Friday, December 16, 2016

Weekend Solace and Sharing About Myself

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
Many years ago, in the 1990's, one day while I was working (at that time I worked in a pet supply store...only selling the products, NO animals, as I encouraged my customers to adopt and not shop), I had a migraine headache one afternoon.  An elderly lady who was a customer of mine asked me, "Linda, what did you eat for lunch today?"  I told her I had a peanut butter sandwich and some fruit.  She said to me, "I'll bet it was the peanut butter."  So I took a couple of Tylenol and forgot all about it.  About a week later, I got another migraine headache...and this time, same thing, I had eaten peanut butter. Not just any peanut butter, though, it was Kraft peanut butter.  I started to realize there was a pattern, so I stopped eating peanut butter...but one day I was in a grocery store, when I saw Jif peanut butter.  I bought it and noticed that I got no migraine headaches when I ate the Jif peanut butter, but only the Kraft one. Interesting.  So I just continued purchasing Jif.  That is, until one day it disappeared off all the grocery store shelves in Montreal (to my dismay).  Sadly, it is no longer available in my area and I really miss it. Another product that used to be available here in Montreal, many, many years ago, and that I really love, is Prell shampoo.  Sadly, this disappeared off store shelves.

I love living in Quebec, and I was born here in Montreal and have lived here all my life.  Quebec is a beautiful province.  It is actually THE largest of the 10 provinces in Canada (in area, that is).  There is just so much to see and do here.  Quebec is the only French only province in Canada, the other provinces are both French and English, as Canada is a bilingual country.  Don't get me wrong, I am not by any means disappointed about this...however, I need to point out that although my mother tongue is English I am fluent in French, which helps considerably, as I am able to help tourists who do not speak French...and even those who do speak French, so it's all good.  The only thing is that there are some products that may be available in other provinces, such as Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, etc., that may not be available here in Quebec.  Why?  Well, in order for products to be available in Quebec, there has to be French descriptions on the labels or is an example.  I have noticed that Wonder Bread is available here in Canada in other provinces but not here in Quebec.  So sometimes we are unable to get U.S. products because there is no French information on them, and sometimes companies or stores just don't have the resources or time to invest in ensuring there is French on them.
Again, don't get me wrong, because we have many U.S. companies and items here, and they do very well!  Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, (KFC...and, in French, PFK - Poulet Frit a la Kentucky).  Target made an attempt to do business in Canada but failed miserably.  In my opinion, they should have come on a gradual basis, opening just 2 or 3 stores to test the market.  What did they do?  They took over all the Zellers stores, (which was a large Canadian retail chain) and after less than two years they ended up pulling out. 
Wal-Mart is here and has been for years and also does very well.  It's all about adapting to a new country, new area, and yes, a new language...French.
So if you live in another country and wish to go to France and enjoy some French culture, why not come to Canada - specifically Quebec?  It is really beautiful here and Montreal is the second largest primarily French speaking city in the world, (after Paris)  :)

Thank you all for taking the time to read this.  :)

The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Divers Rescue Giant Manta Ray from Fishing Line

Christmas Symphony - Prince's Orchestra (1912)

White Christmas - Gustav Winckler

How People with Different Occupations Play the Piano - Victor Borge

Trying to Save Friend, Man Saves 60 Others Instead

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Just in case you need a reminder today, there is nothing wrong with you.  We are all different and you are just perfect!

You can never change people, they are who they are, accept that.  But you can always change how you feel about them.

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.

Help someone, not for the reward but for the sake of changing a life.

Let go...don't stress over things you can't control or change.

Life is better when you're laughing.

It is during the worst storms of your life that you get to see the true colors of the people who say they care about you.

The best way out is always through. - Robert Frost

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. - Robert H. Schuller

When the voices of doubt start whispering, turn up the volume of faith and listen to your heart. - Bryant McGill

Cheat on your cellphone every once in a while with a book.

It's time to get back your inner fire.

Everything will be good really soon, so hang in there, and try not to worry too much.

If someone keeps bringing you down, perhaps it's time to get up and leave.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. White Christmas is very beautiful Linda. So you have to be careful what you eat.

  2. Love the quotes about people being different and about the way we feel about people around us. Have a beautiful day!

  3. Gostei bastante deste conjunto de filmes.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  4. Hello, Linda! I only buy the JIF peanut butter. I did not know about the labels in CANADA had to be in French. Great inspiring words and quotes. Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. You learn something new everyday it was wonderful to learn a little more about Canada and the French speaking areas. Loved the white Christmas video.

