lots of great quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful month of February. Madeline

  20. To build a life I don't need a vacation from --- it would be really great if I can accomplish that :-)

  21. Happy Monday Linda. .. I agree it is our journey and we need to live it the way we want. Wise words xox

  22. Wow, j'adore les petits colibris, c'est merveilleux! Bise et bonne journée dans la joie!

  23. Loved the hummingbirds. That was incredible. I linked you to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  24. Wow! I was especially impressed with the girl with no arms!
    What a positive post. :) Happy Monday.

  25. Shame about the sunroof but hey I don't need one in the UK! Feeding hummers in the hand would be real cool Linda.

  26. Thank you for sharing the Sole to Persevere video, Linda. So inspiring.
    Hope you're having a lovely Monday:)

  27. Now I want to feed hummingbirds.
    That young girl without arms is amazing.

  28. oh my goodness- hand feeding hummingbirds- wow!

  29. NIce collection as always Linda. I guess I have gotten old enough to have built a life I don't need a vacation from (since we are retired and doing just about what we want to do)... of course the downside is being really old ;>). (I do know what the poster really means -- be working at something you love ... we did that, but sometimes you do still need a change/vacation when you are working no matter how much you love the job!!

    I love the red blanket background you have on your blog now -- it looks so warm and cozy for wintertime!

  30. Those hummingbirds are just incredible creatures.

  31. Is that blood I see in the still on the first video? I'm too scared to hit "play!"

  32. I agree that sometimes, failure and rejections will make us stronger and better people. Thank for inspiring us this Monday.

  33. Okay....hand feeding hummingbirds?? That is amazing!

  34. I love hummingbirds and Alaska is just stunning!

    Very inspiring quotes! So important to remember to live in the moment and that we do have the power to make change happen. :)

  35. The hummingbirds were incredible to watch, Thanks Linda! Have a great week.

  36. Appreciate all that you have. < -- I do, and your friendship too. God bless you with a wonderful week, Linda. xx


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