Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mid-Week Cheer

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers

Floating on Dreams - Kathryn Toyama

Candid Camera - Picketing Against Everything

Alligator, Turtles and Fish, Florida Keys Freshwater Pond

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Don't wait for things to get easier, simpler, better. Life will always be complicated.  Learn to be in the present moment and enjoy.

Your words are powerful.  Speak hope and life and watch it come forth at the speed of light.

Instead of saying, "I'm damaged, I'm broken, I have trust issues" say "I'm healing, I'm rediscovering myself, I'm starting over." - Horacio Jones

If you want to conquer the ansiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath. - Amit Ray

Pendant ce Temps au Canada (Meanwhile in Canada, French page)

Canadian street gang :)
Pendant ce Temps au Canada (Meanwhile in Canada, French page)

Some days I have to work a lot harder to remind myself that there is still love and generosity and kindness and laughter, and it's still a beautiful world.

Live life one more time, make a difference, touch one heart, encourage one mind and inspire one soul.

If things are so hard you just can't stand it...try kneeling.

Stop hating yourself for everything you're not.  Start loving yourself for everything you are.

Hang in there.  It is astonishing how short a time it can take for very wonderful things to happen.

I no longer have energy for meaningless friendships or forced conversations.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Muchas gracias. Besetes.

  2. Cara Linda, sono passato per augurarti una splendida giornata di sole.
    Ciao e con un abbraccio e un sorriso:)

  3. Yellow-Bellied is lovely Linda, a beautiful bird. Greetings from Edward.

  4. ...and some days I have to work a lot harder to show love and generosity and kindness and share the joy and laughter so all will see that it's still a beautiful world.

  5. I'll take a Canadian street gang any day! Ha. What a great one!

  6. Sometimes I wondered what it is like to join in a picket. I love to watch turtles and fishes but not alligators. Have a beautiful day, Linda!

  7. Excelentes videos.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  8. Hi, LInda! Thank you for your sweet visit to my blog yesterday. I hope that you are doing well at this time. This past year was a rough one, but your inspirational blog helps me face a GOOD reality each time it is published. I finally stopped being in denial, and recognized that the exacerbations from the past three years have taken a toll on my body and mind. I admitted to my husband that I guess I have a new "normal", and that I have accepted the fact that it is another rung down on the ladder. He smiled and with a little laughter said, "Whew! That's good! I don't know how much longer I could take it!" LOL He knows me so well. Since adjusting to the situation, I've been able to accomplish more, and Jack is less worried now. It must be so hard for him to try not to show the concern when I'm in denial, and not facing reality.

    I do so love the reminders to live in the moment, to surround myself with people who care, to be myself and appreciate that self. Thanks for making a difference in my little life, Linda! xoxox

  9. Thanks again for all these lovely things in your post Linda. Such a lovely variety. Have a wonderful day :)

  10. Your post today made me smile, some of the quotes I found quite poignant and thought provoking just what I needed. Take care.

  11. Bonjour Linda et bon mercredi.
    Merci pour toutes tes publications et certaines sont bien humoristiques.

  12. Kalimera Linda. Greetings from Greece. Have a lovely week.

  13. Hello, wonderful videos. I enjoyed the sapsucker video and all the inspiring words. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

  14. Ha, ha. I love both of the Meanwhile in Canada posts. That moose is hilarious.

  15. Thanks for another wonderful page full of goodness.

  16. j'aime en particulier "Floating on Dreams" Linda

    have a nice day

  17. Canadians have a great sense of humor, methinks!

  18. As the inspirational quotes here say, our only choice is to move forward with love, hope and joy. Have a wonderful day,

  19. Love the picketing one for Candid Camera. People amaze me sometimes.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ♥♥♥

  20. Instead of saying, "I'm damaged, I'm broken, I have trust issues" say "I'm healing, I'm rediscovering myself, I'm starting over." - Horacio Jones

    this is my favorite one because I am doing a study on being free, free indeed and the abundant life. =Thank God there is always new mercy to start over with the Lord. Glad I stop by today.

