Saturday, April 06, 2013

Cell Phones

Hi everyone!  The video I am sharing in this post is a short, one minute video about a restaurant that gives a discount to customers for NOT using their phone!

I personally do not have a cell phone, so you can all guess what my thoughts are on this topic.  :)  If you watch the video, though, I think you will find that the restaurant's reasons for doing this are good.  I think with all the cell phones and other technology today, people sometimes miss out on good, old fashioned, face to face communication and etiquette.  I think a cell phone certainly has its place (in my opinion) for emergencies, but I have noticed when I take the bus that more and more people are just chatting on the phone and often don't even notice the people around them.

The photo I am sharing today is one that I took a few years ago.  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I really appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share by clicking on the 'comments' link at the end of my post.


  1. I totally agree with you!! I have about the oldest flip phone in existence! I can talk and text. Period. I will be getting a NEW phone in August that will have more features but I pray I can keep my manners about me and use those features in privacy! I have noticed more and more - when people are walking down the street they don't even look up - but at the phone in their hands!

  2. Indeed. What my spouse was driving sixty miles a day to work on icy Minnesota roads we got our first cellphone for emergencies. Then later it was handy for calling ahead for motel reservations when traveling and the it was all down hill and way out of hand....:(

  3. I have a cell phone, but it is ALWAYS on vibrate and NEVER on ring (even at home). I rarely ever get an important call when I'm out, but if I do, I take it to the restroom or outside. Otherwise, I just let them leave a message.

  4. I agree that cell phone use can get in the way of manners. I hate to see tables of diners at restaurants where half of them are texting, playing, talking away, ignoring what's going on at the table. It's a sad distraction, really.

    Love the pink petunias!

  5. Comparto tu opinión y la del restaurante sobre los teléfonos móviles. Bonitas flores. Un abrazo.

    share your opinion and Restaurant on mobile phones. Beautiful flowers. A hug.

  6. I gave up my service with AT&T 3 years ago and bought a tracfone which I use strictly for emergencies.

    The petunias are lovely!

  7. Oh, beautiful petunias!!!! YES you are so right about cell phones. And what I hate is when you are visiting with someone or having dinner with them, they are constantly messing with their cell. They seem to be NEVER in the moment!! Having said that, cell phones are very important and have been life savers. People just need to use common sense with them. I have one because I am always on call for church emergencies.

  8. I have one for emergencies....but I have the impression that most people have one glued to their ear....not to speak of those with some sort of plug in their ear that I am told is called Bluetooth.

  9. I have one to keep in touch with my children because that's all they have - no home phones.
    I don't like people using them with such loud voices in public as if no one else is around. You don't have to shout. :)
    Sadly it seems to be the way of the world though.
    Love your petunias!
    Thanks for your visit to my blog! :)

  10. I don't use mine much, just a few talks with my fiancee

  11. Oh yes, our cellphones are becoming a big distraction now. It's not only phone calls and texting, but also surfing, answering emails, posting facebook and twitter and instagram updates, all of which we're constantly doing from our phones now. I admit I'm guilty of that ... And coincidentally I'm posting this comment from my phone! =)

  12. I think we are old fashion, Linda... I use my cell phone in case of emergency (once a month ?!).
    Your flowers are amazing !

  13. Love your stunning pic of these blooms!! The colours are so vivid!!! Yay!

    I too don't have a mobile phone! Yay!!And I never want one. It's bizarre how people these days think it's essential to have their phones on 24/7. Five/ten years ago people survived with out such a gadget! LOL! For me, I think the art of silence is lost in today's technology filled helter skelter world where people feel the need to be connected to the ether rather than with themselves or with actual humans. Take care

  14. I took a train trip from Toronto to Windsor once, and all the way, this young man kept calling everyone he knew. With elaborate casualness, he would go, yeah, I'm on the train. I was grinding my teeth the whole way.

    I used to have a very close friend who was glued to her cell phone. I didn't like it when we would be eating or out someplace and she would go on and on on her phone, leaving me to twiddle my thumbs. (But, despite this habit, she was a really good and thoughtful friend in a lot of other ways.)

    I don't own a cell phone and never have, though am thinking should, for emergencies. I'm a big believer in being where you are, at any given moment. It's the same thing with people who are so busy taking movies of an event, that they miss the experience of being at the event while they are actually there!

  15. Nous devenons un peu esclaves de nos téléphones portables...
    Je ne supporte pas d'être le témoin de conversations privées dans la rue, les restaurants et autres lieux privés...
    Gros bisous et merci pour la photo aux fleurs généreuses.
    Gros bisous encore.

  16. Listening to people's cell phones going off in restaurants are annoying I know. I admire the fact that you don't have one but I wouldn't want to be without mine now. When I've been stuck they come in very handy, car break downs and so on. Gregg's aunt and uncle were caught in a snow storm in ND, and their car was practically covered, but her cell phone literally saved them. I do try to be considerate and turn it off in public places, and try to remember my p's and q's when out and about. People tend to talk louder when using them I've noticed that. The restaurant is very clever and thanks for putting on the video and for the good reminder.

  17. oui les gens sont souvent "ailleurs" plongés dans leur téléphone cellulaire.Parfois c'est dangereux ils sont dans la rue et ne regardent pas où ils vont.
    (j'en ai un mais je n'ai plus de téléphone fixe chez moi, c'est plus tranquille)
    la photo de fleurs est magnifique !
    Laurence, Opale et SOnye

  18. Strange such a discount. I think if the food and the presentation is attractive enough, people don't need to look at their phone.


  19. Thank you all so much for your comments, I really appreciate it.

  20. We had a policy at Niemerg's Steak House. We did not approach a table if a customer was on the phone, unless the customer was well into the meal & needed a beverage refilled. If the customer complained about slow service our standard reply was that it is considered rude to interrupt a customer during a phone conversation.

    Take care,


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