Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Mist

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Dangers of Skipping Breakfast - Nutritionist Karen Roth, San Diego  :)

Cats Take Naughty or Nice Challenge  :)

1940's Good Morning Song

This Wilderness School Moves Kids Away from Video Games to the Good Old Outdoors!

Sperm Whales 'Adopt' Deformed Dolphin

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. - Henry David Thoreau

The only way you are going to experience the beauty of life is to stop obsessing about what's wrong with it.

The acknowledgement of having suffered evil is the greatest step forward in mental health. - Stefan Molyneux

Surround yourself with positive people who will support you when it rains, not just when it shines.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

Don't worry.  Let every moment be what it's going to be.  What's meant to be will come your way.  What's not will fall away. - Mandy Hale

The quieter you become, the more you can hear. There is more to life than increasing its speed. - Gandhi

To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong. - Joseph Chilton Pearce

You can be your own best friend...or your own worst enemy.  Choose wisely.

I like people who can keep the conversation going no matter how random the topics get.

Sometimes it's important to look back...just to see how far you've come.

Be nice for no reason.

No matter how badly someone treats you, never drop down to their level.  Remain calm, stay strong and walk away.

Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.  Make it a good one.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. A delightful collection Linda - just the thing to start the week. Lots of smiles, thank you :D)

  2. Yes, be nice always, no need for a reason.

  3. Very nice selections, (as always!) Linda
    Hope you have a very pleasant week

  4. Cara Linda, guarda che ti aspetto per il brindisi delle nostre nozze di diamante!!! Ciao e buona giornata cara amica con un forte abbraccio e un sorriso:-)

  5. Hahahaha ... cats are often naughty! I wish you a good start of the new week Linda.

  6. belle citation de Mandy Hale.. Linda

    have a nice day

  7. I’m singing along to The Morning Song, (I was born in 1948 and easily recalled the words) while looking at the images. Good Morning Linda! I hope you’ve had a good day. xx

  8. We seldom miss our early morning breakfast. If only there are more Wilderness Schools for our young people. Good exposure and training too. Have a beautiful day, Linda!

  9. Wishing You Much Happy, Linda

  10. Hi. Funny dog video and cats are so cute. Greetings.

  11. Dear Linda!
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I am so happy, that you found me.
    Nice to see that wounderful video of the whales. I have a diving license and a big wish from me is, to see a whale :-)
    Many greetings to you from Andrea

  12. Cute cats, Linda, and lovely post!

  13. I love videos with animals☺

  14. Hello Linda, lovely words and images. I enjoyed the videos. Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  15. Dear Linda,
    very nice videos, most of all I liked the dog, maybe because we also have a dog at home and we all love him. By the way I'm always eating breakfast, every day. Can not imagine how someone can do without.

    Many greetings

  16. Hi, Linda! Fantastic grouping, as always. The whale video really touched my heart, and the gentle reminders to always see the goodness Life has to offer are always inspiring. I think we "get" out of Life, what we choose to see, and if we are strongly critical, opinionated, and negative, that will become our very essence! Thanks again. Hoping this week is especially good to you! love, de

  17. Be nice for no reason. Love that one!

  18. It's funny how one week the "experts" tell us we must eat a good breakfast. The next week, these same "experts" tell us we really don't need to eat breakfast at all. What's a person to think? :))

    Is that Mickey Rooney singing in the 1940s morning song? What a character he was.

    A famous person once said "Love your neighbor as yourself." Sometimes, as Salmansohn reminds us, we forget the 2nd half of that's impossible to "love" your neighbor if you hate yourself. [

    Wishing you a delightful week ahead filled with fun surprises, lots of love and much happiness.

  19. Thanks for your visit! Cannot wait to read thru your blog!!

  20. Be nice for no reason..absolutely!
    Too funny Linda..I found videos for a future post ..found 2 ..the 50's and 70's..the only one I could not find was the Easy-Off commercial about 25 yrs in a dirty oven..snow tonight!

