Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekend Food for Thought

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Rats Show Kindness Toward Strangers

Victor Borge and the Opera Singer

Relaxing Nature Scene - Sunlight in the Forest over Calming Bird Sounds

Relaxation Music of Harmony and the Ocean for Stress Relief and Relaxation

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

It's not about out shining others.  It's about letting your light shine bright enough to help those feeling lost find their own way back.

I over analyze situations because I'm scared of what will happen if I'm not prepared for it.

Our wealth lies not in what we have but in what we enjoy. - Unknown

To all the people who are loving and kind to me, thank you for the sunshine you bring into my life. - Brigitte Nicole

What do you do for a living?  I breathe...

There's one in every family.  :)

Those we love don't go away.  They walk beside us every day.  Unseen, unheard, but always near.  Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Coffee should be its own food group.  :)

A woman is beautiful when her passions define her more than her looks.

When you become calm and serene on the inside, the world becomes more calm and serene on the outside.

If there only was a vaccine to end meanness.

You can only see others as clearly as you see yourself.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. So inspiring! Thank kyou.

  2. Ahhhhh!!! Victor Borge. He's so funny!

  3. Good morning Linda,:) I'm listening to the beautiful bird song in the forest as I write this, after laughing at the Victor Borge sketch,... he is a funny comedian and always makes me smile. Curious info about the rats, and lovely quotes, and art work. Thank you for sharing, and have a wonderful day.:)

  4. Sunlight in the Forest and Relaxation Music videos are wonderful Linda. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Lindo, belos vídeos, gostei de ver.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  6. Lots of positivity and creativity! Many thanks for sharing all of these! A very good day and weekend, as well!

  7. Hello, Love the videos. The sounds of nature is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the inspiring words. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  8. une belle publication Linda

    j' ai un faible pour la quatrième vidéo

    hav a nice weekend

  9. Merci à toi pour tous ces charmants posts. C'est toujours un plaisir.
    Bon vendredi Linda

  10. Have a wonderful weekend! That 'over analyzing' poster sums me up pretty well. :)

  11. Loved the relaxation videos...I am very much into video's and CD's of this kind.
    The lovely sentiment about those who have passed away, truly touched my heart.
    Lovely always 🍁

  12. Love Raphael Vavasseur Art!

  13. Very neat about the rats. I learned something new. Thanks.

  14. Very good videos and the quotes were great. Nice art work. Have a blessed day and a wonderful week end.

  15. Happy Friday morning, my special Montreal friend! Loved the videos, loved the quotes! Our wealth truly is what we enjoy, even if it's something simple and free, like sunlight sparking on water or birdsong. Have a lovely weekend! Sending you a big hug and lots of love!

  16. Yes, I wish there was a vaccine to end meanness too.

  17. Interesting about the rats. I didn't know this.

    I loved the ocean video. So very relaxing indeed. I love to fall asleep listening to the ocean.

    Have a blessed day Linda. ☺

  18. I love the quote "wealth lies not in what we have but in what we enjoy." Wealth in heart is very important!

  19. Hi Linda! I forgot how funny and deadpan Victor Borge was. Such a fun video. The image I really connected to was the one about overanalyzing. I am so guilty of that. Maybe I should learn to live with surprises!
    Have a great weekend,

  20. Bon week end Linda



  21. Love all the quotes you shared here Linda.

    Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

  22. I always love to read the quotes, I find them quite inspirational.

  23. Dearest Linda,
    thank you for another post refreshing my soul, filled with so much love and wisdom !

    So very grateful for your so welcome words of solace
    I'm sending blessings of joy on your weekend ahead and on your Fall

    Xx Dany

  24. Hello Linda
    Beautiful post. I love the sounds of nature.
    Have a nice weekend:)

  25. 'Thank you for that sunshine too(...)', Linda.

  26. I like the study done on rats. Humans show kindness, too. Unfortunately, not on enough occasions. Victor Borge was always a favorite of mine...I guess I liked his snarkyness! :) Another wonderful post with many posters which speak to me and which I found helpful. Thanks much and I wish you a super weekend!

  27. It's been awhile since I've seen anything by Victor Borge!

  28. Quel beau billet Linda, superbe! Bise, bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  29. Always like Victor Borge and A woman is beautiful when defined by her passions. I know a few of those and they are irresistible.

  30. It is so nice to relax to music ... or the sound of nature, and your choice of video's certainly supplied this, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  31. Happy weekend, Linda xx I love the picture of the two cats close to each other. It gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. ^^

    It's not about out shining others. It's about letting your light shine bright enough to help those feeling lost find their own way back. <-- I hope I'm doing enough in this department. ^^

  32. That is very cool about the rats. Thank you for sharing it.

    How are you doing, Linda?

  33. Victor Borge was one of a kind. I love the line about "Joe Green." :)

  34. Relaxing Nature Scene - Wonderfull! Thank you!

    Have a great weekend, dear Linda!

  35. nice videos! Have a good weekend, Linda

  36. I like this quote, "Our wealth lies not in what we have but in what we enjoy." Wealth is the little things that we get to enjoy and share with others, not what we have accumulated." Have a wonderful weekend!

  37. Funny owls.


  38. Nous revoilà en plein week end!
    Gros bisous

  39. It's nice to unwind listening to the relaxing tunes. Happy weekend, dear! xoxo

  40. Muy lindos. Besitos.

  41. It is always best to show kindness toward others especially to strangers. Have a wonderful weekend.

  42. The relaxation music is very nice, I like

  43. Oh thank you Linda! I loved the rats video and very much enjoyed Victor Borge and the opera singer as well. I had heard his name around but never really seen or heard any of his comedy and it was delightful. Thank you for lifting and lightening my spirits today :o) Love and hugs!

  44. So cute! Where do you find these adorable sayings and pictures, I love them!

  45. I love relaxing music! The sound of the sea is really wonderful!
    Happy weekend !

  46. I wonder if we could hire some of those rats to teach a thing or two to Donald Trump. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  47. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Thank you for great quote, Linda!
    "Our wealth lies not in..." is best for me today.
    I will keep it in mind :)


  48. Found the rats video very interesting as similar tests have been carried out with humans years ago and much the same findings occurred. You can see it all around in communities today where people used to living in diverse mixed groups like New York or London get on with each other far better, more or less, than mainly segregated groups where fear and distrust take over when any newcomers arrive into their midst. We are not that different after all :o)

  49. Oh boy! I relate to the over analysis of situations! I know that I think too much, but even though I try to talk myself around it, those thoughts keep popping to mind.

  50. I love those rats, Linda!
    As a child, I used to keep rats as pets...and they were so affectionate.:)
    I really like the quote about not outshining others. So, so true!

    Have a fabulous Sunday.:)

    Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  51. Oh Linda, another winning post. Aren't those rats amazing. Enjoyed each and every video and loved the wise words and illustrations. Thank you my friend and happy Sunday to you.

  52. Hi Linda! Thanks for stopping by Ocala today and for your nice comment. Hope that you are enjoying this Sunday!

  53. Ha ha ... like that one .... What do you do for a living? I breathe...

  54. I love those rats! Beautiful and so meaningful, your posts are! Big Hugs! I hope you had a great weekend!

  55. It's not about out shining others. It's about letting your light shine bright enough to help those feeling lost find their own way back.

    Yup! Really love this one. It's not a competition. ;)


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