Friday, July 15, 2016

Weekend Post

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

The Syncopated Clock - Leroy Anderson and His Pops Concert Orchestra (1951)

Unique Friendship Between Lioness and Baby Baboon

Forgotten Dreams - Leroy Anderson

Henri - Le Kickstarter

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Sometimes you can feel your broken places mending with just a simple hug.

Live life happy:  be dynamic, just like life. Innovative. Create.  Explore.  Never become stagnant. 

If you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse.

To make a difference in someone's life you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect.  You just have to care. - Mandy Hale

Happiness doesn't come from attaining luxuries.  It comes from attaining inner peace.

Please try not to judge how someone is dealing with a pain which you have not experienced.

It is time to let go of the people and things which are hurting you - even if it hurts you to let go.

People make time for who they want to make time for.  People text, call and reply to those they want to talk to.  Never believe anyone who says they're too busy.  Never force anyone to make time for you. Remember:  it's not about having time, it's about making time.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. I like the cat philosopher and the animal friendship. :)
    Hope you have a nice weekend planned. It has cooled down in Berlin, hope you are staying cool as well.

  2. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Unique Friendship is special and wonderful to see Linda. I wish you a very happy Friday.

  3. Ture! True! Check your pulse and if you are still alive, that is something to be grateful for!

  4. Belos vídeos.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  5. Hello Linda, love the lion and baboon video. The kitty is cute too. Wonderful inspiring words and post. It is a joy to read your post. Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Nice videos! Have a nice weekend Linda!

  7. Bonjour Linda,
    Je m'arrête devant chaque petite affiche et je vois ta gentillesse et ta sensibilité. Toujours des posts bien choisis. Belle journée. Je t'embrasse

  8. Adorable le deuxième petit vidéo :)

    Bisous Linda et bon week end


  9. Actually, I did not know that Henri had a book already! Time to search for a copy.

  10. Henri is irresistible!

  11. 'Forgotten Dreams...', hope we still can make them, Linda...

  12. Oh, such beautiful artwork!

  13. Great videos and quotes, Enjoyed the art also. I always come away with either learning something new or laughter. Your blog makes my day. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  14. Awww, on two of these. Huge AWWW.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend Linda. ☺

  15. I really found relief in looking at the video of the peaceful gardens ~ especially with the horrific event in Nice yesterday. And Henri made me laugh ~ which is good, because we can't give in to terrorists trying to fundamentally change our way of life.

    Two of the quotes really hit me. The first is about pain, and it's so true. My first husband, who was a quadriplegic, suffered with terrible flareups of pain in his body, even though he couldn't feel his body. He taught me a whole lot about living with pain. Everyone experiences physical pain differently, and sometimes emotional pain also impacts us physically. Having experienced both types of pain forcefully, I try to treat others in pain with compassion,

    The second quote was about making time for people. That made me stop and really think, because I've let a lot of more important things slip through the cracks this year. And you're right; it is a choice, conscious or not. So I wonder why I am so driven by by certain responsibilities and events to the exclusion of others which are really the important ones?

    Have a lovely weekend, my dear friend Linda!

  16. Leroy Anderson was a favorite of ours when we were first married! I really appreciated those videos. And the cat is charming but I'm not going to buy his books. Sheesh! Lots of good posters, too and the last painting by Raphael is mesmerizing!

  17. Love the video of lioness and baboon. So cute :-)
    And I love the art works by Jackie Dowell-Irvine. Especially the flowers - they are very pretty.
    Happy Friday and have a great weekend!!

  18. Lovely sets of videos and quotes. I especially liked the "forgotten dreams." Thank you for such lovely quotes and videos.

  19. Hello Linda. Your quotes and words are as inspiring as ever. Thank you once again for finding and sharing them. Enjoy your weekend.

  20. Have a wonderful weekend Linda! Thanks for your wonderful posts and encouragement :o)

  21. Hi Linda,
    I was a few days on holiday and am therefore much later than usual.
    I again enjoyed your videos. I love the video of Leroy Anderson and His Pops Concert. The video of the lion with the baby monkey was marvelous. The music and the great pictures in the video of Forgotten Dreams is fantastic !!
    I also enjoyed again the text spells. Thank you for sharing.
    Greetings, Helma

  22. I enjoyed the two Leroy Anderson videos very much.

  23. Tout beau!!! Bise et bonne soirée toute douce, ici c'est l'orage en ce moment!

  24. Je t'aime Henri!

    That is about it for me and French.

