Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday's Post & a Note for All My Readers!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 

First of all, thank you all so much for your responses to my question about Google+!  I think I will stay without it, at least as long as I can, and I hope that Blogger doesn't force those of us who don't have it to get it.

For ALL my readers:
One more thing...one of my readers/followers who is not a Blogger or Google+ user has told me that he is getting that annoying word verification box when he comments on my posts.  I disabled this a very long time ago, and I don't know why it seems to have reappeared.  As well, I am not sure if it is only appearing because he is not a Blogger or Google+ user, so I sent a message to Blogger telling them about this, in case it is a glitch...however, it may be because they have made changes.  This having been said, I have tried to fix it but according to my blog, I still have the word verification disabled!  At any rate, I apologize to my readers who are getting this annoying word verification box, it is not myself who has done this and I don't seem to be able to fix it. I will see if Blogger can fix it....or if it is a new thing they have implemented. I also told them that I moderate all the comments and I don't like to have to use the word verification code.  Thank you so much for your understanding and I hope you continue to comment on my posts, I value your feedback.

The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Tranquility, Music United with Nature - The Potemkin
(I found this fantastic!)  :)

Sheep in Scotland

Crazy Bowling Shot (hilarious!)

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. Anonymous12:02 AM


    Hello chère Linda

    MERCI pour tout ce que tu partages. J'aime beaucoup !!!

    Passe une agréable journée !


  2. I have mine set up for registered users only. Not sure if anyone on mine has had that problem. If so, they haven't mentioned it. Interesting though.

  3. I enjoyed that Sheep in Scotland video, that was a lot of sheep! I don't know if this will work...maybe if you turned the verification back on and then off again it would reset blogger. Don't have a clue if that would work, just a suggestion!

  4. Linda, just to let you know when I published my comment I was not ask for a word verification.

  5. Sea is always so beautiful

  6. Hi Linda, I hope the comment problem will be sorted soon. All my comments come to my email inbox, then I can publish,. I started this after I had some very rude comments from people in very foreign countrieswho I am sure had no intention of really reading my words. Jean.

  7. So kind to leave a comment on my blog Linda! It was a pleasure to visit your lovely blog. Wish you a happy day

  8. Thanks for explaining. Always like your sayings that you post.

  9. I think blogger puts the word verification
    on blogs, it appeared at mine when i
    had to much spam.
    Thanks for your comment
    Big hug

  10. the videos made us laugh, and I just saw a movie from one of John Green's novels (the fault is in our stars), precious world is my favourite today :-)

  11. Hello Linda,
    Funny movies. Nice that bowler
    Thanks for your words. Sometimes blogger makes new settings. In the past pictures were edited by blogger. This could only turn off again when you sign up at Google+. So strange why they do this.

    Kind regards,

  12. Hi Linda! I have seen others on Blogger have this same issue lately - verification popping up on their blog even when disabled. I'm not sure what's going on with that! And I am with you, I am not going to do Google+ until forced :) I hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  13. super Seite, beste Grüße, Klaus

  14. i don't have to pass through any word verification when i comment on your blog, thankfully. but yeah, these technical things do make confused sometimes :D

  15. Bonjour Linda,
    J'ai adoré voir les petits moutons ✿

    Bisous et bon mardi


  16. Haha...oh my...that is good bowling to have even a gutter ball knock over all the pins! Must have been one talented bowler!

    I don't have any problems with word verification...love to read your blog!

  17. lol at that bowling throw

  18. Enjoyed every video and quote, great post. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  19. Look at all those sheep go!

    I haven't had verification on your blog, but occasionally others that don't use it have had it come up recently. I think it's nothing more than a glitch.

  20. Hi Linda, thank you for visiting my site and taking the time to add your comment that adds to my creative days with encouraging words.

    This whole blogger thing and all it's changes add to frustration just keeping up, I turn of this and that's keeping even advertisers away, and any distractions so my visitors enjoy their visit. I will be sure to let you know if any word verification pops up here on you :)

    See you soon, I am enjoying getting to know you better.


