Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mid-Week Refuge

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Handmade Gourmet Chocolate Bars

Resilient Puppy Drags Herself for Miles Until She Finds Help

Cat Completely Mesmerized by Bubble Timer

Take a Break for Relaxation - Soothing Classical Piano Music - Stress Management

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Keep your soul rooted in gratitude and your branches open to blessings. - Mary Davis

The sun is always shining, we just need to look beyond the clouds. - Beverley White

The road to healing often doesn't come quickly.  It took us a long time to get this way, it may take us a long time to un-get this way! - Cam Richmond

To know oneself, one should assert oneself. - Albert Camus

Life is a gift.  Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in.

Smile.  It triggers curiosity!  :)

The road to miracles is paved with gratitude.

Whatever life throws at you, even if it hurts, just stay strong and fight through it.  Remember, strong walls shakes but never collapse.

Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle. - Charles Glassman

You can't calm the storm, so stop trying.  What you can do is calm yourself.  The storm will pass. - Timber Hawkeye

Real beauty is not what the eyes can behold but what the heart can hold.  What we see with our eyes will vanish someday, but what we store in our heart will forever stay.

Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. - Salvador Dali

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. - Muhammad Ali

I must do something always solves more problems than something must be done. - Unknown

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. "Keep your soul rooted in gratitude and your branches open to blessings." Yes, be grateful always for every little blessing that comes our way. Give praise and thanks.

  2. Hi Linda, the puppy video really touched me tonight. So inspiring. I also enjoyed the relaxation music. It's always the right time to relax those tense muscles :-) Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week. xx

  3. Mmm..., Linda, chocolate (here) in the early morning... !

  4. Puppy Drags herself, is so kind and sad Linda. Fortunately, it worked out well.

  5. I love very much the Raphael Vavasseur art. Thank you for sharing, Linda!

  6. Good morning Linda!:) Such a sweet video of the plucky lame dog, with the most expressive face. I'm so glad it found a loving home. The kitty made me smile, looked almost in a hypnotic state.:) I didn't look at the chocolate clip, as I'm still on a diet, and have lost 6kilos this month,.... but I enjoyed every one of the quotes, and art work. Thank you for adding joy to my morning Linda.x

  7. Wow, 50 flavours of chocolate bars!!

    Almost Stylish

  8. "Keep your soul rooted in gratitude and your branches open to blessings."
    I know how much is important. It is not very easy for me . But i try to do it.
    Have a nice day :)

  9. Hello, Linda! Wonderful videos and quotes today. I always enjoy the inspiring words. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  10. Thank you for beautiful post Linda!

    the story of disable pet is really touching but at the same time great source of inspiration!

    wishing you a blessed peaceful and happy ,healthy life my friend!

  11. Lovely selection of videos again Linda. The puppy video really touched my heart. I am so glad there was a happy ending. It is always fun to see how things are made, especially chocolate. It was so very interesting to see the focus on the cat’s face, and the relaxing music was a lovely way to start my day. I always enjoy the wise words. Thank you my friend, I hope your day is a great one :)

  12. Great stuff to look at today. Loved the saying,Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle. Those words are so very true. Hoping that things are going well for you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. I love chocolate. I am glad the dog found some kind people to help. Ha ha the cat is so mesmerized by the bubble timer!

  14. 'Smile it triggers curiosity' is so true So often when I smile Nigel says what are you smiling at :-))))
    Thanks for the Raphael Vavasseur Art, you know how much I love them. They are so simple but speak volumes.
    Take care and I hope things are going your way. Diane x

  15. I love the suggestion to smile because it triggers curiosity. :)

  16. We all want to be kind, but are taught to fear instead.

  17. The cat and dog videos were great. Have a great day Linda and thanks for sharing this.

  18. Good selection of videos. Great and wonderful quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  19. beau travail de Raphael Vavasseur Linda


  20. The cat one mesmerized me as well. Wonder if the cat thought the things inside were alive and tasty to eat.. or not.

  21. Poppy is the best part of this post. What a wonderful and happy ending for a brave little one.

    Have a fabulous day, Linda. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  22. Good morning, Linda!
    Love happy endings - lucky puppy, lucky family!!
    Beautiful post, as usual. Thank you, friend.

  23. Happy Wednesday, dear Linda! I hope that your moving work is progressing well. Your videos were inspiring, as always. Those chocolate bars looked scrumptious. Good thing I haven't spotted them around here, because I can get into enough trouble with 86% cocoa and nothing else bars. It always amazes me what drive to survive some animals and people have when disabled. I'm glad that the puppy found a permanent and loving home. I wish I could be mesmerized like the cat or relax to a classical music video, but I'm not geared that way. Sigh! The quote "Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle" by Charles Glassman is so true. Everyone does struggle with something! Have a good one! Sending you love and hugs!

  24. Hummm je prendrais bien quelques barres de chocolat, j'adore! Merci pour ce beau billet douceur, j'adore les citations imagées! Bise, bon mercredi dans la joie!

  25. Hi Linda, what a great mix of videos today.
    I thought the music was very relaxing... lovely

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  26. The sun is always shining!
    Have a good day!

  27. I was completely mesmerized by cat who was completely mesmerized by bubble timer.

  28. The puppy video was a delight, such an amazing story. I am thrilled she has found her forever home.

  29. The kitty video is adorable.

  30. Anonymous11:50 PM

    I often see that chocolate, so I enjoyed how to make it on the video!!
    Today my favorite quote is 'The road to miracles is paved with gratitude'!!
    Thank you, Linda :)


  31. I love the cat with the bubble timer! He is completely mesmerized! (Rob)

  32. The sun is always shining.... I liked this one!
    : )

  33. Thank you for the beautiful stories and reminders, Linda! I especially like the thoughts about the storm - I often think of "riding the wind" during storms, and enjoy the deep intensity of how storms help Nature in every way - while we do not like the storms happening in our lives, somehow they always produce something beautiful afterward. I especially appreciate any "pruning" done by the storm. Wishing you a great week-end, Linda! hugs, de

  34. The puppy is the cutest ever☺

  35. Bonjour Linda,
    Tous tes posts respirent la gentille personne que tu es. Merci

  36. Much love ... cat :)

  37. Linda, I made a note of Compartes...that Los Angeles chocolate company. I could make my wife very happy with a couple of special chocolate treats! The challenge is picking the right ones out of 50 choices...

    Love the determined puppy story! Great folks took her in too... As for the 'catatonic' purring about a hypnotic effect! Love that relaxing tropical scene with the classical music... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  38. Thank you so much Linda! I loved those chocolate bars! Yummy! And, that kitty with the bubble timer, so darn cute! Big Hugs!


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