Friday, June 23, 2017

Weekend Whispers

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Baby Helps Shy Dog Gain Courage

Here's Why White Noise Helps us Sleep

Vintage Old 1960's IBM Selectric Typewriters Commercial

Parrot Trapped Inside Burning House Yells 'Help' and 'Fire'

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds and the fiercest winds there is still beauty.

You know all those things you've always wanted to do?  You should go do them.

Your struggle is part of your story.

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. - Mother Teresa

We rise by lifting others.

Sometimes you have to leap first to discover that you always had wings!

You are precious...even if your halo's a little crooked. :)

Love is the energizing elixir of the universe, the cause and effect of all harmonies. - Rumi

Don't wait for inspiration.  Be the inspiration. - Nancy Rainwater

If you are firmly grounded in the present moment, the past can be an object of inquiry, the object of your mindfulness and concentration. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Every day is a new chance to be our very best. - Bryan Elliott

Distract the monkey mind from constantly giving you opinions, (judging things, comparing, complaining). Ask the monkey mind for a moment, to watch your breath.  It will calm it down and it will bring you back to the present moment.

Take it one step at a time, day by day, and be grateful for all the moments in between.

The more we genuinely care about others, the greater our own happiness and inner peace. - Allan Lokos

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Interesting and beautiful post, Linda. Have a nice weekend :).

  2. How cute video about the dog and the baby!
    Happy weekend, Linda!

  3. At a typewriter, my fingers were often between the keys .... hahahaha!

  4. "Don't wait for inspiration. Be the inspiration."
    This made me think of you, Linda. Thank you for inspiring us! ♥

  5. @Hope there were 'helpers', Linda, yesterday.

  6. I believe this to be true, Linda :) ---> The more we genuinely care about others, the greater our own happiness and inner peace. - Allan Lokos

  7. The shy timid dog finally has a loving and gentle family. Probably it has been through a bad time that caused it to be so shy and timid. Have a beautiful day, Linda!

  8. Kids and dogs are such a wonderful team! There are some lovely videos on the net on this subject.

    'watch your breath' is a great advice. Good breathing does a lot to our relaxation.

  9. Animals and babies - it's a winner every time. xo

  10. Hi Linda, lovely videos. Gigi the dog and the baby were so sweet! I remember this IBM typewriters. I didn't realize you could change the balls to get a different type of lettering.
    Love the quote" We rise by lifting others" So true.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Bellissimo il video della macchina d scrivere

  12. Hello, Linda! I love the cute shy dog video. I am so glad the parrots were rescued from the fire too. Great post. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  13. The baby and dog video was so cute. And now I'm feeling very "vintage" since I remember when the IBM Selectric came onto the scene. I used them in some of my jobs. They were a marvel.

  14. I have a typewriter like that, Olympia, but nobody sells the ribbon anymore these days. :(

  15. Thanks, Linda. I needed to know that I'm OK even if my halo is a little crooked! :) And I think that business about "rising" by helping others is right on. I remember when those Selectric typewriters came out - they were wonderful as I was typing in my job and in school. Maybe I'll try "white noise" tonight to see if that helps me sleep. Sometimes sleeping can be difficult, especially as one gets older.

    Hope you have a great day and a super weekend!

  16. belle citation de Nancy Rainwater Linda

    have a nice weekend

  17. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  18. It's wonderful that the dog found such a wonderful home with patient and understanding humans. A ventilator is indeed perfect to make white noise. I sleep better when the fan is running. Great videos and quotes, Linda!
    Have a happy weekend!
    xo Julia

  19. Today I especially love every quotes of yours, sweetest Linda, every post is a surprise and a masterpiece, believe me !

    Wishing you a most lovely end of your week
    with sincere thankfulness

    XOXO Dany

  20. Awww on the shy dog. What a wonderful baby to adopt and take care of. So precious.

    Loved the parrot rescue too. Smart girl that one.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Linda. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  21. Hello Linda and good afternoon!!

    First i want to thank you for nice reply on my blog..
    And so about your videos..I have to laugh about that old know here in norway old ladies are getting new license for driving cars with that kind of typewriter.They change their age lol....
    All in all very nice wisdoms words and cute videos Linda..i wish you a great weekend


  22. That last quote speaks to me. Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. Life is too short to be angry/sad/mean all of the time! Smile and brings sunshine into one's heart.

