Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tranquil Tuesday

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all!  The video I have selected for this post is an absolutely beautiful and soothing clip of nature sounds with some gorgeous images.

The photos I am sharing are ones that I took on my walk the other day.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

For this photo, I simply liked the different colours and blue sky!

In the next two photos, you will see a squirrel looking down at me.  

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. I so miss the sound of ocean waves and the cries of seagulls! Not to mention all the other sounds and sights that followed! Thank you! What a lovely place you have to walk! Take care!

  2. I love the sound of the ocean waves so much! And the blue skies in your photos are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing such beauty. :-)

  3. The sounds on the video re so nice. Great shots for today!!

  4. You bless us with the Nature that blesses you!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral


  5. merci pour le joli paysage,
    bonne nuit Linda

  6. Ha! That squirrel was checking you out!

  7. I find myself wondering what the squirrel think when they see us using cameras....

  8. I could listen to the ocean forever!! We have a sound machine set to ocean and I turn it on every night when we go to bed. Such a peaceful sound!

  9. I too like your blue sky photo! It was finally sunny here in Portland today.

  10. Lovely video.
    Curious squirrels.

  11. Tes photos avec l'écureuil et tous ces fils électriques .... je m'en souviens !
    Belle journée à toi LInda

  12. Ocean music :-) and you've still all that snow, lovely squirrel shots, nice big bushy tail, our visiting squirrel hasn't returned much to my dismay.

  13. Love Mr. Squirrel on the tree :)

  14. A blue ribbon tree--sweet picture.

  15. love your photos ... the colors, the choice of angles, all very interesting :D

  16. une vidéo bien realisée..

    ici c'est plutôt rare de voir un 'écureuil

    have a nice day

  17. Our snow seems to finally be on the decline with temperatures in the 50s. I'm beginning to hope spring may finally begin to show itself. I like the contrast a wonderful blue sky can bring.

  18. Écouter les sons de la nature, c'est magique!!! Bisous tout doux et bon mercredi!

  19. I've never seen so much squirrels (photo's) in my whole live, Linda. I just love them !

  20. Today was anything but tranquil! Blizzard! Yikes!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!


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