Saturday, December 05, 2015

Saturday's Post

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Luville Christmas Village 2013

Backyard Winter Birds - 2015

Birds of Winter - Gheorghe Zamfir

Winchester Cathedral - The New Vaudeville Band

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

New day with blessings and gratitude. I am grateful.

All the storms and trials you go through rearrange your life to change the person you once knew. Allow your trials to change you for the better, learn and grow as you brave the stormy weather. Don't let your trials eat you up inside, keep moving forward as you cast your fear and doubts aside.

Today, on the internet...I saw something that offended me, but I just ignored it and went on with my life.

Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can cure the patient with food. - Hippocrates

Show me love.  I don't want to hear about it.  I'm a visual learner. - Alex Elle

When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.

The only thing we can control in this world is our ability to choose one thought over another.

Eat crappy, feel crappy.  Eat healthy, feel healthy.

Everyday is a new beginning.  Take a deep breath and start again.

Past is a waste paper, present is a news paper, future is a question paper, so read and write carefully, otherwise life will be tissue paper.

We're all so desperate to be understood, we forget to be understanding.

Dream big!

Change the way you think about yourself and you'll change your entire life.

Guard Dog - Level: Beginner  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    J'adore cette publication !
    Merci à toi Linda !

    BISES et bon samedi !

  2. Love that Christmas village video! Have a beautiful weekend Linda.

  3. Good morning, dear Linda!

    The gag video was hilarious. Can you imagine reaching for a food item in a vending machine and seeing a human hand coming from inside? No wonder the customers jumped back and squealed. I very much appreciated the tour of the Luville Christmas Village. Gazing at a miniature village decorated for the holidays with carols and hymns playing makes me wish every village, town and city could be as peaceful and as happy a place to live. The backyard winter birds piece reminded me of living back up north in Pennsylvania. My dad made suet and seed cakes for the birds and we loved to watch them come and feed on snowy days. Believe it or not, "Winchester Cathedral" was "a Dell song." It was played frequently at the Shady Dell during the holiday period in 1966.

    Thank you for the music and memories, dear friend Linda!

  4. Oh, I just loved the sweet birds! My precious Grandma Betty loved birds and she passed that love down to me {{smiles}}

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Love and hugs!

  5. I love all the videos and graphics today. They all speak to me of beauty and positivity. And of course, laughs, ha ha. The pan flute piece was very beautiful.

  6. Hi Linda! I promised myself that I wouldn't go to bed without visiting your blog! And I'm so glad I did! First for the hilarious gag video with the hand coming out of the drink slot. Yikes, I'm sure I would have screamed. Second for those beautiful winter birds. And last for the wonderful quotes. I think the world would be a better place if people didn't get so worked up about things, especially if they see something that bothers them on the internet. I have a feeling Winchester Cathedral is going to keep running through my head as I go to sleep. Wishing you sweet dreams tonight and a wonderful Saturday. Take care!

  7. Linda, I liked the first 'hidden camera', laughed a lot!

  8. Merci du partage.
    Bonne journée à toi

  9. Hah!!! I was VERY young when Winchester Cathedral was a hit. Have not heard it for a long long time.

  10. je te souhaite un doux we ici ciel nuageux et vent froid

  11. The birds of winter...beautiful, so pretty against the snow..

  12. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Oh thank you Linda, you make my day feel like Christmas every day!

  13. I enjoyed those yard birds Linda. Love the Cardinal Lover sign too, not to mention the scary guard dog.

  14. Anonymous5:14 AM

    I enjoyed Backyard Winter Birds and Birds of Winter Linda. I wish you a nice weekend.

  15. Hi Linda, I love The Happiness Contagion, and also the one with the frog about being offended! Stay well!

  16. Tons of great advice here, Linda! Love the winter birds!

  17. i agree! it's important to greet each day with gratitude ... that's the right attitude to have :)

  18. That is a very cool prank. Surprise! We're getting some "winter" birds down here now. But we have cardinals year round. Love that Canadian "guard dog"!

    Hope you're off to a great weekend!

  19. That dog must love the vet, so brave. I have to pick my dog up and drag her into the vet's office. She cries when she realizes that's where I'm driving her

  20. So many good thoughts today. Loved the "guard dog." :)

  21. Loved the coke machine video!

  22. Funny gag, Linda !

  23. Loved the gag. That would have freaked me out too.

    Loved all the winter birds.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  24. La collection de vidéos est particuliérement belle en ce post, trop marrante la machine qui a une main ! et puis le village de Noël plein de magie tout aussi comme les oiseaux d'hiver, que notre culture dure encore longtemps!
    bisous pour toi

  25. Great post filled with wonderful thoughts to ponder. Forgot about this song, too--LOL! ;)

  26. That's why I have always said that we should listen to green frogs. They're quite wise, you know. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  27. Enjoyed all the videos and quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  28. Kauniita kuvia ja videoita Terveisiä !

  29. He might be a beginner, but he's such an adorable guard dog!

  30. I love 'Winchester Cathedral' and what a charm the video about Birds in Winter !
    This moment is so blessed to me, my special, wonderful Linda !
    Sending blessings on your weekend,
    with love

  31. Beautiful winter birds! We haven't seen birds around our bird feeder for a while. My kitties sure miss them.
    The image of Meanwhile in Canada cracked me up!

  32. Thank you for the pick-me-ups, Miss Linda! Hope your weekend is extra special, hugs, de

  33. The quotes are inspiring especially the one about facing our trials and moving forward at all times.

  34. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Steak vide looks so delicious!!!
    I would love to have steak tonight!


  35. Anonymous12:52 AM

    "Change the way you think about yourself..." is very simple and great quote!
    Thank you for your selections every day , Linda!!!


  36. A great selection over here... but I am still laughing... about that funny guard dog!...
    Beauty, optimism and good humor... they are always here... waiting for us...
    Thank you so much, Linda!

  37. Hi Linda, I'm back from my trip but not ready for blogging yet. We had so much rain today and many area got flooded. The weather man said expect more rain tomorrow...yikes! It was so fun to visit your blog. The vendor machine trick is funny! I really like the Meanwhile in Canada!


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