  24. Good morning, Linda!
    The dog and that baby - how sweet! In fact, your entire blog post warmed my heart (as usual). Thank you, Linda.

  25. As always beautiful sayings ans all so true. I think I have a permanently slipped halo, it is hard to keep it straight :-))
    Hope your weekend is a peaceful one. Take care Diane

  26. We truly rise by lifting others :)
    Have a lovely weekend

  27. Beautiful quotes☺

  28. The "broken tooth" canine video made perfect sense to me cuz that's how my beloved feline Theo has survived for 4 years now, friend L ... Much Love, cat.

  29. I remember learning to type on a typewriter like the IBM. Never thought it would come in handy, boy I was wrong.:) I love Mother Teresa'a quote. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

  30. Every day is a new chance to be our very best. - Bryan Elliott

    Very good idea. Worth to implement.

  31. Un gros merci pour ce beau partage chère Linda, c'est magnifique! Bise, bonne soirée toute douce!

  32. Hello Linda - can you believe it's Friday again! These weeks go by so quickly.
    Excellent choices again for us.
    I loved the baby and dog video and found the white noise video very interesting too.
    Especially liked the Mother Teresa quote.

    Sending my good wishes ...

    All the best Jan

  33. Un bel arc-en-ciel.
    Gros bisous

  34. Cute and interesting videos dear Linda!

    Selection of golden words is remarkable as always.
    Each is healing and constructive

  35. Bonne journée pour la St-Jean et merci pour tes jolis posts.

  36. The story about the timid dog and little baby was wonderful.

  37. Hey Linda! Hope you're enjoying the day! Very inspirational post. Esspecially the "Do the things you've always wanted to do..." I've already started my bucket list of things I'd like to do this summer!

  38. Linda, Very cute story regarding the baby and the shy dog. It's another example of the amazing effects of bonding. I'm not sure that our grandchildren would even know what a typewriter is! It's amazing that the female parrot picked "Help" from her vocabulary at exactly the right time and place! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  39. Great videos and quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend.

  40. Oh how I loved the baby and little dog video! That is the sweetest thing ever. It is so true, so many of our adopted pets were so different, but gained acceptance and developed quite a little personality. We have one little dog, Charlie. Our youngest daughter rescued him from the pound with her birthday money and he would wince with his little eyes when we would put our hand down to pet him, now he is so carefree and even appreciative of us. He has quite the personality now! : )

    I hope to catch your other videos soon, they aren't loading up today with our internet being slow.

    Love,love, love all the quotes, so much truth there, just so much truth.

    Linda, your blog truly is that Peaceful Place, and I enjoy visiting so much. In the last weeks it is such a joy to see when I am able what sweet things you have posted. What a breath of fresh air.

    You are appreciated friend, love, Amelia

  41. Lovely post, Linda. I hope you had a great week. Enjoy the weekend.

  42. Such a sweet video of the baby and the little dog, enjoyed all of them. A great post, thank you Linda.

  43. I remember all those things which I wanted to do.
    Today I will do one of them :)
    Greetings :)

  44. All great and vital reminders of how important it is to act and not only think, where are our dreams are concerned. We can, I imagine, be the inspiration.

    Thanks for sharing, Linda.

    Happy Sunday to you, my friend!


  45. El vídeo del perro y el niño muy simpático. De los pensamientos el de la madre Teresa de Calcuta una gran verdad.


  46. Have tried the white noise. It really works.

  47. I'm glad the parrot was rescued! Love the quote by Mother Teresa.
    Happy weekend, Linda!

  48. Liked the videos. I used to have a typewriter like that one. Still got most of the poems and short stories I typed on it around 40 years ago.

  49. Thank you, Linda! xx

  50. Thank you Linda! A great, thoughtful post! Big Hugs!

  51. OMG, little Weezy was adorable and so was her baby "brother." I remember going to business college and learning to type on an IBM Selectric ~ It was the newest technology, and it was fantastic compared with the typewriters I had grown up with. I loved the parrot rescue story too. You find the best videos! I'm with Rudi on the importance of love ~ Sending you lots, Linda!

  52. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I love the phrase of ''Be the inspiration" !!!
    That sleeping video is great, and I would love to sleep like it tonight :)



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