  6. Excellent quotes, Linda. And yes-I'd LOVE to visit Quebec, but have always been intimidated because of the language difference.
    I'd feel like a fish out of water there. But from all I've seen in photos, videos, etc.-it is lovely!

  7. I love going to Quebec- it's a beautiful province with a rich history

  8. Life is better when you're laughing! I so agree with this one!

  9. I read every word with great interest. Sometimes bloggers need to step back and share who they are. I developed an allergy to uncooked celery in my later years and it too a while for me to figure out what tit was that made me so sick. I like hearing about the things that the US does to your area and the things that don't always succeed. Thanks for all that you share on your posts.

  10. I would love to visit Canada:)

  11. Walmart flopped in Germany for a similar reason.

  12. I'm surprised by your reaction to that peanut butter.

  13. La diferencia entre ambas margarinas quizás este en alguno de sus componentes, a parte del maní, o forma de elaborar.
    Sobre el etiquetado si ambas lenguas son oficiales creo que hacerlo en los dos idiomas es lo mas normal.
    La manta parece entendió perfectamente que la iban a liberar.


  14. I really like the quotes today, Linda! So many good ones--thanks for sharing. I liked the ones about liking the person you're alone with, helping others, and the Robert Frost one.

  15. Hi Linda! How interesting that you can eat one kind of peanut butter, but not others? I hope you find another brand, I LOVE peanut butter :)
    I didn't realize that Quebec required French translations on their products, but I guess that makes sense. It's so wonderful that you are fluent in French, and use it to help others. Good for you! I have heard that Quebec is really pretty, I should make it a point to get there someday. If I do, I'm letting you know so you can translate for me!

  16. I often suffer from migraines but haven't been able to find any pattern behind it. However, I don't eat peanut butter. But it is really good that you found out.
    Have a lovely weekend

  17. Thank you for sharing a bit 'you', Linda !

  18. An allergic reaction to peanuts is very common. But I don't think that was your trouble because you ate Jif peanut butter just fine. It must have been something else, something in the processing, perhaps.

    We have the same problem here in that as soon as we find a product that we really like, it is pulled from the shelves. Very frustrating.

    I hadn't thought about Quebec requiring French info on all products. That makes sense, though, as there are doubtless some folks who don't speak English in the province.

    Victor Borge is wonderful, always. Loved "White Christmas." And again, it's the Salmansohn posters that catch my eye and are most helpful.

    Thanks much for all of your fine comments and I'm wishing you a super weekend!

  19. Jif is the only peanut butter I buy. I am thankful I have no allergies. Your videos are always great as are the quotes. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend. Madeline

  20. Thank you for the lowdown on French Quebec Linda. It seems to be a srange amalgam of cultures, but as you say it works well, especially as a contrast to the USA. I love peanut butter - organic crunchy preferably and I've never noticed a headache afterwards. Thank you for more Victor Borge. Brilliant.

  21. That is interesting about the peanut butter! I guess Kraft one contains ingredient that you are allergic or something.
    I agree that it's all about adapting to a new country. If I visit Quebec, I need to check out PFK :-) I imagine there are some items on the menu that is local to the province.

    Have a great weekend, Linda!

  22. Hello Linda,,

    Again beautiful words and quotes! Very inspiring :)

    Happy Weekend!

  23. that is quite interesting about the peanut butter. Too bad you can't get Jif there, would send you some but customs would probably confiscate it! As for Prell, you aren't missing anything because I think that left store shelves oh maybe 20 years ago or more? lol! If anyone knows if they even still make Prell they should leave a comment. Have always wanted to visit Quebec, I love Canada but the furthest I have been in your country is Toronto (which I LOVE!!) catchatwithcarenandcody

  24. Jif? I've seen that brand around but not Kraft when it comes to peanut butter - we only have the cheddar cheese. I wonder why that brand triggered off your what happens when my girl eats anything containing gluten, one of the symptoms.

  25. Merci pour ce beau partage! Bise, bon samedi dans la joie et la tendresse!

  26. Sorry to hear about your migraine. My daughter has it, too. Sorting out the cause would be difficult but important . It happens random and one thing for sure is that low atmospheric pressure is to blame. Quebec City with French ambience must be lovely to visit. I’ll go into blog break till mid-January including commenting. I’ve been inspired by your choice of nice videos and quotes, Linda, throughout the year. Wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year.


  27. I love Quebec. I've been there several times. Love eating at Aux Anciens Canadiens. They taught me to eat yogurt and maple syrup. They also fed the most wonderful leek crepe.

    If I ever make another trip there, I shall let you know in advance so you can give me a shopping list of things to bring you.