  25. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Thank you for your great selection!!
    Today I especially love 'The Syncopated Clock', and 'Innovative. Create. Explore.'
    Have a nice weekend, Linda!


  26. Hi Linda~I so enjoyed what you had to share with us in this post, thank you!
    My that "Forgotten Dreams" was wonderful, oh so peaceful and gentle in all it's beauty and the lioness and baby baboon was a delight to watch.

    Have a beautiful and blessed weekend, dear friend~~

  27. Loved the Forgotten Dreams video. Made me want to visit some nice walled gardens but there's very few left up here in our public parks after years of government cutbacks and bad behaviour.

  28. "If you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse." Love it!

  29. The Syncopated Clock reeled me in...our class danced to this song when I was in first grade. I still remember! Wow!

  30. Beautiful! I wish you great weekend!

  31. Thanks for visiting the Glasgow Gallivanter! I appreciate it. Some lovely images you have here.
    PS I am also 59 years young.

  32. Amiga Linda,un fuerte abrazo desde Andalucia,si amas a la fotografia,en mi blog,puedes encontrar algp


  33. The friendship between the lioness and baby baboon is so unusual. I agree, a hug can brings healing to the receiver. Have a beautiful day!

  34. To make a difference in someone's life you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care. - Mandy Hale.
    Liked this quote so so much. Now I can tell the people around in this fashion, of course by acknowledging Hale.

  35. Oh I am able to find my pulse.


  36. I just LOVE the syncopated clock and "Forgotten Dreams"...and all these wonderful quotes and artwork.

    Big Hugs xoxoxo

  37. Hello LInda,
    Nice movies. The clip with the lion is very nice.

    Kind regards,

  38. Forgotten Dreams...

    a ma préférence Linda

    have a nice weekend

  39. The friendship between the baboon and lioness is so touching.mits true that those who want to spend time with you will welcome you with open arms. Can't force it. It all has to be natural.

  40. It shows that friendship also knows no limits. Let's learn from this.


  41. Anonymous11:22 AM

    That's a great selection, Linda. Thanks for bringing smiles to all of us and have a fantastic weekend!

    Liesbet @ Roaming About

  42. Lovely post, Linda. My fave is the video with the lion and baby baboon. Thanks for the smiles. And thanks for your visit on my blog today, good to see you again! Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

  43. Thanks for sharing!!!

  44. now THIS is a very interesting blog! love the sentiments.
    thanks for vising my blog and nice to meet you.
    have a great week.

  45. Love them all!

  46. Thanks for sharing all these beautiful things. That friendship between the lioness and the baby baboon is so precious ....

  47. Sweet and inspiring I'd say.... thanks!

  48. Oh that baby baboon! Awww...

  49. Great choices, so nice and interesting!
    Happy Sunday!

  50. Anonymous1:50 AM

    it is a beautiful blog and enjoy it what I see here!
    Greetings Elke

  51. Wise and wonderful reminders across the board, dear Linda. I was especially struck by the message regarding checking one's pulse as a point to be grateful. I think that's a message that we, as a society, should instill in children at a very young age. So long as one is alive, there is always a great deal to be grateful for and to count amongst our blessings.

    Many hugs & happy Sunday wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

  52. Hello Linda,
    I have seen the video with the tiger and the baby monkey, some weeks ago. It is so lovely!
    Send you nice greetings,

  53. Excellent choices of music, nature, paintings, and inspirational quotes. The quotes especially resonated with me today!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and your good wishes. Your feelings about life and death are profound.

  54. What a great little friendship they have. Cool beans.

  55. Linda muy curiosa la amistad entre el babuino y la leona, quizás se quedo sin crías y lo encontró solo y lo adopto.


  56. Linda, your blog is indeed a peaceful place to visit. I enjoyed seeing all the works of art with such timely texts.

  57. A beautiful post, Linda.

    Reading this on a Monday is comforting though it is yesterday's post

  58. Hi Linda it's always a pleasure to visit your wonderful blog. Thank you so much!

  59. Love the beautiful treat for this week, dear! xoxo

  60. To make a difference in someone's life you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care. - Mandy Hale

    This is so true. A little care goes a long way. Thank you for the reminder, Linda. :)


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