Friday, September 30, 2016

Weekend Things

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

What Happens When You Put a Hummingbird in a Wind Tunnel? - Deep Look

Pygmy Seahorses: Masters of Camouflage - Deep Look

Gramophone - Rowan Atkinson

1956 Computer Commercial (I was born in 1956 and found this quite fascinating!)  :)

An Eco-Yacht with an Underwater Home

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

No one is immune from addition:  it afflicts people of all ages, races, classes and professions. - Patrick J. Kennedy

There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear.  Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable. - Christian Nestell Bovee

Count your blessings, not your obstacles.

When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others. - Dalai Lama

I cannot control all the thoughts and emotions that go through me, but what I can do is not judge myself for them. - Yogi Frog

Laugh with your eyes, hug with your soul and smile with your heart.  Have a blessed day.

Sending good vibes.

You can and will get through this.

Don't focus on who let you down.  Appreciate who lifted you up.  Don't focus on who darkened your days.  Appreciate who brightened them.

You don't gain anything from stressing.  Remember that.

Your words and actions not only influence your mood, but the moods of all who cross your path.  Speak lovingly.  Do lovingly.  Be a messenger of love.

Don't do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. I really appreciated the quote:
    There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable

    That's good to remember. Also the "Be a Messenger of Love" quote reminded me of the song Happy Tracks

    Great post, Linda. Thanks!

  2. Isn't it amazing the computer advances that have occurred in the last 60 years? Now we can carry a computer in our pockets! Incredible.

  3. Found all these videos very interesting Linda. I loved learning about the hummingbirds and the Pygmy sea horses, the computers too, the funny video and that yacht, amazing! Always enjoy those wise words and illustrations. Thank you for taking the time it must take to do your wonderful posts. Have a great weekend :)

  4. I too was amazed with the advances in technology in such a short time. The quotes are always food for thought.

  5. I wonder how many today would know what a gramophone is. Would be a collector's item if one has one and it is still working. Precious!

  6. Hummingbird in a wind tunnel, is special and beautiful to see Linda. I wish you a nice Friday.

  7. Good Morning Linda. Yes, I'm back from Greece.

    Your top videos today are just wonderful. I thought the hummingbird story was fascinating as well as beautiful. And then I watched the pygmy seahorses to be astounded again - truly spectacular.

    The natural world just carrries on the delight and amaze me. Thank you for finding those videos for everyone to enjoy.

  8. Excelentes vídeos.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  9. Masters of camouflage - nature is absolutely incredible isn't it Linda. Happy Friday! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead. :-)

  10. Bonjour Linda.
    Moi aussi je te souhaite une belle fin de semaine. Je te remercie pour tous tes jolis posts. Ils sont supers !

  11. Interesting videos of hummingbird and pygmy seahorses. Great information.

  12. Hello, I love the hummer video. Your quotes and images are beautiful. I am always grateful. Thanks for sharing your inspiring post. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  13. Those hummers are so darn cute...and Rowan A is always a riot. I remember when computers first began to take over cash registers. I said they would never work! I didn't want some stupid machine counting up my tab! Boy, was I wrong about that! 😻

  14. Hi dearest hope you're having a great day!
    "You can & will get through this" really leaped out of the page today! It is just what I needed to hear. Thank you so much.:)
    Wow, all these wonderful quotes and videos are so inspiring.
    Yes, I needed these positive thoughts today...:))

    Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  15. Loved the hummingbirds. I learned a lot. We feed all the birds here and hummingbirds are our favorite of all the birds. Too precious.

    I want the yacht, but I don't have 4 million to buy one. It would be very cool to have though.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend Linda. ☺

  16. The eco-yacht is totally cool, Linda! Let's have fun together! xoxo

  17. Can never go wrong by reading the Dalai Lama! The man signifies peace and love, and he's always laughing with people.

  18. Gramophone..., can happen, Linda...

  19. I learned a lot from your videos. Great quotes and art work as usual. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  20. That hummingbird video is very interesting! They are such beautiful creature. I loved the eco-yacht video, too!

  21. très belle citation du Dalai Lama..Linda


  22. Your videos were all fascinating! And thanks also for the great selection of cards!

  23. Hummingbirds are always a favorite!!!! Thank you for sharing these wonderful quotes with us as well !!!!

  24. Very good videos ... and I think Count your blessings, not your obstacles is good advice.

    Good wishes for the coming weekend, it will be the first weekend of October!

