Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rainy Tuesday

Hello everyone!  Well, it is raining here in Montreal today, so I thought I would make a post to take away the dullness.  The video I am sharing today is from a segment of an episode of Keeping up Appearances, which is a British comedy starring Patricia Routledge.  It is one of my favorites, and I find her so funny.  It is a short two-minute video.  

Normally I don't let dull, rainy days affect me but it affected me a bit today.  I hope you all enjoy the humour.  :)

As far as the Blogger reader goes, I really don't understand much about it, and what exactly they have discontinued.  I am still seeing the blogs I follow on my dashboard, so I am glad about that.  I did, however, register with Bloglovin, which was a quick procedure, just in case.  It sent me an e-mail with updates on some of the blogs I follow.  I wasn't sure exactly what Google was referring to and I didn't want to take any chances and lose the updates of the blogs I follow.  I will wait and see how things progress.

The photo I am sharing today is one that I took in January of 2011, in St-Sauveur, Quebec, which is about 45 minutes from Montreal.  I took this photo at sunset.  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I really appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share by clicking on the 'comments' link at the end of my post.


  1. I have never sat to watch Keeping Up Appearances before. I will have to do so the next time I see it while clicking through shows.
    We are really hoping for Spring to come and stay in my area. The poor buds that have thought it was safe to come out are freezing their little selves today. I have to keep telling myself that in no time, we will be complaining of the heat!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. It is nice to met you!

    1. Hi Mecky, thank you so much for your comment.

  2. Thanks for sharing the video clip, poor Richard - maybe he should yell more often ;)

    Thanks too for your sweet comment about my French kitchen.

    1. Hi Norma, I agree! Hyacinth can be a real pain in the posterior. LOL! Thanks so much for your comment.

  3. Sometimes rainy days are fun and well, sometimes not so much! Well, at least it's not snow, right?

    1. Hi Sunny, I think what is getting to me is the arthritis pain that I am feeling...I haven't had the pain for quite a while (thank God). Thanks so much for your comment.

  4. Hi Linda, here in Spain it's spring but still not too good weather. Good weather makes us happier right?
    Thanks for sharing the video. The photo is beautiful too. A kiss from Spain

    1. Hi Gumer, thanks for your comment. I believe it is the arthritis pain that is getting to me, not so much the rainy weather. So glad you enjoyed the video and photo.

  5. I just love Hyacinth and all her tacky sisters. I really get a bang out of the way she always corrects people when they call her Mrs. Bucket and she insists that it's pronounced "Boo-kay".

    1. Hi Ms. Sparrow, I love this show, too. Even though I have seen all the episodes several times, I still laugh. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Thanks for the tip on Bloglovin. It seems Google is intent on fixing things, even when it isn't broken!

    1. Hi Ian, hope it helps. Thanks so much for your comment.

  7. Je vous envoie un petit rayon de soleil... Subitement nous sommes sortis de l'hiver pour atteindre des températures estivales.
    Je vous remercie pour cette petite vidéo et également pour le partage de votre photo.
    Gros bisous à vous.

    1. Merci infiniment, Martine! Gros bisous!

  8. I've only just found 'Keeping up Appearances'...thanks to a super blog 'Boris in Ayrshire' which you might enjoy...but aren't these episodes funny!

    1. Thanks, Helen. Yes, they are hilarious!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I don't think I have ever missed an episode of this show, and have watched most of them multiple times. Remember how awful she is when Richard is driving? And her poor next door neighbors? And her sister's dog always used to bark at her and scare her so she fell into the bushes.

    1. Oh, Ginny, that dog in the car? It's a riot, isn't it? LOL!

  10. Pronto volverá a lucir el sol. Dicen en mi tierra: "Nunca llovió que no escampase" . Quiere decir que, después de todo trabajo y penalidad, viene la tranquilidad y el disfrute de la vida. Un abrazo,

    Soon the sun will shine. They say in my country: "Nunca llovió que no escampase." You mean, after all work and penalty, is the peace and enjoyment of life. A hug,

  11. I think it was google reader that went down not the dashboard

    1. Hi Adam, thanks. I don't think I ever understood what the Google reader was. LOL! I got the Bloglovin', though, just in case.

  12. heheh, it's raining today in Kuala Lumpur too, and that means the rush hour traffic will be very heavy in a few hours. i hope you're waking up to a nicer, sunnier day today :D

  13. It was also a massive hit in the U.S Linda.
    But if you want to watch the real brilliance of Patricia you should take a look at her Alan Bennett Monolouges. Here's a link to A Lady of Letters part one.

  14. Funny video! Love British humour!

    What in the world is "Bloglovin'"? Never heard of it. I've never heard of Google reader either. Boy, am I out of the loop.

    That photo provides a little bit of light on what looks to be a very cold winters day!

    Hope your day brightened as it went along!

  15. Great idea to find something to make you laugh on this rainy day. Now that you say it was easy to register, I'm going to check out Bloglovin' too!

  16. So the dashboard will stay? That's great news!! Then we will all still be able to keep track of the blogs we follow...right? I am so confused :)

  17. Oh, my~ this video made my day. I LOVE that show, as well as most all British humor for that matter! Even though it was rather raunchy at times, the show "Absolutely Fabulous" would always have me on the floor laughing.
    Thanks for sharing this, Miss Linda~ and thanks for stopping by my blog and saying howdy. Please come back any time! ((HUGS))

  18. It's actually snowing again here today. I see a warm up come tomorrow but by Sunday it looks bad again...I'm trying not to have that bring me down. I miss Windows Live Spaces where I could set it to inform me via e-mail when people updated their blog...seems a simple thing but blogger won't do it I guess.

  19. Hyacinth..., fantastic, Linda ! You forget the rain...

  20. I totally loved the video...I watch Keeping up appearances whenever it is on the PBS channel. It always makes me laugh. :) It has been raining a lot where i live and we keep getting flood watches.

  21. Thank you all so much for your comments, I really appreciate it!


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