Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Mid-Week Jewels

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Dolphins Help Young Seal

The Jerusalem Light Rail

Cat Purrdictions (predictions) for 2017  :)

Chinese Almond Tea (Thirsty for)

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Open 24 hours, drive-thru  Tim Horton's
5 mins.  Turn right at moose  :)

Don't worry about what people think.  They don't do it very often. :)

Live in the present.

We will weather life's storms together.

Today, take time to think about all that can be!

At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built;  not what we got, but what we shared;  not our competence, but our character; and not our success, but our significance.  Live a life that matters.  Live a life of love.

A little nap can do wonders when you have a tired twinkle!  :)

You're never too old to believe in the magic of Christmas...and unicorns.  :)

Move in the direction of your dreams in 2017...even if it's just a little waddle.  :)

Don't be afraid to start over.  It gives you a chance to build something even better.

In 2017, treat people exactly how you want to be treated.  If we all did this, could you imagine what the world would be like next year?

Choose people who choose you.

Not everyone you lose is a loss.

Only the weak are cruel.  Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. - Leo Buscaglia

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Oh Linda. Un petit tour par ici pour te remercier de ta visite et ton petit mot, sachant ton accident.... En outre, si tu aimes les vieilles villes tu adoreras la Suisse. Et tu ne seras pas seule - j'adore faire le guide....hahahaha. Belle journée à toi :)

  2. Buona giornata cara Linda, il gelo ci da il buon giorno!!!
    Ciao e buona giornata cara amica con un forte abbraccio e un sorriso:-)

  3. "Mid-Week Jewels" says it all, Linda. Love your choices, as usual!

  4. Hello,

    Thank you for sharing, Linda!

  5. Dolphins Help Young Seal, is so beautiful Linda! Have a nice day.

  6. Ha-I chuckled at the Pessimist/Optimist one---hubby is definitely a pessimist. I'm the optimist. We actually work very well together, because sometimes I tend to ONLY see the UP side of stuff, and he'll show me it isn't ALL good. Comes in handy for purchases, etc.
    Hope your week is going well, Linda.

  7. Missed your lovely inspiring quotes Linda! Happy 2017!

  8. Always uplifting, thank you Linda and cheers :D)

  9. Good day Linda, I hope you are enjoying your day. Gee, I sure miss our Tim Horton's that left this area over a year ago, probably more like two years ago now. I lose track of time, it goes so quickly.

  10. The Tim's and moose sign is so indicative of Newfoundland. Lol.

  11. Hi. Great deals on videos. Dolphin and seal are wonderful.

  12. Seal is like "those sharks are so nice today"

  13. Good morning, Linda! Being a cat lover, I loved Catpurdictions for 2017! And the Canadian sign - I laughed out loud at that. Also, I have copied a couple of the posters to print out so I can look at them again and again. You make blogging a pleasure! Have a super day today!

  14. Quotes are always nice aren't if we could have written them:)

  15. Awww on the seal and the dolphins. That was wonderful.

    Loved all the cat purrdictions. Too cute.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  16. I got such a laugh out of Cat Purrdictions!

  17. Making declaw illegal in US AND Canada would be tremendous! Let's all work hard toward that goal; save the kitties' toes.

  18. I love dolphins☺

  19. Enjoyed this today Dear Linda. But oh did the seal and dolphin touch my heart. Matter of fact I saved it. I may just have to use this for a blog post with a story. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  20. I loved the dolphins and seal video!
    World would be better if people treat others in the way they want to be treated. xo

  21. Nice post, as always. Makes me think!
    Have a good week

  22. Another good post. Enjoyed the videos and all the quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  23. Uplifting and thought provoking quotes. I enjoyed seeing the dolphins and seal a lovely video. Take care.

  24. Merci pour ce beau moment Linda, que j'aime les citations imagées! Bise, bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  25. Don't worry about what people think. They don't do it very often. :)..

    a ma préférence Linda

  26. What a treat that Chinese Almond Tea looks. I imagine that it is delicious. I very much enjoyed the video of the cats. That you for the lovely quotes. I very much agree about opportunities. Xx

  27. So nice, Linda !

  28. Love your quotes, Linda! The one about not worrying about what people think because they don't think often had me chuckling! Good one.