    All the best Jan

  25. computers sure have changed

  26. Thanks for another great, heartwarming, encouraging post, Miss Linda! Lovingly, de

  27. Linda, We have hummingbirds and they are a marvel. I enjoyed seeing how they coped in a wind tunnel! The Univac commercial was a hoot... These days a smart phone can work faster and provide more data. As for an appropriate saying...that fits at least half of the American political scene at the moment...the bit about doing (or saying) something permanently stupid over a temporary upset seems to fit. Of course, that's only half of the sad story that is the American Presidential contest! As a Canadian friend asked me, "How can a country with 320 million people come up with 2 candidates who are so completely disliked? Life goes on... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  28. When I was little I wanted to own a seahorse!

  29. Amazing how computers have changed since 1956!

  30. Lovely mood in videos!!!

  31. Don't focus on who let you down. Appreciate who lifted you up. Don't focus on who darkened your days. Appreciate who brightened them.

    Very true... Nice collection...

  32. wow loved the diversity of your amazing sharing but loved the bird most

  33. Pigmy Seahorse is so cute and it’s interesting to know how they get colors to be well camouflaged. In Japan Seahorse is called “tatsu no otoshigo” literally meaning “dropped child of dragon”. Perhaps named after its mysterious shape which makes you imagine this; when a dragon was flying in the sky, he mistakenly drop his child into the sea, the child is tatsu no otoshigo.


  34. Perante tamanha beleza
    a Paz
    é uma certeza...(~._``````````O Mundo é que
    não anda bem na sua harmonia.

    Beijinhos de aqui dos Calhaus da Serra da Covilhã

  35. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Are you a knitter or handcrafter yourself?

  36. Hello! Thank you for your visit to my blog! I LOVE the hummer video. I sure wish I had tons of them around my feeder. My little guys have all gone south, but I do have visitors that stop by now and then. Glad I still have my feeder out-it's cold here now!

  37. El camuflaje siempre se uso como medio de supervivencia a n mundo hostil.
    Los pensamientos como nos tienes acostumbrados muy acertados.


  38. The Seahorse is so precious good Video Linda.
    Thank you for your comment on my post.
    Best Wishes Linda.

  39. Hello. Really stunning videos. A joy to watch. Greetings.

  40. Hummingbirds and seahorses are amazing!

  41. I love hummingbirds. Great clip.

    Greetings from London.

  42. I love the quote: "count your blessings". I thinking that I can's count them as I have too many and I am so thankful to God. Wishing you a blessed weekend! Liuba x

  43. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I saws young Rowan Atkinson for the first time!
    He was so cool !!!


  44. Sending you good vibes. Enjoy the weekend.

  45. Hummingbirds... another one of nature's wonders

  46. Hi Linda, really appreciating the comments today. Very uplifting and wise words. Xx

  47. Linda,
    movies are fantastic.
    I love your blog.
    Happy week:)

  48. Your videos are fantastic ! It's always fascinating to watch the hummingbirds !!
    Happy Sunday !

  49. Hi Linda -- thanks for the comments on the recent pictures I posted from my Canadian vacation! Great stuff here and I'm another hummingbird fan!

  50. Linda, I missed seeing your post, promise to be active again. Some beautiful, inspirational quotes again!

  51. Hi Linda! Thank you for your 'good vibes'! I always get them here at your peaceful place.
    Hope you had a great weekend :)

  52. Oi Linda, bn!
    Post lindo, os vídeos são maravilhosos. Parabéns por mais essas belas escolhas!
    Bjsss amiga e uma semana abençoada p/vcs

  53. Treasure Trove! Thank You

    Warm ALOHA to You,

  54. Hi, Linda!
    I particularly like the graphics about words and the one about addictions because anybody can benefit, they apply to all! Wishing you a great week, my dear.

  55. Will try to remember about not stressing...especially this week..exam week

  56. Thank you Linda! Big Hugs and Much Love!

  57. Rowan Atkinson looks so young there. If I'm not mistaken, the customer is played by Mel Smith.

  58. My favourite in this post:

    There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable. - Christian Nestell Bovee

    Very true!

  59. Hummingbirds are quite fascinating. They're like helicopters. They can hover around unlike other birds :)


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