Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happiness Comes from Within

Hello everyone!  Firstly, I would like to thank Ginny because it was a comment she made in my blog post of yesterday that inspired the idea for today's post.  Thank you, Ginny!

The video I am sharing today is a short, 1 minute video entitled, "Happiness Comes from Within". 

Too often we see people in search of happiness, because they often look for happiness in other people and things, rather than making it happen from within!  True happiness, real happiness and contentment, in my view, must come from within.  If we are happy with little things we will be happy with more things, but we need to realize that it is the the "things" that make us happy, but our outlook on life and people, including our view of ourselves, is where the real happiness...lasting happiness comes.

A few years ago a lady whom I was good friends with (and she passed on two years ago at the age of 88) came to visit me and had a cup of tea with me.  She was so surprised at how little I have in the way of furniture and belongings.  I assured her that I am happy and appreciate the things I do have.  I have realized, and I guess it helps that I grew up in a very low income bracket, as my mother was unable to work due to health issues and my father did his best to support us, but I always had very little even as a child.  It is so sad when you see people who are used to having so much suddenly losing what they have...and going into a depressed state.  This happens when they learn to depend on the people and things they have, and then when they lose it, they are devastated.  Since I appreciate and enjoy, and take care of, what little I have, I don't feel that I am lacking at all.  In fact, I feel rich...not in a monetary sense, but in a spiritual and mental sense, if you get what I mean.  Therefore, since I have learned that joy and happiness come from within, I am able to be happy and thankful for what I have.

Another thing I am extremely grateful for...yes, many people have been complaining about the snow and how difficult the winter has been!  I have noticed, though, because of the weather conditions we have had, vegetables are at a great price!  As a result I have been really enjoying salads, which I just love!  The spinach was just $1.00 per package last week, and it is beautiful (the two packages I bought were!).  The English cucumbers were a good price, the tomatoes, etc., and so I am choosing to see the positive in the weather we have had.

The photo I am sharing today is one that I took yesterday on a long walk.  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share by clicking on the 'comments' link at the end of my post.


  1. Wow, well thank you for mentioning me and I am glad you liked the comment. This makes me think of a quote I like "Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when The Father has to pry your fingers open." I believe Corrie Ten Boom said it.

  2. Linda, you have written some very wise words about happiness! I agree that our perception of our lives affects our levels of happiness, and that we can't depend on other people and things to make us happy. I admire your sense of gratitude. I am learning more and more how important it is to be grateful for what we have.

  3. Again you come up with a great and thought provoking post my friend.

  4. Abraham Lincoln is reputed to have said, "People are genarally as happy as they make up their minds to be."

  5. I like your philosophy. It keeps you writing all these lovely, upbeat posts every day!

  6. Thanks so much for your visit! Good thoughts here. Have a Happy Easter!


  7. You are a real tonic, Linda!
    You address so many things that have concerned me,and so well!

  8. Beautiful church. The image conveys sensation of cold. I hope that soon the sun will bring all that snow. A hug,

    Bonita iglesia. La imagen transmite sensacion de frio. Deseo que pronto el sol se lleve toda esa nieve. Un abrazo,

  9. Thanks so much for stopping by "my place" and commenting ... so I could come meet YOU!
    You've certainly given me valuable food for thought here, Linda. Every day I see men and women who seemingly don't lack for a thing ... yet, they're never satisfied, and "happy" doesn't seem an appropriate word to describe them.
    Wishing you a wonderful Easter weekend!

  10. you are wonderful, Linda

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  11. You write so beautifully Linda and I really appreciate how open and honest you are. It is so true...I believe that truly... less is more and sometimes when you really think about it...the things that we own sometimes end up owning us. That is truly a lesson I have learned through the years...the more you have the more you have to fix, to take care of, to replace and all they are ... well they're just things, tangible objects that require constant care and maintenance. I can sum it up in just one word and talk about this often..."Simplify". When you have what you need well then that is's not good to want for things that we cannot afford ... being frugal is a very good thing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts I really enjoyed reading your post. Hugs - Kathleen ...I'm your newest follower.

  12. yeah, i try to happy and contented with what i do have. i have health, i have a caring family, i have comfort in my life, so it seems pointless to focus on what i don't have. thank you for this timely and beautifully articulated reminder to always be thankful for the blessings in our life :D

  13. Very wise, Linda !
    Nice place where you took the picture !

  14. Linda, Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blogsite. You are right...the small and simple things in life give the greatest pleasure. Too often, people don't recognize that truth. Unfortunately, most of us have to grow older to learn this truth... Have a great Easter Weekend! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  15. Great song, Linda.. Happiness does come from within. AND--you are right.. The people who have so much just want more --and don't realize that happiness does not come from what kind of 'stuff' you have...

    Our winter --although March has been cold, hasn't been too bad here. BUT--the prices of all foods here just keep on rising. Much of that has to do with the regulations and control our Government has on all of us now.... Gads!!!

    Lovely picture of the church in the snow.

  16. Merci pour ces bonnes paroles et la belle image, bises, bonnes fêtes de Pâques Linda
    Laurence, Opale et Sonye

  17. I agree that true happiness can only come from within. I like your photo of the church in the snow. I hope you have a great weekend.

  18. Dear Linda,

    Thanks so much for your visit! Good thoughts here. Have a Happy Easter!

    A very good time for you!


  19. Wow, your comments today were terrific and I appreciate so much that you took the time to visit our blogs. Thank you. That's something I am thankful for - that people can enjoy our photos.

    And I think you're right in an important way...happiness is a isn't directly addressed of obtained. Wholeness in life is a goal, I think, to strive for, because the more whole we are the more we realize "happiness."

    But, one disclaimer: Some people are born with a predisposition to an optimistic view which generates "wholeness" or "happiness," while others seem to come out of the womb mad or sad at the world. They often have a difficult time.

    Nonetheless, I love your photo - looks like a Lutheran church to me.

  20. Lovely post! Wise words!
    I stitched a sampler once that said -
    'Make the most of what you GOT!
    And the least of what you NOT!'

  21. Very interesting photo .... I like the frame.


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