  29. Oh yes, I believe in the magic of Christmas and unicorns, Linda; also Santa whose reindeer I hear and the tooth fairy whom I saw!!! The Tim Horton's sign was so very Canadian, including the winter weather behind the sign! LOL 2017 is the year for me to move ahead with my dreams. I hope it will be the same for you, Linda! Sending you lots of hugs and love!

  30. "Turn right at Moose." Hee, hee! :)

  31. j'aime bien les trains,j'ai bien aimé le numero 2!
    ça a l'air cool !

  32. I love that one! Live a life of Love!

  33. Thank you for educating me about the Jerusalem light rail. Loved it. Seeing those open markets brought back beautiful memories for me....of eating delicious foods! And that super cold pic of the restaurant in Canada..shivering!

  34. Hi LInda! Oh my gosh, that one meme about not worrying about what others think, that was so funny! You have some real smile inducing images here. I think that's what I like about your blog my friend. It always makes me smile.

  35. Linda, I hadn't seen that one with the seal and the dolphins. Very cool! I wish more US cities had light rail systems like they do in Jerusalem. Never heard of Chinese Almond Tea but my better half, who currently has a cold, would sure like a cup of it! I like the saying that "Not everyone you lose is a loss". Amen to that! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  36. The Chinese Almond tea is interesting. I have not tried it. I might make some to try. Have a wonderful day!

  37. Those 'meanwhile in Canada' signs crack me up - every single one.

  38. So much good advice and 😂 here. Always a pleasure to stop by.

  39. How impressive are the dolphins helping the young seal! And ”Cat Purrdictions (predictions) for 2017” is awesome!

    Thank you, Linda, and have a great day!

  40. Hello, Linda! I love the dolphin video. I always enjoy the wise words and quotes. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  41. Oh Linda, these were so very inspiring once more! Every day, one would find here a great thought for the day. Today my favourite was perhaps what really matters at the end of our life.
    Thank you so much for sharing! Big hugs!

  42. Nice picks, babe! Have a great week! xoxo

  43. Beautiful Dolphin and seal pup video Linda great choice of quotations, thank you for this pleasure
    lorraine x

  44. Enjoyed the videos of the seal and dolphins and of the cat purrdictions. I also enjoy those Meanwhile in Canada thoughts, too.

  45. What a pleasant moment you always present me as a gift, darling Linda, you've truly delighted me !

    Hope you're having the best of weeks,
    I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
    with utmost gratitude

    Xx Dany

  46. No favourites today they are all great sayings. You amaze me where you find all of these. Wish I could watch the videos I love dolphins. I have always wanted to swim with them but guess it will never happen now! Take care Diane

  47. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Your post made me smile.Your blog is so different - now I wonder how you came to mine! Thanks for the visit!

  48. Hi Linda. "Don't worry about what people think. They don't do it very often." Not quite your usual advice but I have to agree. As for taking the wrong turn in Canada, I would always ask a local for advice and expect an honest answer!

  49. What a great post! Like!

  50. I liked the light rail in Jerusalem. We just returned from Jordan and there was no light rail there even though we could see Israel across the waters of the Dead Sea. Thank you.

  51. Tim Horton's was definitely my go to place for coffee on our Canadian Maritime two month tour. Great coffee and Wi-Fi:)

  52. Lovely tram system that one. Animals are a lot more intelligent than we used to think they were in general. New observations lifting it higher up the scale every year with recent methods of non obtrusive study in the wild.

  53. Thank you for all these wonderful quotes!

  54. Hi Linda, I missed your lovely posts and am happy to be back visiting again. Thank you for your sweet and kind comments. Happy New Year!

  55. Thanks for visiting my blog this morning and for your kind comments! I've enjoyed my visit here!

  56. Linda, Thank you for your comment! I like your quote about not being afraid to start over! Now, I will read more of your blog.
    lg ;-) ;-)

  57. Anonymous7:30 PM

    'Live in the present' is so simple and great phrase and that illustration is lovely!!
    Have a great weekend, Linda :)


  58. Thank you Linda!!! Big Hugs!

  59. The cat purdictions was so cute!

  60. Not everyone you lose is a loss. <-- this is sad but oh-so-true.


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