Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Blizzard is on its way to Montreal

Hi dear friends,

We had our first blizzard here four days ago.  Apparently it seemed tame compared to what is about to hit us here.  We are expected to get between 10 and 25 centimetres of snow with strong wind gusts!  There are already around 4,000 people here in Quebec that have been without power for about a week now.

I just wanted to make a quick post to share this with you, and to wish you all the best for the remainder of the Christmas holidays.

Please stay warm and safe.  Love and hugs to you all.


  1. I'll pray that you stay safe, Linda.

  2. You be warm and safe, too. The blizzard is due to clear NE Ohio by 9 pm, straight on to Montreal!

  3. I hope your electricity doesn't go out so you can keep blogging! Stay warm, Linda!

  4. J'ai pu entendre parler de ça à la radio ici en France... Oui, restez bien au chaud...

    Gros bisous et tous mes voeux pour 2013.

  5. Stay warm..stay in!I hope you don't get power cuts.

  6. Oh my, I do wish it was summer. Hoping you stay well and keep power!

  7. Take care and wrap up well my friend

  8. Bad days are coming. Ride it out Linda.

  9. It is very cold here in Ocala this morning; 34 degrees. Crazy. But after hearing what's coming your way or maybe has already hit, I won't complain. Well, yes I will, but still it's nothing like a blizzard!

    Stay safe and warm!

  10. Didn't understand the word 'blizzard', Linda, but now I do !
    I light a candle for you... Please, keep warm and safe !


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