Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Mid-Week Wonders

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Man Stops Traffic to Help Elderly Person Cross Street

Burn Victims that Find Each Other - A Little Girl and a Chihuahua

Christmas Greeting 1938

Movie Theater Intermissions - New Year's Eve (1930's and 1940's)

Melodie d'Amour - Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians - New Year's Eve, 1957-1958

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

The size of your body has nothing to do with your worth.  Nothing.

Every exit is an entry somewhere else. - Tom Stoppard

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage. - Seneca

The problem with the stigma around mental health is really about the stories that we tell ourselves as a society. - Matthew Quick

Be kind whenever possible.  It is always possible. - Dalai Lama

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward. - Victor Kiam

Kindness is a very special gift, we can give it all day long and it costs nothing!

Listen with your heart.  Learn from your experiences, and always be open to the new ones. - Cherokee Proverb

Enjoy life today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised!

The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away. - Marcus Aurelius

As you celebrate the miracle of this special season, may your heart be filled with joy and peace.  May these holiday blessings linger in your home and stay with you throughout the year.

When you find yourself in the position to help someone, be happy and feel blessed.  It's because God is answering that person's prayer through you. Remember:  our purpose on earth is not to get lost in the dark but to be a light to others, so that they may find their way through us....

'Thank you' is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot.  Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding. - Alice Walker

The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise.  It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us. 

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Happy New Year, Linda! I hope that you had a lovely Christmas and New Year's. I enjoyed all you videos today, especially "Melodie D'Amour" and the story of the little burn victims. Tom Stoppard's quote really resonates with me this evening, and I appreciate all the reminders to be kind!

    I am back in Bullhead City, Arizona right now, but am headed to Denver tomorrow for a quick turnaround trip. Terry got the internet working in our new trailer this evening, yay! Now if I can just get my computer fixed in Denver! Sending you big hugs and much love, my cherished friend!

  2. Hapy New Year, dear Linda!
    The first videoclip is so... human. Thank you! It is a good start for a new year!

  3. Oh, my darling Linda, how I love your vintage videos, they truly fill my heart with joy and bless my day, thank you !

    Hope your week is off to a good start,
    I'm sending blessings on the New Year just begun


    Xx Dany

  4. Mucha gracias Linda, siempre son enriquecedoras tus propuestas, Que seas inmensamente feliz. un fuerte abrazo.

  5. That's very nice of the man, to help the elderly person. This world would be a much better place to live in if we have more of the likes of him.

  6. The world needs more kind souls like the person in the first video especially when it only takes a few minutes to stop and help a needy person. God bless him and all those kind people out there. Lovely quotes, Linda.

  7. Every exit is an entry - so true.
    Have a good day

  8. Hello Linda, I too liked especially the Kindness quotes... it costs nothing and means a lot.
    Lovely choices in your post. I really loved Chloe and Fireman the dog video - amazing how paths are meant to cross in life, which is often what we experience here in blogland.
    Cheerio now and enjoy the rest of your week :D)

  9. A beautiful blog Linda, I wish you a happy Wednesday.

  10. Hello Linda, this is Ozge from Turkey, Izmir.I wanted to wish you a great year filled with good health, peace and lots of creativity. Thank you for the beautiful quotes you have shared. They made my day.


  11. I hope you have a year filled with happiness. Love these!

  12. Inspired by Gratitude images and texts are truly stunning

  13. Love the sprarrow - photo:)

  14. What lovely videos and kind words, Linda. The one of Guy Lombardo reminded me of my Mum as she always reminisces about seeing big bands and the music from her younger days. I always try follow the words of the Dalai Lama. Kindness is sometimes in short supply in the world. Sending very best wishes. Xx

  15. Hi Linda my new blogging friend! You &I are kindred sisters in how our arthritis
    Affects us. Your comment on my blog right on! Yes nature walks certainly soothe the soul. I liked several of the quotes in this post. The one .."when you find yourself in a position to help fav. Have a beautiful day!

  16. Hello, Linda! Wonderful post. Great video selection and wise inspiring words. I wish you a happy New Year and all the best in 2017. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  17. So agree with the prayers of gratitude. They are enough!

  18. 'Man Stops Traffic'... There are still good people, Linda...

  19. Sympa les citations d'aujourd'hui. On dirait que le thème est "kindness". Eh, oui les meilleurs choses sont gratuites....Bonne journée, Linda :)

  20. I have several Marcus Aurelius quotes in my personal quote collection, and the one you have here would make a good addition--wise words indeed. I also like the one about kindness. Have a beautiful day, Linda!

  21. "Be kind whenever possible. It's always possible." Love that!

  22. Enjoyed the video selection today. Especially the movie one. Lots of great quotes too. Happy New Year. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  23. Another delightful post and you really hit the jackpot with the posters today. I could relate very much to several. And all those ancient musical videos. I went to college in Chicago in 1954-55 and we'd go downtown to watch a movie and all the big theaters had organs and great music and often featured a major singer along with the movie. Those were the days!

