Friday, July 28, 2017

Weekend Words

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Cows Reacting to Live Music Performance will Leave you in Awe

Rural Midwest Farm Life in the Early 20th Century

The Jordanaires - Tattlers Wagon (1956)

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

I am slowly learning that some people are not good for me, no matter how much I love them. - Michelle K.

She feels more than you, you have to understand that about her.  She feels the edge and the details of things and when she gets close to someone, she feels their happiness and pain. - JM Storm

Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning, when you're trying to be everyone else's anchor.

What you allow is what will continue. - Unknown

Our opinions are what we'll be known for.  Our love is what we'll be remembered for. - Bob Goff

Sometimes what seems so right turns out wrong and what seems so wrong turns out right.  What do I call this phenomenon?  Life. - Charles F. Glassman

If I've learned anything in life, it's that you should tell people how valuable they are to you.  Not because they could leave at any moment, but because they're here now, and it's worth saying something from the heart.

Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind. - David G. Allen

To be kind is more important than to be right.  Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens. - Unknown

People who are not happy with their life will often try to start drama in yours.

Even the tiniest ray of hope is a very powerful thing.

Never put your children in a position where they have to choose which parent that they love.  It is emotionally damaging!

I relax and know that life supports me at all times. - Louise Hay

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Own what you did, make amends, forgive yourself and move on.

If we could see the world through the eyes of a child, we would see the magic in everything. - Author Unknown

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Wonderful consert for the cows, Linda! Music is a great thing.
    Happy Weekend!

  2. Nice to see and hear the accompaniment band from Elvis Presley. Have a nice weekend Linda.

  3. I love this! - "Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens." Have a delightful weekend, Linda!

  4. Love the quotes☺

  5. Hello, the cow and music video is cute. Thanks for sharing these inspiring quotes. Happy Friday! Wishing you a great day and weekend!

  6. Happy weekend and hope you have found a new place to live by now.

  7. Hi! Cows reacting video is very fun. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful quotes, dear Linda !

  9. Not only humans enjoy music. Cows knows how to appreciate and enjoy music too.

  10. Those cows were enjoying their symphony. Very well done.

    Love the family life in at the turn of the century. Life was hard work. Always chores to do and lots of them.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Linda. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  11. I always enjoy your collection of quotes!

  12. My horses seemed to like it when I would play my guitar and sing for them. Hadn't thought about trying it on other random animals. Seems like a fun idea for an appreciative audience.

  13. The cows seem to like the music!

  14. Very nice post. I especially enjoyed the last video. Great quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  15. I loved this post, Linda! There is so much that speaks to me in the quotations, especially the "Healthy Place" and "Inspired by Gratitude" (to be kind is more important ...) ones. I am highly emotional ~ off the scale on feeling and intuition ~ and some people find that hard to relate to and to understand. I don't think I've ever seen a quote about that. The older I get, the more important kindness seems as a human quality. In my "smile campaign," I've been focusing on elderly people who are often invisible. Have a great day. Start pitching and packing asap! That's something powerful I've learned. I'm keeping your living situation in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you a big hug and lots of love!

  16. Wonderful post! Now I can face the weekend.
    Thank you, Linda!!

  17. Lovely selection, Linda. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  18. Great post! I really liked the quotes and the video is adorable!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  19. Linda por aquí se dice aquello que la música amansa las fieras estas vacas así lo parecen o son muy curiosas.
    La vida no fue fácil en esa época en el campo en ninguna parte.


  20. If we could see the world through the eyes of a child, we would see the magic in everything. - Author Unknown

    A wonderful thought.

  21. Tout est tellement beau chère Linda, superbe!!! Bise, bon week-end tout plein de joie!

  22. Linda, Cows are surprisingly curious. My better half is forever having me stop the car on side roads so she can talk to horses, donkeys and cows. Cows and donkeys tend to come over and visit with her...with some horses being a little more independent. I wouldn't have wanted to live a hard scrabble life trying to provide for a family on 40 acres back in the olden days. I put up hay one summer and that alone was backbreaking work! We lived in the country and had an outhouse when I was in the 4th fun either! I agree...There is no doubt that some people that we love just aren't good for us. I can think of a couple relatives on both sides of our family that fit that profile...not to mention a couple of friends. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  23. Kids do have that unique ability to see the magic in everything, don't they? I think we adults mostly lose that as we age. We need to work at hanging onto it.

