Friday, September 16, 2016

Weekend Escape

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Koko's Kittens are Growing

Mr. Bean at a Restaurant

Teen Invites Twin Brother with Down Syndrome to Share the Stage at his Graduation

Morning Birds - Churchbell

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Relax and enjoy the journey.  There is no need to rush through life.

One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change.

Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice. It knows all your insecurities and uses them against you.  It gets to the point when it's the loudest voice in the room.  The only one you can hear.

Love dissolves hate.  Kindness melts cruelty. Compassion calms passion.  Cooperation evokes love.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

One of the sanest and most generous joys is to be happy over the good fortune of others. - Archibald Rutledge

Best friends stand by your side...through the good times and the bad.

Got wings?

She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines.  She was beautiful for the way she thought.  She was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad.  No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.  She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.  She is beautiful. - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fear (F.E.A.R.) has 2 meanings: forget everything and run or face everything and rise.  The choice is yours!

Please know this now:  although you might be struggling right now, some day you'll look back and see how all you went through changed your life for the better.

Feeling stressed?  Close your eyes and imagine ocean waves.  Quiet your mind by envisioning the waves getting quieter and quieter until there's not even a ripple on the surface.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Thank you Linda, another wonderful post. I have been following Koko for many years now. She is an amazing soul.

  2. Another wonderful post, the twins and the bond they share is amazing.

  3. Great videos and lovely quotes. Have a fabulous weekend!

  4. That sure is so sweet of the teen to share his moment of joy with his twin brother, touching!

  5. Koko's kittens and Morning Birds are beautiful Linda !! I wish you a nice Friday.

  6. Koko with kittens is so sweet:)

  7. beau travail de Raphael Vavasseur Linda

    have a nice day

  8. I like that F.E.A.R quote - such a great perspective. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Hello Linda, lovely post and words. Koko is cute. As always thanks for sharing the inspiring quotes. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. I loved the video of Koko and kittens! And Mr. Bean, he is hilarious :-)

  11. So many good things here Linda.
    I'm highlighting this one but I like them all.

    "Love dissolves hate. Kindness melts cruelty. Compassion calms passion. Cooperation evokes love."

    May you have a good Friday and all good wishes for the coming weekend

    All the best Jan

  12. I like the definitions of F.E.A.R. Face everything and rise is a good one! May God give each one of us the strength. Have an awesome morning!

  13. Great post. There are so many quotes to take along one's travels. Its like having a blankie on the brain keeping out all the scary stuff. Thank you!

  14. Once again You have posted some great videos and quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  15. Thank you for the beautiful log, Linda !

  16. Bon week end Linda



  17. I've occasionally wondered what the cats think of Koko.

  18. I always enjoy your collection of inspirational quotes.

  19. It's nice to imagine ocean waves, although I surely would like to see some in person!

  20. Linda en especial me gustaron los vídeos de Koko y el del adolescente que compartió con su gemelo con síndrome de Down.
    Los pensamientos muy buenos como de costumbre en ti.


  21. I loved both the Koko video and the twin video. Both were touching.

  22. Wonderful, Linda! I love all your quotes.

    Happy weekend!

  23. Funny how much gorillas like cats too

  24. Ha ha Linda... I wonder how Mr. Bean would behave if he joined me for a Yum List adventure. ;-)

  25. Thank you Linda! I hope the tomatoes are still working for you! Have a great weekend! Big Hugs!

  26. Bonjour Linda, les vidéos sont superbes ainsi que les citations!!! Bise et bonne journée tout en douceur!

  27. Mr. Bean makes me laugh :)

  28. My absolute favorite is the Down's Syndrome story. Very touching!

  29. Koko and the kitten look comfortable to each other, which made my heart warm. Mr. Bean made me laugh. Wish you a nice weekend, Linda.


  30. Love your morning bird bells! Thank you! Replied to your comment.
    Have a great weel end!

  31. That Mr Bean clip is one of the funniest ever. I have shown that movie to my Film Club several times. Thanks! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  32. Hello Linda, greetings.

    I enjoyed the videos. The quotes are very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  33. Hi Linda - after only a few minutes on your beautiful blog, with the many touching and inspiring posts and videos, I am so cheerful and looking forward to my day. Thank you!

  34. Wonderful quotes Linda especially about enjoying the journey because we only have one life to live. Happy weekend!

  35. I definitely agree with the meanings of FEAR. I'm for facing issues and trying to solve them.

  36. Jak zawsze dużo humoru :))

  37. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I love the quote 'Love dissolves...' very much!
    Thank you always for sharing the great selections!!!

  38. Love your morning bird bells !!

    1. Yes, you're right Linda. The lamb chops are very tasty. Loving it. Yammas from Greece.

  39. Always love what you share ☺ Hope you are having a great weekend ♥

  40. Hope you have a great new week, ahead.

  41. So heart-warming to see the kitty cuddling up in the Gorilla's arms. xoxo

  42. Mr. Bean never fails to brighten my day! ^.^


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