Monday, July 04, 2016

Monday Moments

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Dog and Cows Become Friends

Candid Camera Classic:  Hydrant on Your Lawn

Owl Missed the Man who Saved Her so Much She Couldn't Stop Hugging Him

The Best Boogie Woogie Piano at Heathrow Airport

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Mental Health - Let's talk about it.

The hardest part about recovery is when you're not so sure you want to recover.

Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else.

Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside.

Pain and suffering are the soil of strength and courage.

What is this so called "8 hours of sleep" everyone talks about?  :)

Wounds don't heal the way you want them to, they heal the way they need to.  It takes time for wounds to fade to scars.  It takes time for the process of healing to take place.  Give yourself that time. Give yourself that grace.  Be gentle with your wounds. Be gentle with your heart.  You deserve to heal. - Unknown

For most people, being angry is just a bodyguard for sadness.

Stop resisting life.  Nothing is for nothing.  You are exactly where you are meant to be this very moment.

Every time you feel yourself being pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words:  "Not my circus, not my monkeys." - Polish Proverb  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. I think public piano is such a cool thing! Have a great week, Linda! xoxo

  2. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Dog and cow being friend is surprising. What a lovable owl!

  3. My first smile today, Linda ! Thank you !

  4. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Dog and Cows is wonderful to see Linda. I wish you a happy Monday.

  5. Hi Linda--that's some terrific piano playing in that video. Wow!

    And a bunch of great quotes today.
    Happy 4th

  6. very nice videos and quotes!

  7. Hello, I love the video of the dog and cows. So cute! The owl and man is just amazing. I enjoyed your post, wise and inspiring words. I can not remember ever getting 8 hours of sleep, I wish.
    Happy Monday! Enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  8. I enjoyed the dog & cows making friends video and also the rescued owl hugging her human friend. Both video are so touching and warms my heart.

  9. What a super post, Linda! Thanks for sharing these wonderful videos and the wonderful posters. I loved them all, although the owl hugging its "savior" is very moving and one of my favorites. The fire hydrant is too funny! And Salmansohn comes through again. Wishing you the best Monday ever!

  10. Such a sweet video about the owl.

  11. Hi Linda, lovely post. I enjoyed the owl video and the candid camera one too. I wish you a wonderful week.

  12. un piano à l'aéroport..

    un bonne initiative Linda

    have a nice day

  13. The video of owl and man is so heartwarming! Loved dog and cows video, too. Such great friendship they have made!

  14. Love all the videos you chose for today!

  15. Thanks for sharing all the peaceful pieces. Dogs and cows never mixed on our farm. Love the owl and his need to stay close. All things you share are so encouraging. Sometimes being transparent is not such a bad think when one becomes so much on demand from others. Have a good week.

  16. Another wonderful post, Linda! That boogie woogie is going to be running through my head all day. I loved it! I enjoyed all the videos, especially Gigi giving her caretaker a feathery hug! The "eight hours of sleep" image had me laughing, because it's so rare in my life. I'm lucky if I can get five hours of sleep. Last night was the first night in the last month that I actually got eight hours of sleep, and I am so grateful!

    Have a happy Monday and a great week, dear friend! Sending you a big hug!

  17. Great videos I especially enjoyed the musical one. Nice quotes and art. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  18. Two huge Awww's for your videos. The owl one was the very best. I of course linked you to Awww Mondays.

    I loved the Candid Camera one too. Always fun.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  19. We need to bring Candid Camera back.

  20. thanks for the owl video- so heartwarming! Cheers and thanks!

  21. Que tout est beau Linda! Bise et bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  22. Dogs can have some odd reactions to cattle!

  23. I love the videos showing different species of animals 'being friends' - it shows that animals can do, why not humans. :-)

  24. So many talented buskers overseas, loved them all. At times, I felt like dancing!

  25. Hi, Linda! I hope your Canada Day celebration and remembrance was full of gratitude. thanks for the fun video with the dog and cows! Our big dog was a black Belgian Shepherd. He would stay on one side of the fence, and the cows would turn their heads side-ways to let him CLEAN THEIR EARS! He would lick each ear on each cow, inside and out, to keep them all clean. How sweet is that? Take care, dear friend. hugs, de

  26. Hi Linda, Happy Monday... I hope you had a lovely Canada Day on Friday :)

    I agree with this quote as well need to learn to live it not just look like it: Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside. xox

  27. Excelente postagem e belos vídeos.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  28. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Candid Camera is very funny Linda. Greetings from Edward.

  29. Dear Linda what a sweet video of the dog with the cows. Warms my heart. Thank you too for stopping by to visit me. Hope your holiday the first was wonderful too. Hugs!

  30. Wonderful videos and LOVED the quotes....enjoy your day!!!!

  31. Interesting sayings today Linda...hope you are doing alright!

  32. Bonne semaine Linda et merci pour ta constance et tes jolis posts. Bises de Haute Provence

  33. Hope your Canada day was wonderful!
    Such good info today about mental health and healing. It's something that has been largely ignored here in the US since 1980 when Reagan was elected President, he discarded a law proposed by his predecessor that would have continued funding federal community mental health centers. This basically eliminated services for people struggling with mental illness. He had already done something similar when he was Gov of California. I'm not saying that is the whole problem but defunding all sorts of programs continues in this country. Maybe that's why we have so many angry-sad people today.

  34. Love your choices. Have a wonderful day!

  35. What a beautiful post, Linda!
    Great choices indeed.
    Have a very pleasant Wednesday!

  36. El vídeo del perro y las vacas muy simpático.


  37. Anonymous7:08 PM

    awesome post Linda xx

  38. Thanks for always choosing the best ones to share with us.

  39. Linda, I am so happy to have found you. You are so sensitive and thoughtful and generous. You warm my heart. The owl story really really touched me. Thank you so much. Sending you a big owl hug.

  40. Oh my goodness, that owl video! Aww! Good post, thanks Linda! Hugs

  41. Always the nicest shares here. Thank you for sharing. That owl is something. Enjoy your week.

  42. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I love 'Be strong when you're weak...'!!!
    I would like to have a good time with the words.
    Have a good weekend, Linda!


  43. What is this so called "8 hours of sleep" everyone talks about?

    I know, right. I do 10 ..haha ^.^

  44. That is a beautiful video about the owl.How beautiful she is. Thanks for the quotes. I always find something there that resonates with my day. Xx

  45. I love when all kinds of different animals become friends.


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