Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday Wonders and a New Poll!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
I have added a new poll at the top right hand column of my blog.  I am just wondering if you all prefer to eat out or at home!  Thank you so much for taking the time to vote in my polls, I really appreciate it!

The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Dogs get Massages for the First Time

Red Sea Hotel Grand Makadi

Animal Affection

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and what misses me was never meant for me. - Iman Shafi

Mental illness is a disease just like cancer or heart disease.  Anxiety disorders: (panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias) about 18.2% of American adults.  Mood disorders: (major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, bipolar disorder) about 9.5% of American adults. Personality disorders: (antisocial, avoidant, and borderline personality disorders) about 9.5% of American adults.  Eating disorders: (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorders) about 4.4% of American adults. Let's replace stigma with empathy and support!

Sugar is the sociopath of foods.  It acts sweet...but it's really poison.

With a little discipline and regular self-checks, you can learn to do one thing at a time.  And do it better. And be happier doing it.

There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict.  Walk away.  The battle they are fighting is not with you, it is with themselves.

Don't allow mindless drama to stress you out. Breathe and let it go.

One of the greatest gifts is the gift of kindness...and it's very affordable!

Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength.

No use trying to give light to the world when you are feeling stormy inside;  no one deserves your love, this very moment, more than you do.

Nature itself is the best physician. - Hippocrates

Canadian Standoff  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Kindness is very affordable, indeed.

  2. Good morning, dear Linda! Since I'll be busy later this morning and all day, I decided to stay up late and visit you. That gag meister's groin takes quite a beating in the various pranks he stages, doesn't it? :) I would love to visit that luxury resort on the Red Sea! I enjoyed watching the massage therapist working with dogs. They really seemed to enjoy her rubdowns. The donkey therapy is another wonderful idea. I always perk up when an animal of any type is present, and those ailing seniors came to life when the donkey made a surprise visit to their assisted living facility. Animals are wonderful and it makes me very sad when they are abused or slaughtered for sport.

    Thank you very much dear friend Linda!

  3. I enjoy eating out on occasion. Luxury resorts are to die for...gorgeous. Dogs do love massages. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. Bonjour chère Linda,

    Je ne résiste pas et je souris allègrement en regardant vos vidéos comiques !
    Un joli panache de photos...

    Gros bisous

  5. Some very wise words again, Linda, thank you for some things to think about differently. Just yesterday the new flow arrived, in case you don´t know it yet maybe have a look here, I usually find some interesting, helpful articles in the (German version of the) magazine-

  6. Lovely, the videos with donkey and dogs massage!
    I vote "At home", i love cookink!

    Have a fine day! ☺

  7. coucou on a encore un ciel gris , j'ai fait ma déco d'halloween
    bisous et belle journée

  8. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I want to stay in the Red Sea Hotel, wonderful!

  9. Tous tes posts sont des petites douceurs. Merci. Belle journée à toi

  10. Happy Wednesday Linda ♡

    I like the premise of this quote, I'm hoping to get to this point soon...My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and what misses me was never meant for me. - Iman Shafi

  11. Hello Linda,
    When I visit your blog, it's time for fun and laughing.
    Your first movie is so nice. I enjoy this so much.

    Sweet greetings,

  12. I'm wondering if people in Montreal are getting wise to the gag people? I found some really helpful posters here today, and love those last couple of paintings. I've got to find someone to give me a massage, though! :)

    Yea for the elections! May it all goes as well here next year but I don't have much hope of that. There are some things seriously lacking in this country such as common sense, empathy, kindness, knowledge, etc.

  13. I voted! I definitely prefer eating at home...I rarely go out actually.
    Love the art by Candy Waters. I think she is very talented!

  14. O no gag, Linda... !

  15. Very wise words, love the dogs video. I voted at home, I am a very picky eater so I don't like to eat out.

  16. Now I want to go to that Red Sea Hotel. So pretty.

  17. C'est beau le vidéo des petits chiens qui se font masser!

    Bisous Linda


  18. The doggy massage is so cute! I need one myself! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. Hi! The dog's video is very cool. Thanks for sharing.

  20. une publication intéressante Linda

    et la citation de Hippocrates me plaît beaucoup


  21. Linda, where is Red Sea Hotel Grand Makadi? Also, you are correct with the fact about " don't allowing mindless drama to stress you out. Breathe and let it go." It helped me a great deal.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  22. Loved those animal videos! And the Canadian standoff - that happens here in Portland, Oregon at four way stop signs (You go first. No, you first. No, you first...). You could sit there for hours. Great quotes & artwork. Thank you, Linda!

  23. Today's poll is a hard one for me. I don't really like to cook, so we do eat out a lot. Often, though, we get carryout...the best of both worlds. :)

  24. A Canadian standoff! Perfect!

    The dogs seem to be in bliss getting a massage.

  25. Linda, I love home cooked food but now that there are only hubby and I, we mostly eat out.

  26. I voted in your poll as always.

    Loved the prank. He's so good at these.

    Love the dog massages. That was adorable.

    Loved the donkey. What a wonderful thing to do.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  27. Fabulous choice of quotes and inspiration today (well, always, Linda). I like what you said about mental illness and sugar - All illnesses are difficult to deal with, and mental illnesses are usually not caused by the sufferer. Sugar certainly does act sweet, and is not our friend! hugs, de

  28. kindness is so immportant, enjoy your Wednesday Linda

  29. Many thanks for sharing all these wonders :)
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  30. I could use a nice get away at a hotel resort like that!

  31. Lots of color in your pictures.


  32. Thank you Linda for this wonderful post. I particularly like this: One of the greatest gifts is the gift of kindness...and it's very affordable! Best regards Anneli

  33. I both enjoy eating put and eating at home. It's true, whatever is meant to be will come and never miss us. Hopefully.

  34. Merci pour ce beau partage chère Linda! Bise et bonne soirée toute douce!

  35. i like your latest poll, and i find it fascinating that many of your readers choose to enjoy their meals at home ... on second thought, i'd probably feel the same way ... if only i could cook! heheh :)

  36. it is again so varied and interesting.
    Thank you :-)

  37. Ha ha, you Canadians are such a polite bunch. I love that cartoon. ;-)

  38. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Hi! Linda, what a glorious day! Just came by to see how you are doing! It was raining yesterday but today the sun is shining!

  39. Great videos and quotes. I enjoyed them all. Madeline

  40. I prefer eating at home because my hubby is a great cook.

  41. I like the sugar one

  42. Hi Linda,
    I am back from my break, and thought I would wander over.. What a great post today.. Love the dog video.. And the artists you have shared are amazing.

  43. Yes, gotta watch our sugar intake...including all the hidden sugars.

  44. Aww. Doggy massages! As if my dog isn't already spoiled enough!

  45. Kiitos Linda hienoista kuvista Hyvää syksyä Halauksiin :)

  46. Good morning Linda.

    Am back....:)

    New polls ya...

    Am not sure how to answr about the food poll. Sometimes i like to eat in restaurant and sometimes at home. Actually it depend on how lazy am feeling LOL

    The washing up is easy. I preferred shower coz there was once i fell in the bathtub. Cut my ear :(

    Have a nice day !

  47. The rudeness quote and the mindless drama hit me solid. Thank you for another wonderful day's post!

  48. Thank you for your visit and most kind words, Linda.
    Always a joy to see you there.

  49. Nice quotes...very comforting! I'm going to print out and staple to my wall.

  50. Gostei do que vi.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  51. So funny, I love Juste pour Rire ;)


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