  21. Street gangs in Canada shouldn't be messed with!

  22. Good and enjoyable videos. Great quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  23. Well, Linda, I started this post by listening to Toyama's music. Went to sleep. Just woke up, so I'll start again.

    Nah, just kidding. It's beautiful and soothing music. Love that Candid Camera them all, actually. And the Florida Keys pond...years ago, we went to a pond of Deer Key which is just north of Key West. Deer Key is so named because there are a number of Key Deer on it...smallish and very cute deer.

    Anyway, they have a big pond have to trudge through a lot of brush and sable palms to get to it, but the big attractive was this huge alligator. Now, we were really ignorant at the time, so when the alligator came up near us on a concrete ramp, we fed it popcorn! That's the dumbest thing you can do. I'd never do it again. At the time it was fun, but scary. :) Love the Meanwhile in Canada bits, too. Thanks for your nice comments! Have a great day!

  24. It is a beautiful world. That's the main reason I took up trout fishing years ago...;)

  25. Hei Linda! Ihania Videoita Ja kuvat kaikki uskomattoman hyvia kauniita ajatuksia Toivotan sinulle hyviä päiviä:)

  26. Bonjour Linda! Tu sais comme j'aime les citations imagées, superbes!!! Bise, bon mercredi dans la joie!

  27. Hi Linda, Picketing Against Everything was totally outrageous !!!!! Loved it! It brought back many memories on watching this program many moons
    Thank you fo sharing....

  28. Lo que mas me llamo la atención fue la foto con el alce y la de los osos por la carretera.


  29. I'm constantly in need of the reminder to live in the moment. I'm one of those planners who gets too excited about the future sometimes. Loved the post, the reminders, the beautiful words. Thank you!

  30. I would definitely not like to meet that street gang in Canada! Hee hee!

  31. How nice, Linda, for me, in the middle of the night...

  32. I enjoy your blog, but haven't commented recently. However, I'm back, and will try to be more consistent!

  33. Continue to spread your sunshine! Love it.


  34. The protesting phenomena is actually very interesting. There is a documentary in Netflix about how many people cave to societal pressures. But I can't remember the title! lol

    Love the alligator just swimming around minding her own business. And that wicked little smile on her face!

  35. all this wisdom in just one post :-)

  36. A very happy bright positive post

  37. Hehe. That's a cute selfie. :)
    Wonderful week to you, my friend.

  38. Ooooooo I love the cat pictures!

  39. That Sapsucker must be from the Woodpecker family.
    Agree on that meaningless friendships or forced conversations.

  40. I love the quote and image of Ups, Downs and Roundabouts. And Meanwhile in Canada images are hilarious as always :-)

  41. Hi Linda! Your positive quotes here just lift my heart. Thank you!

  42. Loved the Candid Camera picketing against everything...that first lady is awesome!

    I struggle with the meaningless friendship/forced conversation issue. There are people I love being around and talking with, and I know who they are. Then there are people who want to talk with me...and they talk, and talk, and talk...and I inwardly moan whenever they greet me--but I'm always nice and polite anyway. It's sometimes hard figuring out what to do!

  43. Awe...enjoyed it all today sweet lady. Hope you are having a great week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  44. Inspiring quotes are always a day brightener :)

  45. l've had such a lovely time this morning watching your videos and reading your inspirational quotes...couldn't get over the crocodile living freely with the turtle and the fish, really didn't think that could happen ever. Also the picketing video was so funny, the woman with the baby was so sensible in an otherwise crazy situation:-) Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  46. Thank you Linda! I love the Canadian ones! LOL! Hope you are having a great weekend! Hugs!

  47. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Your posts always give me courage!
    'Instead of saying...' is so in my this time!!

  48. Hi Linda, I sometimes feel this way but I hang on out of politeness. :)

    I no longer have energy for meaningless friendships or forced conversations.


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