Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Calm After the Storm

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  The video I have selected for this post is from, I believe, the 1930's.  "In Stormy Weather"...the Nicholas Brothers.  I found this such a fun and upbeat clip!  Enjoy!

I found this on Facebook today and just had to share it with you all.  I am providing a link to the source page where I found it, just beneath the image.

This photo is one that I took last week on my walk...a squirrel high up in a tree.  You just need to click on the image to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. Just the right kind of sentiment from the Dalai Lama.

    1. Agreed, William. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Wow! The talent, energy, and synchronization of those two guys in the video are amazing. I like your photo. Looks like an interesting bridge structure under the squirrel's tree.

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Linda! Thanks for your comment.

  3. Helen Devries9:01 PM

    I do value your blog...always an oasis of kindness and calm - though that video was pretty hectic!

    1. LOL Helen! :) I thought people would enjoy a good old dance after the storm we had since the sun was shining today. Thanks so much for your comment.

  4. super le show à claquettes,
    merci Linda, bonne nuit

    1. Merci pour le commentaire, cher Laurence! Bonne nuit!

  5. I love the quote from the Dalai Lama. Such wisdom. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I've heard of the Nicholas Brothers, but it was many years ago. They HAD to be young to move like that... or tell me their secret! :) Quite talented. I Googled them and see that they died in the 2000 and 2006.

    A thoughtful quote from the Dalai Lama and a peaceful picture from you. Thanks!

  7. Bon vendredi Linda malgré la neige et le froid.
    Bises des Alpes

  8. I LOVE that Dalai Lama quote - so much truth to that.

  9. i wish you happy weekend! :-)

  10. une belle citation du "Dalai Lama"..

    une tempête de neige à Montréal, tandis que nous avons déjà un sentiment printaniére
    have a nice day

  11. Kiitos Hauska ja vaativa tanssi ilo katsella :)

  12. Ouff oui, le calme après la tempête... Cette citation est vraiment belle! Bisous tout doux et bon vendredi dans la tendresse!

  13. Boa tarde,
    3:11 com Nicholas Brothers em Stormy Weather é agradável de ouvir e ver a dança sapateada.
    Sua foto relativa á sua caminhada é linda,

  14. Tap dancing is fun and upbeat.
    A lovely quote.
    Great spotting of the squirrel. I like the train bridge in the background too.

  15. Oh my. Stormy weather was one of my moms favorite tunes. She played in a small band in the thirties....:)

  16. Once more, a nice log, Linda !

  17. Great quote and love ly photo,...Christine

  18. A very wise quote..Have a super weekend


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