Friday, December 09, 2016

Weekend Whispers

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
The videos I have selected for this post are:

Autistic Boy Finds the Meaning of Love through Pit Bull

Exploring Germany's Christmas Markets

A Victorian Christmas in Montreal

Waitress gets 370% Tip and Priceless Note from Patron

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

You can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will. - Stephen King

If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.  If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house.  If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation.  If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. - Chinese Proverb

Sometimes our toughest challenges turn out to be our greatest blessings. - Billy Cox

Name one thing that you can be thankful for today.

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. - John Wooden

May you see love in everything today...and may your heart be filled with gratitude!

This season remember to have an attitude of gratitude...sprinkled with some sassitude!

Sometimes you have to let faith lead the way even though you can't see where it will take you...

If you're not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you're determined to learn, no one can stop you.

May your cup overflow with peace, love, joy and pure awesomeness today.

No one is perfect, that's why understanding is so important.

Be an example.  Show kindness to unkind people. Forgive people who don't deserve it.  Love unconditionally.  Your actions always reflect who you are.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Thanks for another post of great quotes!

  2. Good qoutes for the coming new year. Must no delay things that can be done today

  3. j'irais bien faire un tour en Allemagne voir ces beaux marchés de Noël, les notres sont bien plus petits !
    j'adore les decorations de Noël :)

  4. The videos today were a dream I found them all so uplifting, perfect for this time of the year.

  5. Christmas markets are always cozy and beautiful Linda. Have a nice weekend.

  6. Good morning, I always enjoy reading your post and the inspiring words. Great quotes and videos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Such lovely, Christmassy videos and quotations. Thank you!
    Wishing you a happy weekend and the third Sunday of Advent. Hugs!

  8. Dear Linda...first of all, thank you so much for all your comments...I do appreciate them greatly!

    Our eldest daughter had a friend with an autistic boy and they came to our house for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner...he was a nice boy but a challenge. Then they moved away and I haven't heard from them in years.

    I've seen photos of German Christmas markets - they are so impressive and I put visiting them on my "bucket list." Love that Victorian Christmas, too. And there were a couple of the posters that really spoke to me and I intend to share with a few others. Merci beaucoup !

  9. Cute polar bear and penguin

  10. So nice, Linda, Christmas on your blog !

  11. Linda, Love those animal stories where the animals connect with and assist folks with life's issues and challenges. Every Christmas there are always a few heartwarming "tip" stories. I personally up my tip percentage during the holidays for all of those hardworking people in the hospitality industry. FYI...Those German markets are beautiful!

    The challenge was to name one thing that you could be thankful for today... Heck, at my age just getting up in the morning is cause for celebration!

    Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  12. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I like the video of the German Christmas market. Just last week, there was one in Kitchener City Hall and I attended it. I stood in the wintery cold (brrrrrrr!) with a cup of hot chocolate looking at various crafts they had. The food was a big win! They had a German potato soup and potato pancakes which I had never tried before. It tasted pretty good. Too bad that I went to the christmas market alone though. Next time, I would definitely have to invite a friend to come along. I hope you have a nice weekend Linda. See you again on Monday for your next post!

  13. Oh yes, our christmas markets! There are so many lovely ones over here, but sometimes they get just too crowded.
    Have a nice weekend

  14. I love the stories about pit bull and waitress! Both so heartwarming!

  15. Bon week end Linda.

  16. Great videos, enjoyed them all. Very nice quotes and art work. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  17. Hello Linda and happy Friday Wishes ...
    Another very good selection for us, thank you.

    I love 'Name one thing that you can be thankful for today.'

    I also like to add my own > Name one thing that you can feel positive about today <

    Enjoy the up-coming weekend, we plan to get the Christmas Decorations up!

    All the best Jan

  18. The one thing I can be thankful today is my husband and how beautifully he washed and waxed my floors! Better than a dozen roses. I liked the Victorian Christmas video and have put on several high teas for my women's Bible study group! Have a great weekend, Linda!

  19. beau travail de Raphael Vavasseur Linda


  20. Borrowing your Stephen King quote for my blog this. What a great Christmassy post.

  21. I love that Vavasseur art, but then I am so very fond of cats!

  22. Be an example. Love that one!

  23. Liked the Christmas Market one the best. Very festive and colourful.

  24. Merci pour ce beau post Linda! Bise, bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  25. Thank you Linda! Have a great weekend! Big Hugs and Much Love!

