Saturday, October 14, 2017

A News Update

Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to you all!  Here is the link to my regular weekend post, I hope you all enjoy it!  Weekend Thoughts

As far as my upcoming move goes, I still have not found an apartment, but I know that it has a lot to do with my limited budget.  I am in contact with a great non-profit organization in my area, and I have to tell you that they are amazing, and I really appreciate what they are doing to help myself and others.

So I spoke with the director of this organization yesterday, and she has offered her help by asking a man who works for her to drive me around this Thursday to help me find a suitable apartment.

My stress level has been quite high, as you can imagine, and I have been crying, and my stomach has been "acting up" as in...a nervous stomach.  But thank God just knowing that someone has offered to drive me to places to look for an apartment is an immense relief to me.  I do not have a car and use public transportation, and this kind gesture will save me a lot of time.  I am feeling much better about the situation now, a lot calmer, and I also want to thank all of you for your kind words, your concern, your love and encouragement, and prayers and thoughts on my behalf.  

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I will be keeping the "Go Fund Me" link up on my blog for a while, perhaps until Christmas, and if any of you are able to donate something to help with this upcoming move, it is indeed appreciated.  As well, I would like to thank those of you who have already donated towards my move, I want you all to know how much your kindness means to me and how much it will help!  The Go Fund Me link is on the right hand column of my blog.

Thank you so much for listening.  I wanted to post this update so that you will all know my news.  I will post any updates as they become available.  Warm hugs and much love to you all!


  1. Hello Linda, I hope you find an affordable place soon. It is great that you have someone helping by driving you around. I will keep you in my prayers, that you find an apartment.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you have help, and I hope your search goes smoothly and that you are able to find a place this week. That will be an immense relief to you, I'm sure. Hugs!

  3. Nice to hear that you are getting some help. It's not easy to to use public transportation when you are looking for a apartment. I wish you all the best, Linda!

  4. je suis content de lire que tu as de l'aide Linda

    bon courage

  5. Warm huges for you :)
    I also don't have a car and I'm not unhappy because of that.
    Greetings :)

  6. Hope you find something 'Thursday', dear Linda. You never know...
    Think of you !

  7. I hope you have a solution very quickly.

  8. Glad to hear you will have some help getting around to see some apartments. I wish you the best in finding something that will meet your needs. Good luck Linda.

  9. What a wonderful person to offer to help you like that. Good luck!

  10. Wow, what a wonderful stroke of luck. Let's hope the luck continues and you find a suitable place asap!

  11. Low income housing is very scare here in BC. You have to wait years. I hope you find something soon.

  12. Linda I am so pleased that you are getting help. I am not surprised that you have not been well, stress levels must be very high. Your health is important and you need it to get through all this trauma. Take care and thoughts and good wishes are with you, gentle hugs Diane

  13. Sending good thoughts and wishes your way Linda. I'm really glad you've come across those kind people.

  14. I'm glad to hear things are moving in the right direction. Sadly, everything is linked to budget this way or the other.

  15. Linda, I am so glad that you have given an update. I understand how stressful everything can be. I am happy to hear that you have found a great organization. I know some of them aren't so helpful. You will feel much better with the added support of a ride. I pray you find an affordable place soon. xx

  16. Hope you find a house soon. A couple of anti acid tablets worked wonders for me(far more effective than chalk based Rennies) when I had a nervous stomach for a few weeks, constantly feeling sick after I ate anything at all.. but it depends if you are on other medication

    1. In my case the nervous stomach has been associated with stress. To be honest, I don't use or trust over the counter remedies such as Tums, preferring to use natural remedies. I found an amazing tea that has helped a lot. Tetley Ayurvedic Balance - Poise Vata. It is an herbal tea, and I have one cup of this with a little honey and it is very calming. I recommend this to anyone going through stress.

  17. I'm so glad you're getting the help you deserve Linda!! I wish you all the luck in the world. I hope you're feeling's definitely nerves....

  18. That's great, and very nice for you Linda!

  19. This must be very stressful indeed. I'm so sorry that you hadn't been able to find an affordable place yet, Linda. Hopefully you'll find a new home for you and your cat soon.

  20. hope you get a suitable apartment soon and that it would help to reduce the stress.

  21. Thrilled to hear you are getting some help. Praying that you find something suitable and affordable soon. Take care.

  22. Thanks for the update! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  23. Glad to hear that you are getting some help. Hope you find a place real soon. Take care and stay calm. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  24. Getting help is a good thing. Perhaps you'll not be so stressed. I hope you find something soon and will be able to move with ease.

    Have a fabulous day. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  25. Dear Linda, thanks for the update - I keep wondering how you are getting on. I hope you find something very soon.Hugs Barbara
    I'm going to check out the tea you mentioned to blueskyscotland, I too suffer with my tummy and am always looking for ways to combat it.

  26. Hope you are able to find a suitable apartment soon. Will be sending prayers and good wishes your way.

  27. So pleased to read you will be getting help, that should ease some of the stress for you.
    Sending good and positive thoughts to you.
    My good wishes too.

    All the best Jan

  28. Hi Linda! I'm happy to hear that things are looking up for viewing new places to live. I'm very sorry about your stomach though, that can be so miserable. Please know that I am thinking about you and praying too. God bless your efforts and bring you to a new place to live.
    Sunday blessings,

  29. Linda, I do wish you well. I'm happy to hear you've found some support in the NGO. Sending you positive house finding thoughts.

  30. So glad to hear an NGO is helping you out with this, Linda. I can't imagine the stress and anxiety .. my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

  31. My poor friend, I'm sorry I have been absent (my poor Mom had to be put into an assisted living facility). I'm praying for you and sending you much love!

  32. Oh Linda, I'm so sorry you've been so out of sorts, and I can certainly understand...I know the feeling. It's very difficult to even put thoughts together when we are feeling like that because of various life situations isn't it?

    I am so thankful to God that He has sent help your way in this tangible way! : ) Still praying that you and Romeo will find a safe, reasonable place to dwell. Praying for a sweet nest for you and little Romeo.

    God bless you dear Linda, praying this man will have some special insight and you both will receive favor. : )

    Much love and a supertight hug, coupled with many, many prayers. amelia

  33. I'm so happy you are getting help Linda!!! Big Hugs!

  34. Your post breathes hope and I like that, friend Linda ... keep breathing, hmmm? ... smiles ... Love, cat.

  35. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Thank you for telling us your news, Linda!
    I don't have car, so I know your thinking very much.
    But you met good people, so it is so beautiful thing!!
    I just donated, and I really hope you can get home by Christmas!!
    Thank you for great post for us always, Linda!!


  36. I hope you can find a new place that is both affordable and what you need in a place, I am so glad that someone is driving you around... I know how it is when you have to take transit... it's not easy xox


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