Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday Thoughts and a New Poll!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
I added this new poll yesterday but unfortunately I added the poll just after my yesterday's blog post was published so I am just mentioning it now for those of you who may have missed it.  You will find the poll on the upper right hand column of my blog. I just wanted to know if you prefer eating out or at home.  Thank you so much for taking the time to vote in my polls, I really appreciate it!  :)

The videos I have chosen for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

The Mama Doll Song - Patti Page (1954)

Laughter Yoga:  Laughing Away the Stress

Playful Purple Martins

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Good morning!  Wishing you a beautiful day!  

It's hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all the time.  Be nice to yourself.

What's on your mind becomes what's in your life. So think the thoughts you want to me.

It starts with you.  Change the way you see yourself and the way you love yourself.  Then make anyone who enters your life treat you accordingly. - Tony Gaskin

Always remember this:  it's never too late.

I want to be surrounded by people who dream and support and do things. - Amy Poehler

Be bigger than your problems.

Once you feel you are avoided by someone, never disturb them again.

Just breathe...and remember, when you're stressed is when you most need to look at all the ways you're blessed!

He who breathes deepest lives most. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

It's okay to cry, to be afraid, or angry. You are not here to judge your humanity, you are here to embrace it.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Bonjour chère Linda,

    Un grand merci déjà pour votre gentil commentaire. Je suis allée voir le lien que vous m'aviez noté. Une belle ressemblance avec le Sacré-Coeur de Paris !

    Merci encore pour cette dernière publication. La mélodie est parfaite pour débuter ma journée... un belle ensemble de pensées positives.

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. i had never heard of laughter yoga before ... what a wonderful concept! :)

  3. Patti Page. Dunno this one but I know some of her other songs like Tennessee Waltz, Changing Partners and How much is that doggie in the window.

  4. merci du partage tu trouves toujours des bonnes vidéos et j'aime beaucoup le dernier tableau avec les chats

  5. What a beautiful voice Patti has, loved listening.

  6. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Hahahaha .... when you visit from so many beautiful ladies, you will never get better.

  7. I enjoy your polls Linda. It is always interesting to see the results. Great daily dose of wisdom and videos too. Have a great day :)

  8. I have heard of Laugh Yoga! My bff went to a class! Trying to always remember the ways that I am blessed!

  9. Great videos and images as always! I like the quote from Lessons Taught by Life. I agree, I think it's better just to let go.
    The Meanwhile in Canada image is very cute :-) Happy Thursday!

  10. lovely bird-video!

  11. "Always remember this"makes me happy. I always think it was too late to take up learning another language" English". It is just my hobby though.
    Have a good weekend!

  12. J'ai beaucoup aimé regarder les beaux oiseaux ♡

    Bisous Linda


  13. I like the kitty picture! And all the posters! And the gag. I don't remember this song by Patti Page, but she was part of my youth! Gotta try that laughter yoga!

  14. Great JFL gag. Love the Patti Page song, although I'd never heard it before. What a voice!

  15. Being in Canada, deer can be near you at all times. I remember the time that a deer ran threw one one of the classroom windows of my school;. That was one heck of a crazy day. Kids were running all over the place. One student even got kicked in the stomach by the deer. Unfortunately the deer died due to a blood loss going threw the windows. The kids were crying knowing that. Only being in Canada could that happened.
    Have a great Thursday Linda. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  16. Loved the gag. That was very well done. The looks on their faces after the switch was fabulous.

    Oh the Martins are so precious. What a great thing to do for them. I had no idea they depended on us for their housing.

    I voted in your new poll yesterday.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  17. We have those deer signs everywhere where I drive, but I never see any deer

  18. This warmed my heart, Linda! Loved the gag and the laughter yoga videos. I know how important laughter is ~ that's one of the reasons why I love the zany Quebec gags ~ They make me laugh guaranteed!

