Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday Wonders and a Canadian Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadian friends and readers!  Oh, and if any of you know why we celebrate Thanksgiving in October and why our U.S. friends and neighbours celebrate it in November, please feel free to share.  I have always wondered about this!  Thank you all so much, and hugs and love to you all!  :)

The videos I have selected for this post are:

Upper Room Mission's Thanksgiving Dinner 2012, Feeding the Homeless and Less Fortunate of Vernon, British Columbia, Canada

Nature's Mood Rings: How Chameleons Really Change Color - Deep Look

Baby Fox Completely Tangled in Football Net

Anxiety and Depression:  How to Relieve a Stress Headache

Use Yoga to Soothe Pain and Sleep Better

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Thinking positively isn't about expecting the best to happen every time, but accepting that whatever happens is the best for this moment. - Author Unknown

Be gentle with your heart.  Be clear with your intention.  Be strong with your faith.

It's always too early to quit. - Norman Vincent Peale

The shift from incoherence to coherence can bring dramatic effects:  a 60-watt light bulb whose light waves could be made coherent as a laser, would have the power to bore a hole through the sun - from 90 million miles away. - William A. Tiller

Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you received, only what you have given. - St. Francis of Assisi

Each day brings new dreams and renewed hope.

Crisp air...cozy sweaters...changing leaves...and warm drinks.  I love autumn!

Hard times will always reveal true friends.

One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you wanted to do.  Do it now. - Paulo Coelho

You don't need anyone in your life who doesn't want to be there.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Thanks for reminder. When I lived in Canada we celebrated this occasion with much fanfare and good cheer. Here's an interesting piece from Wiki.

    Always refreshed by your postings.

  2. 'Each day brings new dreams...', hope it for you (too), Linda !

  3. Hi Linda, thank you for visiting my P&P Place blog and for leaving your nice comment. I never new of the Dodo's extinction until I researched for my little poem. Poor things, so gullible.
    I like your groupings of snippets. My favorite is the "crisp air and cozy sweaters" follow by one of Raphael Vavasseur's works with a cat or two.

  4. Oh yes, we celebrated an enjoyable Canada's Thanksgiving one year while staying in the East Township. My camera broke that day and they were having a 'Black Friday Sale' on cameras so I bought a new one. We also ate at a restaurant there which was written up in the Gourmet magazine.

  5. It's Thanksgiving? You have turkey? We do not celebrate it here, just Christmas so we have turkey for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Chameleons are special animals Linda, a beautiful video. I wish you a happy new week.

  7. We do not celeberate thanksgiving in Finland, but at school we read about it in our english books.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for the videos and lovely quotes!

  9. Crisp air...cozy sweaters...changing leaves...and warm drinks. I love autumn!

    I love Autumn too... :)

  10. Belos vídeos como sempre.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  11. Sweet Linda, you are a rare and wonderful gem of a person. Thank you for the gift of your blog, which brings so much joy and inspiration to countless folks around the world the whole 'year through. I'm very grateful for it and always enjoy (and am inspired by) my time spent here.

    Wishing you and all of your loved ones a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving.

    ♥ Jessica

  12. This post made my day happier =)
    Thank you ;)

  13. C'est ma fête préférée (nous ne l'avons pas en France ... dommage peut-être que les gens râleraient moins !)
    Belle journée à toi

  14. This one expresses my sentiments about fall: "Crisp air...cozy sweaters...changing leaves...and warm drinks. I love autumn!"
    Our summer has been so hot that I welcome these cooler days and nights!

  15. I like the to quit one

  16. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda! I'm leaving the same comment here that I left on another Canadian blogger's post. I hope you're also enjoying beautiful, autumn weather today. Over the past few years, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday...topping Christmas, because it's not about commercialism, it's about people getting together to share a meal. I love all of the aromas: turkey roasting in the oven, pumpkin pies and rolls baking, Mmmm! Have a beautiful day!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thanks for another great post!

  18. Hello Linda. Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing the videos and the wonderful quotes. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving Linda

    et j'aime bien le travail de Raphael Vavasseur

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda.
    In my country there is no such holidays.

  21. Here's a link on the differences on Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving in America vs. Thanksgiving in Canada

    Awww on the fox. I linked you to Awww Mondays. What a nice thing they did stetting that little cutie pie free.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ♥♥♥

  22. Wonder if foxes are still hunted in England; they are such pretty animals! I came face to face with one once, while sitting near a wooded area...we stared at each other, and both ran away!

  23. Happy Thanksgiving Linda. Another great post of great videos, quotes and art. Hope you are feeling better. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  24. Happy Thanksgiving! I wish a wonderful holiday xoxo

  25. thank goodness the little fox was freed!

  26. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your fellow Canadians :-)

  27. We don’t celebrate it in the UK but I hope you had are having a very Happy Thanksgiving.
    I’m so pleased the little fox was OK. I had never considered a football net as a hazard to wildlife.
    I’ve wondered about Yoga but have recently joined a Pilates class so will do that for a while and then think some more about yoga.

  28. A very beautiful post, Linda. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  29. Don't know whether to post this as a comment or a private message, friend Linda ... so you decide ... just came back from Europe to visit family ... and thanx giving is always difficult for me because of my baby's death thanx giving 1986 ... hope, you are doin well so far with the days getting shorter and less sunlight? ... Always thinking of you ... Love, cat.

  30. Much food for thought here, Linda - thank you!

  31. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda!

