Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday Wishes and Sunshine!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
Many of you have been experiencing a haze in your area, and here in Montreal we got a lot of rain today and are supposed to get some tomorrow as well. The temperatures are getting cooler in many areas and the days shorter, so this means less sun.  I do hope you experience some sunshine on my blog, and I have been adding Mr. Bean videos, hoping that this will help you all enjoy a smile or laugh.  :)

The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Oliver:  Finding Joy on the Job

Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun

How to Roll Clothing for Packing

Mr. Bean Sneaking Sweets in Church

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

I think it's time to be happy again.

If you start taking care of your health now, you will start seeing and feeling results one day earlier than if you start tomorrow.

Nobody is perfect.  But you can't keep using that as an excuse to do wrong or not try to improve.

I'm not beautiful like you.  I'm beautiful like me.

If only there was a vaccine to end meanness.

There are days I just cannot participate in life.

Sometimes what looks like an obstacle in your path, is really a gift.

Remember, even the healthiest relationships have small flaws.  Instead of constantly looking for signs of what's not working in your relationship, what you need to do is look for signs of what is, and then use this as a solid foundation to build upon.

It's a feline fact:  did you know that cats can actually rehydrate by drinking salt water?

Your stressful mental self talk is the soundtrack of all the negative voices you've recorded since you were born.

Wash your hands after touching a mobile phone because it has 18 times more bacteria than a toilet handle.

Love is counting on cuddles and warmth through the storms of life!

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Good morning Linda.

    Yes I will get the flu jab. Better be prepared than sorry.

  2. your blog is a true ray of sunshine

  3. Hi Linda, I'm staying indoor more because of the haze. Thank God for the rain!
    Thanks for sharing Mr Bean. Never get tired of watching him!

  4. Music of the Carpenters is very beautiful

  5. I love The Carpenters. This song is absolutely perfect for weddings!!!

  6. Hi! I like the carpenters. The top of the world is my most favorite song. I miss Karen even now.

  7. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Linda, we're going to fall, but it is also beautiful. Mister Bean is fun again.

  8. coincidentally it's raining outside my window as i type this ... but yes, here's to an october filled to good weather for all of us ;)

  9. Great post, the Carpenters are playing as I type!

  10. Bizarre gag, Linda !
    Yes..., I enjoy Mr. Bean !

  11. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Ha ha... I'd love a pressie like that too!

  12. Mr. Bean reminded me of something my father did in his church in Los Angeles in the late 1940s. My confirmation class sat together near the front. My father was the pastor. He hated gum and gum chewing. One Sunday in the middle of his sermon, he noticed some of the girls chomping away. He stopped his message, pointed at the girls and said, "Hey there! Do you young ladies know the difference between a gum-chewing girl and a cud-chewing cow? There is a difference I will allow. What is the difference? Ah, I have it now; the intelligent look on the face of the cow."

    Then he continued his sermon. Those girls never chewed gum in church again..

  13. Mr bean always makes me laughing , enjoy your Wednesday Linda

  14. Oh I just love it all today Linda. I love the Carpenters and really needed to see how to roll your clothes for packing since I will be going to Nicaragua in Feb. to minister to women!
    Thanks so much for today! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. Enjoyed the funnies and truths you've posted today. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving the kind words!!! Have a happy Wednesday! :)

  16. bisous avec un petit air d'automne,

    un vent frais mais le ciel reste bleu avec un superbe soleil ....

  17. Gostei dos filmes.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  18. Love the gag. These packing videos may make me an efficient packer yet.

  19. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Hi Linda! What a lovely blog you have! It's so nice to meet new positive people and thank you so much for visiting my blog! I'll be back to visit again soon!

  20. I love Mr. Bean, Linda!

  21. I'm enjoying the Mr. Bean videos. And yes, I too wish there was a vaccine to end meanness.

  22. Mr.Bean made me laugh out loud. Great collection today, Linda. Thank you!

  23. I didn't know that about cats!

    The Canada goose reminds me of seeing a couple of them getting chased by two kids last summer... I kept thinking, if those geese turn on them, the kids have it coming.