  28. I'm Canadian and did not know that about products having to have French or they are not allowed.

    Do other peanut butters give you migraines?

  29. I had never thought about Quebec being the largest French-speaking city after Paris. Interesting. What a touching story about the young man trying to save his friend and all those others who were beneficiaries of his action. We never know how far reaching our actions might be.

  30. I'd love to visit Quebec and Montreal sometime. I don't speak French but it would still be interesting to be someplace where English is not the dominant language.

  31. If I had known you like Jiff, I'd have put some in the box I sent for the elderly ladies...I have lots of products from Canada here, including Aldi's organic peanut butter, frozen veg and other things, all good. Thank you for your lovely blog. I hope you enjoy the holidays. If you want peanut butter, send an email.

  32. Have you tried peanut butter that is "just nuts"? Many of the commercial brands have peanuts, but also mix in sugar, oil and a number of chemicals. If you can eat peanuts on their own, perhaps you could try more of a natural nut butter?

  33. merci pour les informations intéressantes Linda

    il y a longtemps qu'on a eu un " White" Christmas"

    et la météo prévoit un temps froid mais sec..

    have a nice weekend Linda

  34. Interesting! Finland is officially bilingual,( Finnish and Swedish), but practically Swedish is disappearing in many areas. My father was Swedish speaking by born, and he had quite bitter experiences in not being able to use his own language.

  35. I had no idea that Quebec was the largest French-speaking city after Paris...each time I visit your amazing blog, I learn something new!:)
    I love your latest selection of quotes and videos, Linda...especially the "Positive Energy +" very true!

    Lots of Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  36. Quebec is a beautiful place to visit - I especially loved Montreal. Sadly, mass manufacturing is all about the numbers. It probably is too expensive to manufacture and ship bi-lingual labeled products by companies like P&G and Unilever. Love that meme on cheating on your cellphone with a book - good advice!

  37. I definitely want to come to Canada someday :) maybe even to live!!

  38. Hello Linda, Terry and I have always wanted to visit Canada, but it remains on our ‘want’ list because most 'long distance' holidays are spent in Australia with our family. We also visit Europe from time to time because it is relatively inexpensive for us. We will make it to Canada one of these days and after reading all about Quebec you can be sure we will include it in our tour. We both love travelling (not the flying!) but the new experiences and learning about different cultures.
    I guess you are allergic to one of the additives in Kraft peanut butter – it would be good if you could track down which one, then you could be sure to avoid anything with it in. One of my neighbours suffers with really bad asthma attacks and noticed it happened each time she ate a certain cherry cake – she checked all the additives and found it contained sulfites and now knows that she has a sulfa allergy. Avoiding anything that contains sulfites has reduced her asthma attacks by half. Goodness knows why food manufacturers put these things in our food, but they do!
    I’m going to watch your videos now, thanks for sharing them.

  39. Linda, Interesting re: the differences in peanut butter. I wonder what the chemical composition is in Kraft vs. Jif... We've spent a lot of time in Canada but haven't done any real grocery shopping. We just assumed that everything had the dual language labels.

    We've visited 7 Canadian provinces over the years but we've never explored Quebec. The last time I was in Montreal was to visit my stepfather's family in Montreal...I was about 10 years old!

    Loved the manta ray video. It's amazing just how many animals have decided to trust people to free them from some life threatening encumbrance! Love those Dale Carnegie Hero Awards. It is amazing just how much positive energy was created by that old Scottish billionaire!

    As for a white the song but you can have the snow! I've lived in Michigan, Chicago, St. Louis and Boston and I experienced more than enough snow to last a lifetime! Snow is a relatively rare occurrence here in the Tennessee River Valley in Eastern Tennessee. The best news is that most snow melts within a day or so... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  40. What a beautiful and informative post. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  41. Hi Linda,
    Love the White Christmas! My mom was a great fan of Victor Borge -- such an amazing talent! Thanks as always for sharing your inspiration, and may you and yours have a beautiful White Christmas in lovely Quebec!

  42. Hi Linda, Oh peanut butter...For me, I am allergic to it as well as well as too many bananas. I found out the hard way when I made a peanut butter-banana smoothie. I wonder if you could order your specific brand on amazon? Have you tried almond butter? Walmart has a decent one. My husband had a very kind realtor at his office, she was from Canada and also spoke French beautifully. When I meet someone from Canada they usually seem to be very polite and mannerly and I appreciate that so much.

    The videos I were able to see are wonderful. We have low bandwidth in busy seasons here. The White Christmas video was so uplifting and it reminded me of pages from a Reminisce magazine! The saving 60 people, that is very touching. So especially touching that the middle-aged man was able to have such a beautiful gift of life.

