Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Tuesday Treasures

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
Throughout the month of December and into January, I will be sharing a Christmas related video in my posts.  For those of you who are not fans of Christmas, there will always be other videos to choose from.  My hope in doing this is to alleviate the sadness and depression that some experience at this time of year and to keep the Christmas joy around a little longer.  Many people experience depression in the winter, but for some, it comes especially after Christmas.  All in all, I hope that my posts will enlighten, encourage, bring smiles, tears (if any), of joy, some laughter and Christmas cheer for all.  I hope that my posts do this every day, but I just wanted you all to know about my plan for sharing a Christmas related video in every post throughout December and into January.  Thank you all so much for your love, support and comments, it really means a lot to me!  :)

The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Christmas Cheer - Ray Campi

Amazing Red Crab of Christmas Island

Gift Wrapping in Japan

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. Bless you for these sweet posts and sentiments Linda!

  2. Et bien coucou Linda du Canada ,heureusement que les pages sont traduites car l'anglais et moi çà fait deux !! lol
    merci d'être passé sur mon blog tu reviens quand tu veux !!
    gros bisous

  3. Lovely post and a perfect way to end my day! I would SO love to live next door to YOU!!! Goodnight - or rather Good Morning - from Texas~~~

  4. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Hello chère Linda

    MERCI beaucoup pour ce partage ! C'est SUPERBE !!!

    Bon mardi ✿

  5. Anonymous3:59 AM

    It's so true.
    In this digital world, it really feels like you live next door!

  6. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Hahahaha .... the video magic stain remover is very nice, the people did not understand it. Greetings from Edward.

  7. I love how they can wrap gifts so well, so nice that at times, I do not feel like wanting to open them up.

  8. Grazie cara Linda, con calma mi guarderò questi bellissimi video...
    Ciao e buona giornata, amica.

  9. That wrapping paper video is great, seems to be so much more easier than the 'technique' I use :-)

  10. Love and gratitude are the best to keep us going. Have a wonderful day,

  11. The gift-wrapping video is awesome. I need lessons in wrapping, for sure :)

  12. une superbe quote de Jane Lee Logan... Linda..

    have a nice day

  13. That is a lovely gesture and idea you have regarding Christmas every day posts. Nice sayings.

  14. très bonne idée, l'ambiance de Noël est magique, merci Linda

  15. Good morning Linda,
    Thanks for you nice comment on my post!
    I would love to see Christmas related video!
    Thanks for these videos. :)

  16. Hei Linda Kiitos hauskoista videoista ja kauneista korteista ( Halit :)

  17. I wish I had a stain-remover like that!

  18. Bonjour Linda,
    J'ai adoré regarder le monsieur emballé un cadeau de noël, quelle technique!

    Bisou ❤(ˆ‿ˆ)


  19. Hi Linda, thank you for the videos and beautiful posts. Christmas is in the air.

  20. Merci pour ton aimable visite sur mon blog! je ne suis pas douée en anglais ....
    Bonne fin de journée

  21. Love today's gag! The look on the people's faces when they turned around is priceless.

  22. I'm in love with this post :)))


  23. Lovely post enjoyed all of it. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  24. I thought the red carb was located on the right island: Christmas Island.

  25. Crabs always strike me as such curious, alien creatures. Christmas Island is particularly beautiful.

  26. Great videos to enjoy Christmas season!
    Love the gift wrapping video!

  27. Can you imagine so many crabs in one place? Wow! We experienced Japanese skill in gift wrapping when there...considering they have origami I guess it should be surprising they do a wonderful job.

  28. Beautiful! I wish I could gift wrap like that gentleman in Japan. Such perfection!

  29. Your posts do these things every day, Linda! You have no idea how many times you brighten my day! I especially love the Princess Sassy Pants image. I can't get that ridiculous cactus prank out of my mind. I'm still laughing at it. I hope you are enjoying a great week.

  30. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Enjoyed your blog Linda.

  31. Continue spreading positive messages, Linda.

  32. Super, Linda, the gag !
    Great, your daily Christmas sharing.

  33. christmas has always been my favourite holiday, so thank you for spreading the cheer :)

  34. Anonymous2:37 PM

    He makes the gift wrapping look so easy!

  35. Thank you Linda for your lovely post of videos and positive words. Thanks also for the gift wrapping video - I have never been able to wrap a box properly and now I will have another go at it :)

  36. Merci pour ce beau billet! Bisous et bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  37. Hi Linda! You have such an intriguing blog here! It is so entertaining to peruse all these great links, quotes, and videos. I especially like how open you are about dealing with depression- there certainly needs to be more awareness and acceptance in the world concerning it, and I'm a firm believer that conversations need be had about stigmatized issues.

    Thank you so very much for swinging by my blog! I look forward to returning here as well, soon. TJ

  38. I liked watching the Japanese gift wrapping. I wondered when he started how it would turn out, but it ended up being nicely wrapped, and it looked so much easier than the way I was taught. ~ Nancy

  39. I like the who you were one

  40. Christmas Island has not had a positive image in Australia for various reasons. There's a whole other side to it though that I'd like to explore, such as witnessing the red crabs move.

  41. I love Christmas. My side here we don;t have snow but I can "enjoy" the fake snow at various shopping mall around the city. Love going to the malls looking at the Christmas decoration.

  42. I love December because the last month of the year and everyone is in the festive mood. I love Christmas too!

  43. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Such a good Christmas movie!
    I love Christmas!!


  44. Those crabs in Christmas Island are amazing!
    Thanks for the quotes!

  45. Merci de ta visite, ton blog est intéressant,
    Bonne journée @ bientôt

  46. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Popping in to say HI! Hope you're having a great week.


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