  24. Años que no escuchaba a The Carpenters y esa estética de los años 70 del pasado siglo.
    El otoño nos hace un poco mas melancólicos.
    Tus reflexiones muy acertadas y muy buenas.


  25. Linda, the haze got better after the rain but came back after a few hours. We really need some cheering up!

  26. I always hear that rolling your clothes is the best way to pack, but I've never tried it. I'm going to have to give that one a try.

  27. Ahh thank you for the sunshine. We have been having lots of rain here, too. Love Mr. Bean video, he is hilarious! I didn't know about the feline fact about salt water!

  28. It is getting cooler. For us the coolness arrives Friday.

  29. Oh that gag was a hoot. Yikes.

    Love Mr. Bean.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  30. Bonjour Linda, de bons trucs pour rouler ses vêtements! Bise et bonne soirée toute douce!

  31. a great post again :-)

  32. Again, I pass by here to enjoy your recent entry .


  33. I love the Carpenters. Such a sad story with her death from anorexia. Hope you are having a nice week so far.

  34. Happy Wednesday Linda... I like that quote about being beautiful like me... not like someone else... really great quote. (Nova Scotia is apparently getting that rain starting sometime today and buckets tomorrow ) xox

  35. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I love mister bean.

    In Holland only old people got flu vaccin, not kids like me.

  36. Good afternoon, dear Linda! I'm late but I'm here and I'm thankful that I didn't miss today's videos. The gag vignette with the gift casket left prank victims with stunned facial expressions and it made me laugh out loud. It was wonderful to watch and listen to Oliver. Too many retail employees resemble the living dead, exhibiting no enthusiasm or personality whatsoever. They could learn a lesson from that special young man. It was sad to watch The Carpenters singing "We've Only Just Begun" knowing that it was the beginning of the end for Karen. The packing tips tutorial was very helpful and I enjoyed watching Bean again today.

    Happy Wednesday, dear friend Linda!

  37. Angry birds, not as fun in real life

  38. Hubby uses the "roll" method for packing. He swears by it.

  39. it's so sad that karen carpenters died so early! she was a great singer!

    mr bean .. hilarious! ;-))

  40. There's always sunshine on your blog Linda...

  41. That's a lot of research you did for us
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  42. Twenty-five years later and Mr. Bean is still making people laugh!

    The sweet Oliver video made me smile. I would love to volunteer at a thrift store...perhaps one day, when I retire!

    P.S. I used to collect all things Eeyore when I was younger. This collection has been replaced by my tea obsession. Heh.

  43. Mr Bean is my hero:) Love his stuff.

  44. I could never stop laughing at that Mr Bean's video. The naughty nature of him in church.

    It is true that our mobile phones are full of germs and bacterias. Imagine all places we brought our phone!!

    The weather in my area has been good this few days. It rained and clear those haze away but other parts of Malaysia still covered in haze.

  45. Oh my, those gagsters always manage to work a gag to unexpected places. Thanks for the laughs, Linda! This post is full of many wise quotes, and your blog is sunshine personified. Thanks for the flu shot reminder ~ top of my list when I get home next week! Have a lovely evening, Linda!

  46. Carpenters is my favorite :) and I love all the quotes. Will definitely be back here again.

    Happy Wednesday!

  47. Oh Linda...I wish these wonderful quotes and videos could be distilled and made into a vaccine against negativity.
    I just want to carry them all around inside me forever...never forgetting a single one...:)

  48. Linda, as usual everything is good and the quotes are very meaningful.

  49. I've never seen Mr Bean. I'd click the video but the game is on.

  50. I love the music from the Carpenters, so thanks for the memories.

  51. I was listening to the Carpenters's song while reading all your so beautiful quotes ... it was such a joyous moment in my afternoon, darling Linda, thank you for this gift !

    With dear love I wish you a most beautiful end of the week,
    sending hugs,


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