  21. Hei Lida Hauskoja videoita kauniita lauseita
    hyvää alkanutta viikkoa <3

  22. Hello Linda,
    Very funny movies.
    So nice to see.

    Kind regards,

  23. Awww, the first two are my favorites.

    I linked you to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. ♥♥♥

  24. Dearest Linda,
    thanks most sincerely for this wonderful start of the new week, blessed be !

    Wishing you the best of weeks,
    I'm sending hugs and ever much love across the many miles

    Xx Dany

  25. Toujours de jolies choses à voir Merci.
    Je te souhaite un bon début de semaine.

  26. I got such a laugh out of that first video!

  27. Love the Vybe Source quote. You don't need a reason to be nice :-) Happy Monday and have a lovely new week! xo

  28. "Be nice, for no reason" Me likey!

  29. Once again I have enjoyed all the videos and great quotes. Have a blessed day. Hope all is well with you. Madeline

  30. Tout beau chère Linda!!! Gros bisous, bonne soirée toute douce!

  31. 'Surround yourself with positive people' -> thank you, Linda !

  32. Hello Linda! Darling videos, love the dog drinking coffee, so cute. The whales caring for their "baby", it seems animals do better than humans many times. The 1940s music is adorable, very cheerful! Very meaningful quotes too, every one of them in different ways. I hope you have a wonderful week!


  33. Hello Linda - I hope the new week has started well for you.
    Thank you for another lovely selection. I also liked the dresses that went with the 40's music!

    All the best Jan

  34. I especially like the idea of the Wilderness School for youngsters. It's sorely needed in this day and age...:)

  35. Luckily for the dolphin, they share common ancestry with those whales. At least they accepted him

  36. Linda, I am still laughing from the first video! How silly! In fact, the animal videos are always favorites. And I wish the Wilderness School had been around when I was a kid. It's probably more necessary nowadays...
    Love the quotes, as always, too!
    How do you do this? These collections are always so wonderful!!!
    Thank you, Linda.

  37. are sperm whales vegetarian? I found this video absolutely fascinating!

  38. Love the 1940 fashion but I sure don't have a figure like that.
    Coffee is on

  39. Another great post! Thank you!

  40. Thank you for your visit and comment on the blog, Linda!
    To have good health and happiness!
    Friendly hugs! :)

  41. Hello Linda,
    thank you for your visit and comment. Your blog is beautiful and interesting. Have a good time... many greetings from Germany... Dorothea :-)

  42. Another great post, dear Linda!
    Thank you and happy Tuesday!

  43. As ever great sayings. I managed to watch half of the missing breakfast video before everything ceased on me it looks very funny.
    The quieter you become, the more you can hear. There is more to life than increasing its speed. So true I need to slow down.
    Will be away until March after Thursday so will catch up on my return. Take care and keep well Diane

  44. Hi Linda!
    Όλα είναι φιλοσοφημένα και σωστά! Μακάρι να μπορούμε να τα ακολουθήσουμε!
    Ευχαριστώ πολύ!
    Πολλούς χαιρετισμούς

  45. Totally agree with the Wilderness School idea. If children grow up without experiencing the joy of the outdoors for themselves they will not value the natural world the same when they grow up or understand the need to preserve it for future generations. Already seeing a shift over the last few decades from 'what can we do to help nature?' into 'what can nature do for us?' at every level.

  46. Never drop down to the level of people treating you bad. That is so true.
    Have a good day

  47. I like the one about being nice...and the one about people who can keep conversations going on random topics. :)

  48. I'm loving the second to the last quotes. It's so true! Happy week Linda!

  49. We need more curriculum like the wilderness school!

  50. Isn't that whale adoption amazing? You find the greatest videos Linda, I always enjoy them as I always enjoy your posts. So good to be visiting again :)

  51. "Be nice for no reason." Wouldn't it be lovely if everyone practiced this? My favorite inspiration today, closely followed by "The quieter you become, the more you can hear. There is more to life than increasing its speed. - Gandhi." And, of course I loved the children in wilderness video! "How sad, but how true, when the narrator said, "... we have removed our children from the stream of life." I hope that you have had a great day, Linda! Sending you love and hugs!

  52. Perfect Linda! Really loved everything! Those naughty and nice cats really made me laugh! Big Hugs!

  53. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Your selection is so great, Linda!
    I shared that video 'This Dog Got a Standing Ovation on Her Adoption Day' on my Facebook!


  54. I love the Wilderness School concept. It reminds me of my childhood. We were always outdoors playing with friends. There was fishing, kite-flying and all sorts of stuff.

    You can be your own best friend...or your own worst enemy. Choose wisely. <--- these are wise words I'm taking away with me today.


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