Monday, November 07, 2016

Monday Moods

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Bobo the Cat Really Loves Being Vacuumed

This Nurse Cares for Patients and Serenades Their Souls

Soundie: Silver Spurs - Mel Travis (1946)

Reitmans Summer 2011 (Reitmans is a Canadian ladies' clothing retailer who air humorous television commercials).  Enjoy!  :)

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.  One helps you make a living, the other helps you make a life. - Sandra Carey

Look back in life and you'll see that some of the best memories will be the simple moments spent with friends.

No matter how hard your journey may be, God is always with you.  Keep going.

Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic. - Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)

One day you'll look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don't really matter.

Broom Parking Only - all others will be TOAD  :)

I thought this costume was kind of hot...but it's a little CHILI.  :)

Sorry!  Out getting a fresh coat of wax on my broom! :)

Whether you are more of an extrovert, or more of an introvert, give yourself permission to just be you. Stop beating yourself up.  Don't compare yourself with what you think is supposed to be "normal." You are totally normal and you are totally unique, just as you are.

Remember, for everything you have lost, you have gained something else.  Without the dark, you would never see the stars.

May your day be filled with good thoughts, kind people and happy moments.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

FALSE:  When things change, I will be happy.
TRUE:  When I'm happy, things will change. - Kyle Cease

No bird can fly without opening its wings.  And no one can love without opening their heart.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Muahahahaha!!!! So cute, Bobo the cat! I hope it did not get stuck to the nozzle - that could be quite painful, I'm sure.

  2. enjoyed the cat fun hahaha

    loved the words of wisdom .ofcourse FAITH is first step that build bridge before one to walk over and achieve his dreams no matter how hard they are

  3. ...God is always with you... Sometimes I doubt, Linda...

    1. Il est merveilleux ce chat. j'aimerais bien faire la m^me chose avec le mien !
      Bon début de semaine. Bises Linda

  4. One day you'll look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don't really matter.

    nice collection...

  5. Oh, I'm always so charmed by your so stunning blog posts depicting and portraying your whimsical, joyful and so sweet world, thank you fo sharing all this with us, dearest Linda !

    Wishing you all my best for your week just begun
    I'm sending blessings & hugs to you

    Xx Dany

  6. Again a thoughtful post, some great quotes. The singing nurse made me smile.

  7. Hello Linda,

    Wonderful video of the cat and the vacumcleaner! I don't think I ever could do that with my own cats :)

  8. Belos vídeos gostei bastante dos primeiro.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  9. Oh, those Reitman ads--they are so quirky and fun!
    Have a wonderful week, Linda

  10. Hahahaha, Bobo will be a very clean cat!

  11. belle citation de Martin Luther King, Jr. Linda

    have a nice day

  12. Hello Linda, just look at that little cat, so sweet. It was lovely to hear Silver Spurs again. I grew up on songs like that. The radio was always playing in the background, and my mum played the piano. The music stool that stood in front of the piano was full of beautiful sheet music, something I now collect.
    A lovely collection as always, thank you.

  13. Oh I love that cute cat. She loves being vacuumed but I think most cats will run away from the vacuum. I think the world needs more of this singing nurse. He helps to bring some cheers and hope into the patients' lives.

  14. Thanks so much for your recent visit and comment on my photo blog, much appreciated. I am happy to be back blogging and have just enjoyed a lovely catch up here.

  15. Hello, Linda! Happy Monday, I always enjoy the wise words you share. Love the videos and art images. Have a great day and new week ahead!

  16. Thank you Linda
    Your website is a beautiful haven to visit.

  17. The quote on faith and thinkig of good thoughts are best ways to start the day. Have a wonderful day Linda.

  18. Such a sweet kitty video...the kitty looks very much like ours. They loved being brushed so we're going to try the vacuum thing. I'll let you know what happens. :) And the Salmansohn poster about happiness is right on. So, I'm going to work on that today. Merci, Linda!

  19. Puppy looks like he's going to have a tough time with that staircase.

  20. Awww, the Bobo cat is so adorable. I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ♥♥♥

  21. Hi Linda, I have certainly missed you xx and I miss coming here to read the motivational quotes and wise sayings that you share. These are important to me because it reminds me to start my day right! :)

    The year has been tough on me. I have lost my mum and a beautiful-hearted relative within months.

  22. Great videos enjoyed them all especially the musical one. Great quotes. Have a blessed day and thank you for visiting my blog. Madeline

  23. My journey through life has definitely been made easier by God's continual presence. I've been always blessed, but those rough spots I would have had a difficult time getting past had it not for God carrying me through.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  24. El vídeo del gato al que le gusta lo pasen la aspiradora muy gracioso.El de los enfermeros que cantan a los pacientes creo que se lo agradecerán y se recuperaran mejor.
    Los pensamientos siempre son de agradecer ya que son grandes verdades.


