Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday Reflections

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Your Smile - Michael Logozar

The Incredible Bond between Human and Horse

Catalina Island - California Travel Tips

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

There are no failures, just experiences and your reactions to them. - Tom Krause

When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million empty words. - Thelma Davis

I you can be one thing today, be kind.

Did you know this about cats?  Cats sleep for 70% of their lives.  Female cats are typically right-pawed. Males are typically left-pawed.  Cats are more popular than dogs in America" 88 million cats vs 74 million dogs.  Cats make more than 100 sounds. Dogs only make 10.  Owning a cat reduces your heart attack risk by more than a third.

Turn your attention to the silence of the heart, to the space of no judgment in you, ever loving, no matter what thoughts you may be having.

When I look up at the night sky I somehow know you'll always watch over me.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share.


  1. coucou petit bug ce matin sur l'heure de diffusion de mon article , il est juste mis en ligne ...en retard , c'est la suite de la visite de Dinant :)
    ciel bien gris et du vent ce matin ...

  2. Ha ha.. the salary poster - ;-)

  3. The last one is very beautiful

  4. i've been thinking about success and failure quite a bit in the past few months, so i do like the quote about looking at them with a sense of perspective :)

  5. Very funny balloon gag. I especially enjoyed watching the woman who was eating an ice cream cone. Have a lovely week, Linda. x

  6. Hi Linda! Your post are so much enjoyable and thoughtful as well! Thanks for sharing! Hello to Montreal and a warm hug from me.

  7. According to the words above, seeing that we have owned in our lives, 12 cats, and if owning one cat reduces heart attack risk by 1/3, we will have a good chance of not having one!!! Funny , that, as Hugh had 2, on the same day. Maybe the new ginger boy will add extra goodness to his risk factor.

  8. Hi Linda, the popping balloons would have given me a fright if I was there! Horses and human bonding very touching. Happy day to you!

  9. Peach mango smoothie, yes please..

  10. LOL @ Laughing Colours!!! Very funny!

  11. Good start for a week...

  12. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Ha ha... Balloons can be fun too.

  13. Happy Monday Linda... I adore that quote about how we don't have failures.. we have experiences and I have long believed it is more in how we handle them...♡♡

  14. Love to read your posts, always a good selection of beauty and laugh!

  15. Enjoy them all!

  16. Hi, dear Linda! I enjoyed the soothing piano melody performed by Michael Logozar. I always appreciate seeing videos about animals and humans bonding and the one showing the deep rapport between that woman and her horses brought tears. When I was 8 years old the Four Preps had a hit with "26 Miles," a song about Santa Catalina. It was nice to see that video tour of the island and all its natural beauty and wildlife.

    Happy Monday, dear friend Linda!

  17. The balloon attack was fun. When I was a teen, I lived in Los Angeles and always wanted to visit Catalina Island. Got close once on a boat trip but never made's very beautiful. And isn't it amazing how well we can bond with our animal cousins at times?

  18. The peach-mango smoothie sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Bonjour ma belle Linda,
    J'adore voir la magnifique complicité entre la femme et les chevaux

    Bisous •.★*


  20. even though it's not their best prank, I like the balloon one

  21. I'll keep an eye on my cat and see which paw he leads with. I like to have little tidbits like that to hand.

  22. Those horses are like over-grown pups. Great stuff. Though I'd pass on the smooches.

  23. " When I look up at the night sky I somehow know you'll always watch over me." Oh my, I loved it so much. I listened to the music Your Smile while I read your entire blog. It was so easy to listen to and read. Monday's aren't my best day but since I've found your blog with some laughter, easy music and beautiful thoughts Monday is like everyday, great. Thanks Linda. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  24. Oh, I love the candy waters. So sweet to me. The peach mango smoothie sounds really good too. Hope you have a great week sweet Linda. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  25. I laughed a lot at the balloons, I thought it was such fun! The horse and human video was delightful too.

  26. Bonjour Linda,
    Comme toujours tout est agréable à regarder. merdi à toi. Bisous de bonne semaine

  27. Loved the pranks.

    The horses got your link on my Awww Monday post. Precious.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  28. Hahaha, "Laughing Colours" made me laugh!
    I didn't know about female kitties typically right-pawed and males left-pawed. I sometimes wondered if my boys are right or left-pawed. I will observe and see which paw they use more!

  29. Bonjour Linda, j'aime beaucoup la vidéo «Human and Horses sauf quand il lui lèche la bouche...» Bise et bon lundi dans la joie!

  30. Very positive reflectios ;) have a nice week ;)

  31. I always love your uplifting messages. I need them especially on Mondays! :)

  32. un beau tableau de Heidi Shaulis..Linda


  33. Good videos and great quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  34. Cool gag, Linda !

  35. I did not know that male cats are lefties and female cats are righties. Learn something new every day!

  36. very entertaining videos - thanks for sharing!

  37. Awesome post!
    Have a great evening!
    Angela Donava

  38. wow-this post took a lot of time- thanks!

  39. Anonymous2:57 PM

    The The Incredible Bond, is so beautiful Linda, thanks for sharing.

  40. Lovely post. Wishing you a great start on this new week.=)

  41. That balloon gag was funny!

  42. Love the connection with the horse.


  43. the one about failures are really good :)

  44. Hello!! I have misplaced your address!! Could you send it to me again please? I have something to put in the mail for you!!

  45. I would have thought cats sleep more than seventy percent of their lives!

  46. the balloons are hilarious, linda! :-))

  47. Happy Monday to you! Full of nice quotes...Thank you!

  48. Many awwws, and the horse video is amazing!

  49. Catalina Island seems to be a nice place to visit. I hope you will have a wonderful week.

  50. Good morning. A beautiful post especially "Your Smile" and horse video.

  51. The cat facts were fun and interesting.

  52. Thank you Linda, for another wonderful post!

  53. Wonderful. I like them all.

  54. Some great art here Linda and wondeful words of wisdom, topped off with humor! I like it!!!!


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