Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Stormy Day in Montreal

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  We are having a blizzard (snowstorm) in Montreal today and the winds are quite strong!  The video I have selected for this post is a Just for Laughs gag which I hope you will all enjoy.

I took some photos today of our blizzard here, as well as Romeo's (my cat's) reaction (or not) to this blizzard.  He seemed totally unconcerned about it, as you can see.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. That is a funny video. However, it shows you how silly some people can be :)
    Love your cat.

  2. Romeo is so cute!

  3. I want to sleep with Romeo in the basket until this winter is gone!

  4. Aww Romeo is a doll ~ what a sweetie !

  5. The video is funny Linda!! Th pictures are great!

  6. Snowing and blowing at my house today also....I have been spending my day like Romeo....I hope I never get a prank played on me...I am so gullible LOL

  7. It's the same system we're getting today.

    Romeo's a handsome fella!

  8. Roméo est très heureux,
    merci Linda

  9. Your kitty knows what to do in a blizzard - find a cozy place to nap!

  10. Love the video. So funny. Romeo is a doll! I like the picture of him in his bed.

  11. Romeo is a sweetheart! I didn't know you had a cat. I hope you and Romeo stay warm from the snowstorm.

  12. Bonjour,

    Cela semble incroyable de penser que vous ayez autant de neige et de froid ! En France, le printemps s'est installé et les températures sont très douces en ce moment. Hier j'ai commencé un nouveau croquis, assise dehors devant l'atelier et j'étais bien.
    Je vous envoie un peu de soleil pour vous réchauffer ainsi que votre charmant minou !
    Gros bisous

  13. cute cat taking a nap

  14. Romeo has the right idea, join him and stay safely inside. This is widespread, and many will be trapped at home. Keep warm, cheers from Jean.

  15. Such a sweet Romeo:)

  16. great video, i love the participants' interaction with the dog :) and thanks for the photos of romeo, really nice! i hope you stay safe and warm amid the blizzard.

  17. Hi Linda, I'm sure these people know they are being taken for mugs, but there's something in human nature that makes us go ahead and look stupid.
    Romeo is one cool cat, stroke him for me please.

  18. What beautiful snow pictures! And Romeo's reaction is priceless :)

  19. Una gran tormenta de nieve, pero el gato está al calor del hogar.

  20. the last photo is sublime, Romeo too cute! Sorry you are having blizzards in March, shouldn't be happening! Fantastic video-

  21. :-) katten er søt !

  22. Oh que oui, nous en avons eu de la neige, c'est fou ça ne s'arrête plus et on nous prévoit un autre 10cm pour demain... J'ai tellement hâte au printemps!!! Bisous tout doux et bon jeudi!

  23. Ah Linda - "Just for gags" is just too fun and Romeo is beautiful. He looks so sleek and well-loved (which I am sure he is with a Mom like you)! Have a great day.

  24. Funny video! : )
    Its a cold windy day here too but we got a lot less snow than predicted - only a little more than an inch.

  25. Je sais pour l'avoir vécu que le mois de Mars est un mois difficile au Québec. Courage Linda ... oui, tu vas voir comme le printemps va être beau.
    Je t'envoie de bonnes pensées.

  26. A good one, Linda !
    Blizzard... (one of my last year new words, thank you, my friend !), brrr... Take care !
    Lovely cat !

  27. You're good at finding entertaining videos!

    Oh, the life of a cat. Ahhhh....

  28. I can never pass up a post about cats. Your guy looks like a mix of my two boys.


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