    Those quotes are so good, I like the one on loneliness, I think some people don't like living with themselves so they constantly need a person with them. The one on doing things for the right reason is good too, I once met a person who only wanted to go to the nursing home to visit so he could get his points for ministry. : O The one on cheating with a book is great, that made me smile! There is something very relaxing about a good ol' book! : ) You really have some good stuff Linda!

    I also enjoyed the Christmas video on your last blog as well with all of the old scenes from Wonderful Life. So delightful!

    You have a great evening there Linda! Blessings to you! You have such a great, and such a pleasant blog that many look forward to! A Blessing! : )

  43. We have family in Montreal so we visit often. We also enjoy visiting Mont Tremblant and Quebec City. Too bad there are some products not available there. I like JIF peanut butter too. Enjoy the Christmas holidays.

  44. I thoroughly enjoyed this post, Linda! I missed reading your uplifting and inspiring posts during my recent computer issues. I enjoyed each of the videos and the quotes. I especially enjoyed all that you wrote. I have always enjoyed my visits to Quebec although it has been many years since I have gone there. Montreal is a fascinating city. How fortunate you are to be bilingual! It's always fun when I go home to see labels on products in French as well as English. That's happening in the US too, although the labeling is in English and Spanish. I'm so sorry that you can't always find your favorite products. It's so frustrating when you can no longer get what you want! I still bemoan the withdrawal of Revlon's perfume Moondrops which was always my favorite. I'm sure that I will get back to you before Christmas. I hope you have a lovely run-up to the Christmas festivities next weekend. I did see a lovely concert here. The choirs from Mojave High School came to the clubhouse here and put on a wonderful concert. I so love high school teachers and their students! Well, I've got to run. I'm going to a country and western dance at the clubhouse. Sending you love and hugs ~ a ton!

  45. Lovely story :) Hope you're having a lovely festive season so far!

  46. Good morning, Linda. I just read your comment on Ocala. Not to worry, I'm kind of a goof-ball myself and enjoy goof-ball comments! :) Have a wonderful Sunday!

  47. Hi Linda, so many possible allergens are in our food aren't they. Lovely post full of uplifting thoughts and musings. All the best, Sue :D)

  48. Bonjour Linda,
    Tu es une bonne ambassadrice Canadienne. Tu parles avec amour de ta ville et tu as raison. Montréal est une ville très agréable à vivre. Même en hiver !
    J'ai travaillé au Eaton rue Ste catherine dans les cosmétiques et nous habitions vers la station de métro Frontenac.
    Pour le beurre d'arachide j'ai élevé mes enfants avec et j'aime beaucoup. En France le beurre d'arachide vient d'Angleterre et je le trouve beaucoup moins bon.
    Merci pour tous tes jolis posts. Bonne fin de dimanche.

  49. Lovely quotations and videos, as always.
    (Today I actually felt a little bit sad, because I know some people that really should follow the idea about leaving and/or letting go...)
    Thank YOU, Linda, for your wonderful blog... and I too would like to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. Big hugs! ♥

  50. Nice post, Dear!
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  51. Happy Sunday Linda... I hope you are enjoying the day... I really like this quote as I think we all need to do this in our lives: Help someone, not for the reward but for the sake of changing a life xox

    It's too bad you lose out on items that are not able to add French to their products, I imagine it's not an inexpensive thing to do...

    I definitely want to go to Paris one day, I hope to go with someone who knows both languages so that I can truly enjoy it xox

  52. This time I found the Christmas Symphony - Prince's Orchestra (1912) very special to hear :-) Old music still found quite nice at this time.
    And yes, I'm dreaming of a white Christmas :-)))) Nice to see the snow in the clip of White Christmas. The movie of How People with Different Occupations Play the Piano stopped halfway there, and that I was no longer talking ..
    The text spells are also piece by piece again amazing.
    I wish you a very happy new week :-)

  53. Great post. Love the quotes



  54. That was very interesting learning about Quebec Linda. Armchair travel ...That's what I love best about blogging, learning what it is like to live in other places.

  55. Linda, there must be something in the peanut butter that they use, that is triggering your headaches! I know I'm allergic to lemon. And, there was a certain tea I was drinking, that was making me feel yucky and I didn't understand why. I looked at what was is it and there was lemon!!! Never thought to check!
    I love Quebec and Montreal!!
    Loved your post!!
    Big Hugs!!!

  56. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I just saw many photos of Quebec now.
    How beautiful!!!
    I would love to there soon!



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