Friday, October 21, 2016

Weekend Walk

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Rescued Baby Elephant is Healing Thanks to Daily Cuddles with Orphaned Ostrich

How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood - Deep Look

The 1940's House - The Kitchen

Uncle Arthur - Bewitched

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

To're awesome.  You're needed.  You're alive for a reason.  You're stronger than you think.

The future can be better.  You have the power to make it so.

Someday, somehow, some way, you will find a path that takes you where you want to be.

I complete me.

Do not worry, my sweet one.  Often it's just when you're ready to give up that your miracle arrives.

Move at your own pace and remember...a single tiny step you actually take is better than any big plan left undone.

Keep your heart filled with gratitude for all you have today...there's so much to be thankful for!

There is no magic cure, no making it all go away forever.  There are only small steps upward;  an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that doesn't matter anymore.

Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things more clearly.

Don't watch the clock; do what it does.  Keep going. - Sam Levenson

Life is a journey and YOU hold the map.

Tend to your spirit as you would a garden and watch your whole life bloom. - Helen Russell

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Aw. Such a sweet story about the ostrich and the elephant. We humans could take lessons.

  2. Dear Linda

    I read your blog almost daily, it is an abundance of wisdom, funny or less funny videos, just as life plays. There is always something for me, with which I can identify.
    I just can`t decide what I like most ;-)
    Greetings from Austria

  3. Ekkkkkk!!! Mosquitoes! Didn't know they have so many needles. Shudders!

  4. I wish you a nice weekend, Linda! :)

  5. I do not like Mosquitoes Linda, they are nasty beasts. Have a nice weekend.

    1. I agree, Edward, and I don't know anyone who likes mosquitoes. Still, I found the video about them fascinating. :)

  6. Videos fantásticos.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  7. The one about distancing yourself to see things more clearly is so true. Often it's hard to really understand a situation until you take a step back. Have a fabulous weekend :-)

  8. I never realized 'til recently that elephants are very emotional animals and respond well to affection. The ostrich seems a bit out of place with the elephant, though. Love the 1940's kitchen...I reached high school in the 40s and it looks quite familiar. Those mosquitos are certainly blood-sucking good-for-nothings! Ugh! Bon weekend-a-tous.

  9. I love the quotes today. It's inspiring to see so much positivity

  10. Awww on the baby elephant and the ostrich. That's adorable.

    The 1940s kitchen. I'll pass. That's a lot of work.

    I loved Bewitched. What a great show that was.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ♥♥♥

  11. The kitchen, than..., wasn't it cosy, Linda ?!

  12. The ostrich and the elephant was a delight to see, such a lovely clip.

  13. Great videos. Love to watch baby elephant healing with friend ostrich. Bewitched was one of my favourite TV show when I was a kid. Over here we are fighting a war against mosquitoes.

  14. Hi. Great pictures and adorable the little elephant.

  15. Linda, We used to watch Bewitched all the time...did't miss an episode! They don't make them like that anymore! The video on the English kitchen during the 40's and WWII was interesting. I can't remember our kitchens during those years but in the early 50's we did have a house that still had an outhouse (brick 2 - hole affair) instead of an indoor bathroom. Among my collectables, I do have a USA WWII ration book... Love the elephant and the ostrich! Animals are so much fun and so unpredictable too... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  16. Cute and nice videos. Great quotes and art work. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  17. Love those encouraging words. I sure don't want to keep complaining about what I don't have...I definitely do "keep your heart filled with gratitude for all you have" :-)

  18. Bonjour Linda,
    Cet après-midi,je n'arrivais pas à te laisser un commentaire je ne sais pourquoi.
    J'ai bien aimé la vidéo du Bébé éléphant et les cuisines des années 40. Elles avaient un certain charme.
    Belle fin de journée à toi. Un beau bonjour de Haute Provence

  19. I always enjoy that cat art.

  20. Love that art...I just can't get enough of it!!!
    Always wonderfully, uplifting words and videos...thank you, Linda~

  21. Great Quotes! So much Inspiration :)

    Happy weekend!

  22. un blog bien chaleureux que le tien, j'y reviendrai

  23. Really like the clock quote about keeping going! And I tried your cough syrup recipe and found it delicious-bonus! Thanks again :o)

  24. I'd like to use this mosquito video on my blog and give you credit for finding it, if you don't mind. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi John, sure, I don't mind at all! Thank you so much, and I am glad you liked it and wish to use it as well on your own blog. Thanks, as well, for mentioning me, I really appreciate it. :)

  25. Oh the elephant and ostrich! That is so precious, I do wish more humans were more like that. : ) "Ask the animals and they will teach you."

    Such interesting things, wow, a 40s kitchen! the home I grew up in had an old kitchen.

    You sure find some interesting and sweet things Linda to share! I always enjoy my visit to the Peaceful Place.


  26. The elephant and ostrich were so cute!

  27. Coucou Linda, impressionnant de voir ces maringouins de si près... Superbes citations comme toujours!!! Bisou, bon samedi tout en douceur!


  29. Words of wisdom worth pondering over!

  30. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I saw the mosquitoes video for the first time.
    It was so amazing!!!


