Many of you have been experiencing a haze in your area, and here in Montreal we got a lot of rain today and are supposed to get some tomorrow as well. The temperatures are getting cooler in many areas and the days shorter, so this means less sun. I do hope you experience some sunshine on my blog, and I have been adding Mr. Bean videos, hoping that this will help you all enjoy a smile or laugh. :)
The videos I have selected for this post are:
A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire
Oliver: Finding Joy on the Job
Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun
How to Roll Clothing for Packing
Mr. Bean Sneaking Sweets in Church
For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo. You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.
I think it's time to be happy again.
If you start taking care of your health now, you will start seeing and feeling results one day earlier than if you start tomorrow.
Nobody is perfect. But you can't keep using that as an excuse to do wrong or not try to improve.
I'm not beautiful like you. I'm beautiful like me.
If only there was a vaccine to end meanness.
There are days I just cannot participate in life.
Sometimes what looks like an obstacle in your path, is really a gift.
Remember, even the healthiest relationships have small flaws. Instead of constantly looking for signs of what's not working in your relationship, what you need to do is look for signs of what is, and then use this as a solid foundation to build upon.
It's a feline fact: did you know that cats can actually rehydrate by drinking salt water?
Your stressful mental self talk is the soundtrack of all the negative voices you've recorded since you were born.
Wash your hands after touching a mobile phone because it has 18 times more bacteria than a toilet handle.
Love is counting on cuddles and warmth through the storms of life!
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Thank you all so much for visiting me here! I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!