  25. That is one mellow cat!

  26. Worry. It's at the top of my list of things to let go of! I have pushed myself to be perfect, and then despair because I am not. Time to release overrated and obnoxious expectations that are impossible!

  27. Hahaha, Bobo the cat is so funny and cute!! One of my boys doesn't care about vacuum at all, but I don't think he'd enjoy being vacuumed :-)
    Little chili image is very cute, too! Happy Monday!

  28. As always a great collection. I did love I thought this costume was kind of hot...but it's a little CHILI. Ha ha. Have a great week Linda Diane

  29. Your posts are a great pick-me-up. Thanks Linda! Slowly trying to catch up after being off line for a while. Thank you for leaving such sweet comments while I was away.

  30. Dear Linda the kitty loving being swept had me smiling. I know my kitties wouldn't take to this- very unusual. Loved the quotes- all were so uplifting as always. Hope your day is wonderful. Hugs!

  31. Hi. Vacuuming the cat was extremely amusing.

  32. Delightful as usual. Wish I knew how to get Pepper to love the vacuum.

  33. Beautiful posts

  34. I always liked the Reitman's commercials. Does the place still exist?

    1. Hi Hal, so glad you enjoy them. Yes, they are indeed still in business. :)

  35. Bonjour Linda, tout mignon ce chat, moi quand je pars la balayeuse, ma petite Canelle court se cacher... Gros bisous et bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  36. Dear Linda, thanks for visiting my blog. It's always nice to see "international guests" on my website.

    Greetings from Austria

  37. Another great post! I especially enjoyed the "Sketches in Stillness." Thanks Linda :o)

  38. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Lovely cat in thirst video!
    My dog also likes vacuumed :))


  39. I see Sandee is being her kind self. She alweys helps me link in to Aw....Mondays. I link with Jeanne at Blue Monday late Sunday night and have my post ready to go and forget Sandee links in the morning. Lots of good advice and videos too. Hannah's big boy dog Leo is so afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Bobo seems to love it. I hope your week is beautiful and blessed Linda. Thanks for sharing all these good things. Joyfully, Anne

  40. Linda, It would be nice if some of our US Department Stores had the imagination that Reitman's displays! Loved Bo Bo and the vacuum. Our cat J.D., demands a daily massage where he's stretched out on the floor, his legs are pulled out and rubbed, his 'armpits' are rubbed and his belly is strongly rubbed. I made sure that my better half saw Bo Bo's video! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  41. Oh dear, that cat is just so cute!

  42. hahaha very cute linda.. running around today . many errands.. i hope my car doesn't get TOAD :P

  43. Hello again, friend L ... wishing you a very happy new week ... Love, cat.

  44. J'aime beaucoup cette citation "Look back in life and you'll see that some of the best memories will be the simple moments spent with friends."
    J'espère que vous vous sentez mieux :)

  45. Agreeing with all these quotes. And these other ones are too funny. :)

  46. Hola Linda, tu trabajo siempre es de admirar y con el se disfruta de buenos momentos. Un abrazo.

  47. Greetings, Linda. Thank you so much for all of your comments really outdid yourself and you are very much appreciated! Wishing you a wonderful day. I'm hoping that our world doesn't end tonight...but I think we're gonna be OK.

  48. LOL! I used to chew my pencils in elementary school, Linda - great photo to bring back the memories. I loved the sentiment about the difference between wisdom and knowledge - it's funny about education not making people "smarter" sometimes. But today's favorite is the kitty who loves being vacuumed! LOL He needs to learn how to vacuum the house and then turn it on himself! What a funny kitty! hugs, de

  49. What a lovely collection of quotes, Linda. They made me smile and they made me nod my head in agreement. Wishing you a happy week.

  50. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I love it Linda. Here are the greetings from me: xxxxxxxx

  51. The clip of the cat and the cleaner was superb hahahaha ....
    The clip with the singing nurse was very special but also really beautiful and loving.
    Again many beautiful text spells. I enjoyed it again and am glad that I can see them again :-)

  52. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Hi Linda and thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I enjoyed your post very much this evening, especially the cat being vacuumed! I have 5 rescue cats and they are all terrified of the vacuum! lol

  53. The Knowledge vs. Wisdom quote really resonated with me. I shop at Reitmans all the time and this is the first time I've seen that funny commercial. I'm sure that the Reitmans sales will go through the roof now that their Brand Ambassador, Meghan Markle, is dating Prince Harry!

    Thank you for the visit, Linda!

  54. Hi Linda, It is nice to meet you. Your post is interesting and so entertaining. I love the quotes and the videos. The cat being vacuumed is too funny. Most cats would be hysterical. HA!
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my post.

  55. I enjoyed the cat that enjoyed being vacuumed. I watched the next one, too, showing a kitten playing with a robotic dog. That was a hoot. And the singing nurse...what a voice and what a ministry.

  56. Brilliant Linda! Love everything! The cat with the vacuum is so precious! Big Hugs!


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