  24. I hope you have a good weekend and that something works out for you!

  25. The cow and the music video is great. Wonderful quotes as always.
    Enjoy the weekend Linda.

  26. Wow... love those black and white pics in Rural Midwest Farm Life (and the music)

  27. Hi Linda. Well now I have seen everything. I never thought that cows might enjoy music. maybe the farmer should play music to them and increase their milk yiels?

  28. "Even the tiniest ray of hope is a very powerful thing." So very true, I have a friend battling with cancer at present but she is so cheerful.
    As for here, still no answers and lots of appointments in August!!
    Keep well and take care Diane

  29. The music and cows are wonderful! Once my husband took his guitar out at a state park and started playing a sweet song and the deer in the forest came out in droves and just watched and listened! God's creatures are such feeling creatures. : )

    The midwest farm is great. It is so true, people just made things work and probably had a lot more joy.

    Ha! Love that song and oh boy is it the truth. Far too many tattlers til this day.

    Your quotes are fantastic, every one. They really hit the nail on the head. So many of them hit personally, and are actually very helpful reminders. Some people we have to love from afar right? My daughters and I have people who we had to stop speaking with quite so much because they would nerve us up so much. Things were quite one-sided

    Thanks so much sweet friend, you are a dear. Love what you are posting, such meaning here and many truths.

    A big ((((hug))) to you dear one.

  30. Hello Linda!:) It was so nice to see the cows being responsive to the music. You can tell that they were not only intrigued but actually enjoying it. Who knew!
    Mel likes to listen to music too, and the sound of my voice when I'm on the phone, and I have a friend who plays music to her hens,...she swears they lay more eggs since she started doing this.:) Great quotes Linda, I especially liked the Inspired by Gratitude ones, but there is truth in them all. Have a great weekend. x

  31. j'aime bien la citation de Charles F. Glassman..Linda


  32. The video with cows are just so adorable! Looks like they really enjoyed the music :-)

  33. Those cows are simply cool, Linda! Thanks for sharing! xoxo

  34. I love the quote about life (wrong and right). I have just said that to a friend :)
    Have a good Sunday

  35. Hello dear Linda!
    I liked Rural Midwest Farm, it reminded me my childhood.
    Happy Sunday!

  36. Those cows are so lovely. I love cows and used to work with them. Such sweet, shy creatures. Thank you for the kind words. you always post such poignant things. Have a great weekend. Xx

  37. I love you Linda you are doing AMAZING!!!

    thank you for enlightening my soul through your magical and very powerful uplifting quotes .Last one is outstanding

  38. Hi, Linda! Thank you for the beautiful messages and reminders today, and for caring about your followers so deeply. The cow video reminds me of our cows. They were always very curious and deeply intelligent. People who have not been around livestock don't realize how intelligent and emotional these animals are. AND FRIENDLY if given the chance. Wishing you a week of pure delight! hugs, de

  39. Great quotes and the cows are so sweet.
    Have a good weekend 🌼

  40. Oh Linda, I love so much your quotes and inspirations. I wish you all the best in the this week. Greetings!

  41. Great post Linda :) Thank you and have a great week.

  42. "Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning, when you're trying to be everyone else's anchor." This one has been especially relevant this past year - it's been a tough one on the home front.

  43. Thank you Linda! Some of these really spoke to me!
    "Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning, when you're trying to be everyone else's anchor." and
    "People who are not happy with their life will often try to start drama in yours."
    Big Hugs and just to let you know, I'm praying for you and your kitty!

  44. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Those cows look so fun listening music performance!
    I love the quote of real friend, and I would love to become like it for my friends...


  45. "I am slowly learning that some people are not good for me, no matter how much I love them. - Michelle K." <-- I've had to learn this the hard way. I am so much happier now that I've let them go.


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