  31. Awesome video of the mosquitos Linda! Wonderful quotes!!!!! Enjoy the rest of the evening!

  32. An interesting friendship between an ostrich and an elephant, fantastic!
    Weekend full of joy I wish you, Linda!
    I hug you affectionately and thank you for visiting!

  33. These are nice, Linda. My favorite is "Someday, somehow, some way, you will find a path that takes you where you want to be." That one fits, my Dad was like that too. He was always asking me if I thought that he could be doing what I was doing, what ever.

  34. I so love me elephants, Linda Dear!

  35. Move at your own pace and remember...a single tiny step you actually take is better than any big plan left undone...

    Lovely collection...

  36. Hay Linda, love the first video so much...
    and I love the words of wisdom...
    Your blog is amazing!

    Big kiss from Marijke
    from The Netherlands...XXX

  37. A great post Linda. The videos are fun and interesting and always enjoy reading the wise words.

  38. Hello Linda, wonderful post as always! Thanks for sharing the video and inspiring words. Happy weekend to you!

  39. El vídeo sobre los mosquitos muy instructivo no sabia que solo las hembras serian las portadoras de las enfermedades.
    El de la cocina de los años 40 interesante en especial para aquellos que lo vivieron y los que no para saber que no siempre fue tal como lo conocemos hoy.
    El futuro si nos empeñamos todos realmente puede ser mejor.


  40. Oh, my word, I so love the video of the little elephant and that of the kitchen of the '40 ... stunning !

    Wishing you a most wonderful weekend ever, Dearest, Wonderful Linda,
    I'm sending my dearest love to you

    Xx Dany

  41. beau travail de Raphal Vavasseur Linda

    have a nice weekend

  42. Oh, that first video. How lovely!

    Greetings from London.

  43. Dear Linda - that orphan Baby Elephant video was so touching and enjoyed seeing the house of the 40's too. Things appeared so much different then...somehow we think it was a sweeter time and maybe it was! Hope you have a blessed weekend. Hugs!

  44. Some excellent picks here again, thank you.

    "Keep your heart filled with gratitude for all you have today...there's so much to be thankful for!" So true!

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  45. "Life is a journey and YOU hold the map." - I think that one is the winner today :) Greetings from Helsinki, Finland ! - Rita -

  46. Coucou Linda.
    Merci te ton passage chez moi.
    Je découvre un blogue plein d’humour, la troisième vidéo est connue chez nous sous le nom de: "Ma sorcière bien-aimée" à l'époque j'aimais beaucoup...
    Bonne semaine petite cousine du Canada, ☼ ☼ ☼

  47. Hi Linda. Those mossies are really scary close-up like that. I never liked them buzzing around my head but I like them even less now. Thank goodness we have birds to gobble them up.

  48. The elephant video moved me to tears, as most elephant documentaries do, friend L ... I also remember a film about 2 old circus elephant ladies meeting and recognizing each other instantly after being many years apart ... another film was about how the herd took care of a sick newborn ... Love makes the world go round ... smiles ... Always, cat.

  49. Bewithced, a new movie. Certainly the remake.


  50. how lovely elephant and ostrich!

  51. Hello there, I just wanted to say thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. ☺ God bless you.

  52. What a lovely blog, quotes and videos! I'm following you on Google and hope you'll follow me back at Saved by Grace. Thanks so much for your visit & lovely comment there.
    God bless,

  53. Fantastic post! Sweet greetings!:)


  54. We enjoyed the first video !!! It is very cool to see this baby elephant next to Ostrich !!!
    And we were very happy to read your comment on our blog !!!! Thanks for the visit !!!
    Have a great sunday Linda !!!!
    A meow of Frida and Sofia

  55. Hello Linda!
    What a delightful blog. I am so glad you came to mine which led me back to yours. What a find! I love the videos. Sweet story of the elephant. Nasty mosquitoes as you will know from mine. My son and husband have had malaria and my daughter was down for weeks with chickungunya. The side effects stayed around for two years and even now there are times when she goes into relapse. It messes with the immune system. We had a carpet sweeper like that in the 50s! And I remember ration books!!

  56. Linda, you know I just finished reading a book about attachment issues - children who didn't form a bond with a significant adult at an early age. The bond must be both physical and emotional. Looks like animals need their daily cuddles too. :-)

  57. I really enjoyed yes the 1940's kitchen! Very interesting.

  58. I got itchy from the mosquitoes! LOL! And, people look at me weird in the summer time, wearing long shirts! I am smart! I don't want those needles in me! LOL! Love the elephant and the quotes! Big Hugs!

  59. after watching the video of the 1940's kitchen, i'm off to google more images! I forgot in the 50's we had a bread box.

  60. Love the elephant and ostrich video. :)

  61. The quote about an actual small step being better than a grand plan really hit home. I used it on my blog post today and gave you credit. Hope that was okay. But who is Princess Sassy Pants? I don't have grandchildren, so I'm in the dark a lot.

    Happy Birthday next Thursday. We're going to toast you at lunch.

  62. To Dear Linda. Thanks to your comment on my blog.

  63. The future can be better. You have the power to make it so...... very true.

    The elephant ostrich duo - wonder why they didn't get any video of them together.

  64. Baby elephants are just the cutest! Grown-up elephants are cool too; we have much to learn from them.

  65. Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.

    It's is so true! Positive thinking yields positive results!


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