    Your quotes were truly thought provoking, I smiled BIG when I saw the Gratitude Good Morning ~ and raised my morning coffee to you in a salute!
    I often look in the mirror and say "Be nice to yourself." Or kind. Or gentle! And "It's never too late!" reinforced my mantra when I feel discouraged when working on my memoir!

    Sorry I'm running on and on, but I've not been visiting daily, and it's just wonderful to have a shot of your positivity to start my day! I like to shower because it's fast, but you can't beat a bath to relax! I love going out for dinner, but too much of that, and I long for home cooked meals.

    I keep trying not to be herky jerky in my visits, and I'm always optimistic that I will become consistent. You have no idea how much I appreciate your consistent, kind, and encouraging comments on my blog. Big hugs to my dear, Montreal friend!

  19. Very good videos. I have always liked Patti Page. She had a beautiful singing voice. Great quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  20. I adore today's Meanwhile In Canada!

  21. Hi, dear Linda! I voted in your poll. Mrs. Shady is a wonderful cook and her meals are typically better than those served in restaurants. That gag video was one of the funniest yet. The pranked people looked like they had seen a ghost. The voice and songs of Patti Page remind of of the age of innocence light years before heavy metal and gangsta rap came along. In my seminar programs I learned that your nervous system reacts favorably when you smile, even when you need to force yourself to do it. Those purple martin bird houses atop long poles are exactly like the one my dad and I built and erected in our back yard. Dad was very disappointed when it didn't attract purple martins, only common sparrows.

    Thank you, dear friend Linda!

  22. I would prefer eating outside for gourmet food :3
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  23. Oh, c'est tout beau ma belle Linda! Bise et bonne journée toute douce!

  24. Patti Page great music, enjoy your Thursday Linda

  25. Great gag, Linda !

  26. j'aime bien "The Mama Doll Song" Linda...


  27. I don't know how you do it! Your blog is just such a delight! Thank you, Linda.

  28. I love laughing yoga!!! I've done all kinds of yoga.....but this is my first one of laughing!!!

  29. Thank you, Linda.
    That was what I needed today.
    Some days are just not good. You made it better.

  30. Great videos ! Kisses :)

  31. I wonder if purple martins are what we call housemartins. They do live in the eaves of houses here, anyhow.

  32. love you my friend.

  33. Linda, just wanted to pop over and let you know that that wasn't a giveaway gift from Stephanie. It was just a gift sent to me in the mail from her, just because. She is a dear blog friend, and her mother's blog is very special as well.
    Thanks for stopping by today.

    This yoga video cracked me up. It reminded me of the time when my brother and his daughter took a yoga class, and the teacher was doing very unusual and funny positions, and when my brother tried to do some of them, him and his daughter started laughing and couldn't stop. I've always wanted to take a yoga class, and now I'm convinced that I should.


  34. I'm torn on the "prefer to eat" one...we eat most of our meals at home, but I still like to go out to a restaurant a couple of times a week and be waited on. My husband would rather go get food and bring it back. If I'm going to eat at home, I'd rather just cook than go to the trouble of going out to get food and bring it home.

  35. Amazing how the Lord uses you to encourage me with your Blog posts. Love the graphics and feeling charged now. I'm surprised how many of us like to eat at home. I prefer it because I have so many food allergies.

    Love ya,

  36. Some day I prefer to stay at home but other days I want to venture out and try new thing. So it is 50-50. ^^

    For an inspirational post today, Linda.

  37. Meanwhile in it!

    It was cold in the morning here...what is the weather like up there? Take care.

  38. My little town grew up on Patti Page and Doris Day among all of the C&W, real cowboy country in B.C., eating in, love the quotes and the art that accompanies them, Happy Weekend Linda

  39. Thanks for starting our days with a smile, have a lovely weekend ahead:)

  40. Laughter yoga...what an amazing idea...and thank you so much for all those other fabulous videos and quotes...that are just what I needed to see and hear today. I will leave here genuinely uplifted!
    Linda, you are wonderful...:))

  41. Tes posts sont superbes.

  42. Fun pole. 100 percent, home for me.


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