  21. I've been having the same problem with my blog. The word verification is turned off in my settings, but it still shows up! I, too have complained to Google, but they have not yet responded. If you hear from them and discover a fix, please let us all know! thanks! :)

  22. I have Google+ account, which was because I had to get one in order to post on Youtube. But I keep my blog not-Google+. The comment moderation thing seems to be appearing on many blogs. I have it disabled but it shows from time to time. On other bloggers' comment page, I see it from time to time as well, but not always. Weird.
    Love the videos and images as always...the last image is very cute :-)

  23. Annoying for sure. But I haven't seen it here. :)

  24. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Tranquility, Music United with Nature, is truly beautiful Linda. You don't have to apologize you do nothing wrong . Greetings from Edward.

  25. Dear Linda - the Tranquil music was beautiful. I wanted to respond that I don't have a captcha when I visit you - may be because I am an e-blogger too. The quote of a soft heart may be found under a prickly coat is so true. Take care and have a great day.

  26. Awesome videos....love the bowlers!! lol Enjoy your day, Linda!!!

  27. Oh my God, Linda I love those sheep, ils sont magnifiques! Bise et bonne journée tout en douceur! Moi aussi je dois mettre ces mots bizarre parfois ils sont tellement difficile à lire il faute se reprendre quelques fois...

  28. some folks have gotten that dreadful word ver. at my place, too, even though my settings say NO!!! mostly, it is non-blogger folks, it seems, too. i hate it that we can't stop it! and, although i have a google+ account, i don't post there, i detest the g+ comment form, i don't want to be pushed into using the google+ follower block or anything else. i only use it to +1 someone's post now and then. :)

  29. Magic -> isn't it great, Linda ?!
    Beautiful log !

  30. Anonymous1:48 PM

    As a genealogist I really like the The Love of Thousands quote.

  31. I don't use Google + and do fine on Blogger. The word verification thing sounds like a glitch.

  32. Kiitos Linda hauskoista kuvista ja vidosta pidän kovasti niistä !♥

  33. Yes, beauty is only skin deep... Look for what lies within.

  34. For bloggers is not a problem to write a comment and for me word verification box is not annoying at all, it is coming automatically :)

    Have a great evening, Liuba x

  35. Saludos de ortizadasenelcrochet.blogspot.com
    Muchas gracias por tu visita ;-) feliz noche de martes.

  36. I know what to do in my bed ..

    counting all these sheep .. ;-))

  37. Hi Linda, Enjoyed your videos and quotes. I have used Google+ and dont like it.I was having problems with my comments..I like Blogger.

  38. I m staying away from Google plus, I hear it is hard to leave it once you start. Thanks for the cute photos and links.

  39. I did not get the word verification demand when I posted a comment here, just now, I am happy to say. So it is easy to comment here.

  40. I am not on blogger but I've just created an account so no verification for me

  41. I'm on blogger (my old blog) but would like to free myself from google fundamental power on us....that's one reason I have self-hosted wp blog.
    Your commenting with url/name option is good, thank you! I don't mind verification. I don't comment anymore on blogs which don't have url/name option.

  42. la vidéo "The Potemkin" est sublime Linda

    have a nice day

  43. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Linda you have to take it off. Go in and take it off yourself. I had too.

    You know where you filled out who you want to have look at your pictures and ect. It has a whole lot of things to check off or on. They wont do it.

  44. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The last one made me laugh! Love that little tongue sticking out. Yours isn't the only blog I get the captcha on, others have it disabled as well, but it still shows up. On some, it's usually a photo of numbers that are easy to read, but some have the squirrely text, but I keep hitting the refresh loop next to the box until I get one I can read.

  45. Any of my blogger friends that switched to Google plus I can not leave a comment on unless I have Google plus or if someone friends me...I can not friend them back.


Please do not be shy! I appreciate your kind comments, they are sweet treasures and really make my day! Spammers, do not waste your time, I delete your comments and they do not even show on my blog. Comment moderation is enabled. I do hope that Blogger's changes in the way of proving that you are not a robot do not deter you from commenting! Thank you so much! If you have Google+ and are only allowing Google+ users to comment on your blog, I do not have, nor do I want it. And if you use DISQUS for accepting comments on your blog I don't have that, either, nor do I want it. Thanks!