    Hope you are having a beautifully bright and clear day, with just enough crispness in the fall air that is perfect for an afternoon walk, as we are enjoying here in Toronto today.

    What a lovely array of quotes. I especially like this one by St. Francis of Assisi; so true.

    Wishing you wonderful and whimsical autumn!


  32. Hi Linda!!! Lovely post.. I wish you a nice autumn.. Cheers..

  33. There is so much I could comment on in this post bursting with inspiration that I don't know where to begin. To spare you, I touch on just a few. "Be gentle with your heart" stands out, because I can be too harsh with mine. And the orange kitty with the depressed man. Wow~ I know just that moment! That images says so much. The coherence quote was amazing. I'm going to google HeartMath Institute in a moment or two. Thank you, my cherished friend, for putting joy, light, and forgiveness constantly out into the world. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Sending you love and hugs!

  34. Lots of great shares here. Thank you! You really touch a lot of hearts. Thank you for your kindness.

  35. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you, Linda! Love so much about this post and a couple of the posters really spoke to me, as did Raphael's kitty pictures...I think I'm going to go hug my cat now!

  36. Bonjour ma belle Linda, bonne Thanksgiving! Bise, bonne soirée toute douce!

  37. Happy thanksgiving.
    I do like the St. Francis of Assisi quote.

    All the best Jan

  38. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda! That is a beautiful video of the mission feeding the people a turkey dinner, warmed my heart! Also the video of the stress relief. No wonder I like quiet and naps and soft music. I think I would get many more headaches without it. I love St. Francis and enjoyed the quote you shared. You're the best. Sending love and hugs for a truly happy holiday.

  39. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda!! We always go around the Thanksgiving table and say what we are thankful for and today I am thankful for YOU!

  40. happy thanksgiving to you, linda! blessings to your home and family. i love the st. francis of asissi quote.

  41. I love the concept of Thanksgiving. I wish we celebrated it in Australia.

  42. Enjoy your special day!

  43. I don't know why we celebrate Thanksgiving early but I am glad we do. It spaces the holiday season out a bit.

  44. I'm glad we celebrate in October. Maybe, it is best to celebrate in October rather than in November because it will be too close to Halloween and Remembrance Day. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiivng Day.

  45. Wonderful post ....I wish I knew why we in the USA celebrate in Nov. whereas our Canadien friends in October....I look forward to the answer from one of your friends here!! Loved your quotes today!!!

  46. Linda, Thanksgiving was of course a celebration of the harvest that came over to North America from Europe. As for the dates our respective countries celebrate it, blame it on or credit to our governments. Your Governor General set the current date for the celebration in Canada back in 1957. In the USA, Abraham Lincoln set the date here way back in 1863.

    We have a number of food kitchens and food banks here in East Tennessee. The largest, and the one I support is the Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee. They do a great job and they are very efficient in both fund raising, food collection and distribution. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  47. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! May your holiday be full of blessings. xo

  48. Wonderful inspiring post!

  49. Yes, am living day by day. Hopefully will be able to do all the things that I want before ....

  50. No había oído lo de la celebración de acción de gracias en Canada lo de USA es mas conocido.
    Muy bonito el vídeo del cachorro de zorro.


  51. Darling Linda,
    I heartily thank you for another post just fit for me, it has just warmed my heart, sweet friend of mine !
    As for the reason why you Canadian celebrate Thanksgiving before than your brothers in the USA is because it is suppoused that the Pilgrim Fathers reached your coasts before than theirs, that's what I know ...

    Enjoy your week and happy celebrations to you and your dear ones, sending much love to you

    Xx Dany

  52. I hope you had a good one. I imagine it might be earlier as a statutory holiday because harvests tend to be earlier here.

  53. Hi Linda! Thank you for asking about the different dates for Thanksgiving. It was fun to read some of the responses to that in the comment section.
    It's finally getting to fall weather around here. Yay! The tree colors are not changed (unlike the chameleon) yet but at least it's not hot. I appreciated the meme's of fall and snuggling up with furry friends.
    Tuesday blessings,

  54. Dear Linda - wonderful video of freeing that sweet baby fox. You always manage to have something wonderful that touches my heart for the day. Thank you. Your quotes are awesome too. Hope you are having a wonderful Canadian Thanksgiving. I have no clue as to why we celebrate it in November and not in October with you. Take care and have a great holiday. Hugs!

  55. Perfect beginning - perfect ending (and everything in between). A belated Happy Thanksgiving, Linda!

  56. Found the chameleon video fascinating. Doesn't matter how smart we get we can still learn from the natural world around us.

  57. Anonymous8:13 PM

    The Cameleon video is so wonderful!!!


  58. Hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving! You have so many good quotes today...the "Be gentle with your heart. Be clear with your intention. Be strong with your faith" quote is a particularly good one, but I also liked the St. Francis quote and the one about it always being to early to quit.

    Blessings to you Linda! And thanks for another great post.

  59. We celebrate early here due to our seasons changing earlier and thus the crop harvest takes place earlier.

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  60. Isn't it wonderful to have a season of gratitude? If only we cultivated that same celebration of gratefulness for what we have and who we are all year long! Today I am leaving you with ((((((hugs)))))) XXOO

  61. Hey Linda! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!! Sorry I am so late coming around!
    To my understanding, our Thanksgiving has to do with the harvest, the crops from the farmers and I think the American's has to do more with the Native Americans and sharing the harvest with them. (I think)
    Another beautiful post!
    Big Hugs!


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