  26. My favorite this time is "Sometimes our toughest challenges turn out to be our greatest blessings." - Billy Cox
    You have a lot of good ones.

  27. A Canadian?
    That's enough for me to stay and follow.
    Following in from Macau

  28. "Be an example. Show kindness to unkind people. Forgive people who don't deserve it. Love unconditionally. Your actions always reflect who you are." How very true!!! No matter how one pretends, the truth will come shining through...

  29. grateful for the good things in life!
    I am eternally grateful to still have Austin after his brush with death a year ago...a true miracle in my eyes.
    I will never ever take anyone or anything for granted again.:))
    Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful and inspiring quotes and videos, dearest Linda.
    Both you and these are truly precious to me...

    Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  30. Awesome post.....thank you! Enjoy your weekend!

  31. I've read too that pets help autistic children. It calms them down.

  32. Germany and Montreal must both be beautiful places to visit at Christmas! Thanks for sharing these and your other inspiring videos and photos. You are a great blessing!
    Love in Christ,

  33. Fabulous sayings once again and of course I love the cats.
    If you're not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you're determined to learn, no one can stop you. Think I am not determined enough when it come to French !! Also the rotten memory is no help! LOL. Have a good Sunday Diane

  34. Dearest Linda,
    I want to thank you for this amazing blog and for the positive and wonderful quotes and videos you post here for us...thank you, from the bottom of my 💖
    The video about the boy with autism and his Pit Bull, truly touched my eyes are still filled with tears🎄❄☃

  35. That was a very touching video about the dog and the young man with Autism. I also liked the quote about thinking of at least one thing for which we can be thankful each day. It's a good way to start your day off with an attitude of gratitude.

  36. Such feelgood post this one is. Which I need these days. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  37. Hi Linda,

    Such meaningful quotations, all of them stemming from a depth of personal experience, perhaps, that so beautifully touch and influence those who read them. I especially am grateful for the observations of the Chinese proverb, John Wooden and Spirit Science.

    Thanks for sharing and happy weekend to you!

  38. Hi Linda, I love this beautiful quote - "May you see love in everything today...and may your heart be filled with gratitude!" Have a wonderful weekend!

  39. Joey and Roxy (and Joey’s mum) made me cry, and I really enjoyed the Christmas market and the Victorian Christmas in Montreal. The night before Christmas is my favourite Christmas poem so hearing parts of that was a real bonus. Then I had tears in my eyes all over again because of the waitress. A really lovely festive selection Linda, thank you.

  40. Anonymous5:07 AM

    "If there is light in the soul,..." is so true!
    This week I will put the light in my soul :))
    Have a lovely week, Linda!


  41. As usual lovely sets of quotes and videos but my favorites have been the pit-bull video and the quote about one's character and reputation. Who says pit-bulls are dangerous dogs...

  42. Me gusto mucho el proverbio chino y ese otro que nos dice que para aprender solo tenemos que poner de nuestra parte.


  43. So inspiring, informative and entertaining!

  44. Lindo gostei de ver estes filmes.
    Um abraço e bom Domingo.

  45. Thanks for all the uplifts Linda. I loved the waitress video. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to do something like that?

  46. What a sweet gesture with the tip.

  47. Hello Linda!

    Oh my, that pitbull video is wonderful, so heartwarming. Our pitbull was so sensitive, he was fearful because of what he had been through but oh he was a sensitive sweet creature. It is amazing how God's creatures have that Gift to get through and bless humans. They are truly fur-angels. : ) I hope many people will see that video.

    The waitress blessed so hugely by her customer. That customer of hers has the true meaning of Life down doesn't she...Wow. I hope that video inspires others to be giving this Christmas and always. Just a listening ear, and a little of what we have, perhaps a small gift of care may save a life. It may be the only Jesus many may see. And that customer I bet was equally blessed by being able to do that...This world is so twisted up, how nice to see angels like that.

    That German video is funny and educational! The workmanship of the Germans is really something.

    A wonderful blog Linda. You always find such great videos and quotes, I'll have to come back and see more of the videos! Have a great evening!

  48. No one is perfect, that's why understanding is so important. <-- This is a wonderful reminder, Linda. It is so easy to forget that we all have faults of our own.

    Thanks for finding lots of wise gems for us to read and learn from!


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