  24. a great post, dear linda!
    i wish you a wonerful 2017 :-)

  25. Would love to have birds landing on my hand!

  26. Cara Linda, sta arrivando l'Epifania che tutte le feste porta via.
    Ciao e buona serata con un forte abbraccio.

  27. Matthew Quick's quote really speaks to me.

  28. Wonderful shares today, Miss Linda! While several speak to me, I especially paid attention to the "stigma of mental health...stories society..." Perhaps our culture no longer realizes that all the stories shared from previous generations actually shape the present condition of our social structure, and especially of what is acceptable and unacceptable. It's a shame that we continue repeating "stories" and mentalities that are long proven to be incorrect. I suppose these stories end up promoting certain "fears" through ignorance and an unwillingness to see beyond what we have been spoon fed? Thanks for the happy thoughts today, Linda! xo

  29. Hi is so good to be back. I have missed my visits here, but I have been unwell and am now having lots of tests - a pain but necessary, I guess!

    Absolutely...gratitude...and being kind...always make you feel good inside.:))

    Happy New Year...and Lots of Love xoxoxo

  30. Thanks for sharing it with us, Linda!! Have a beautiful Wednesday and a Happy New Year!!!

  31. Loved the man who helped the old lady across the street. Bless his heart.

    Oh the puppy and the 14 year old. A match made in heaven.

    Way cool on the Merry Christmas and New Year of ages ago. Things were so much simpler then.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  32. Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward. - Victor Kiam - oh so very true.......

    Enjoy life today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised! - also so very true and especially so in this day and age

    You do produce some amazing sayings, well done Linda. Take care and have a good day Diane

  33. Very interesting and good videos. Great quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  34. j'aime bien la première video Linda

    un exemple pour tout le monde


  35. Awe, I love it! And that little girl and dog! Happy NEW YEAR to you!! xoxo

  36. Hello Linda,

    I love all you quotes. They are lovely!

  37. Awesome post full of so much joy and wonder Linda, I did love watching the top two videos it is so heartwarming to know that there are people out there that still care, thank you so much for sharing
    lorraine x

  38. Love the quotes about kindness.

  39. Linda really I love yours videos !
    Happy new year !!

  40. Linda very happy new year !
    que l'année te soit douce, et que la santé, le bonheur, et l'amour t'accompanent tous les jours de la nouvelle année!

  41. Tout est si beau Linda, merci! Gros bisous, bonne soirée toute douce!

  42. Aw! I've missed being here the last month. That first video made me cry. I blame it on being a woman this month. Ugh. Darn hormones. ;) Thanks for the uplifting thoughts and feels.

  43. Linda, Love that guy stopping traffic to help that older lady! The story about the burn victims is relevant here with the recent fires nearby in East Tennessee. One pet pig is now a local celebrity after burrowing himself into some mud and surviving the raging fire all around him!

    The retro Christmas and New Years Theatre videos sure brought thoughts of simpler, or at least less informed times.

    As I approach 75 this year, I'm all for enjoying life today! Time is flying by fast! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  44. I loved all the quotes and will look at the videos in the AM..our lights keep flickering..:(
    I have always loved quotes..even as a young woman maybe even still a teen..19..I remember having a small leather bound book of a small series I think..called The Book of Quotes..

  45. I loved this one, Linda xo . A timely reminder that life is short. ^.^

    Enjoy life today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised!

  46. Wonderful videos, Linda! And the quote, "When you find yourself in the position to help someone, ..." really spoke to me today. Thank you so much!!

  47. We always learn and have fun whem we visit your blog

  48. "Sometimes even to live is an act of courage." - Seneca


  49. I loved all the kindness quotes and was overwhelmed by the video clip of the young man stopping his car to help the lady cross the road. Wonderful.

  50. Hienot videot ja kuvat hyvin tärkeitä sanoja Rakkaus ja ystävälisyys ovat tärkeitä Kiitos Linda Hyvää jatkoa Sinulle.

  51. Once more, wonderful videos and quotations, dear Linda!
    Thank you so much!

  52. Un petit coucou à mon amie Montréalaise.
    Merci pour tes posts toujours très agréables à découvrir. Belle journée à toi.Bises de Haute Provence

  53. Certainly impressed by some of these videos especially the kind acts, dear! Great sharing! xoxo

  54. What a great morning pick me up those quotes were!! Thanks for your fantastic posts! <3 -

  55. Hi Linda. That's a heartwarming video where the guy stops the traffic. He actually puts his own safety at risk when he dashes out to help the old person across that juction. Full marks to him.

    Thanks for the usuaul postive vibes too from your other messages and quotes.

  56. Thank you Linda!!! I loved all the videos and the quotes!! You're a special person and I'm grateful for you! Big Hugs and Much Love!

  57. Guy Lombardo's songs are too good. This is the first time I am hearing this one.

  58. You know, I actually remember back to the times when there was an intermission at the cinema!

  59. Hello Linda! And a most Happy New Year! What a great post. Such neat videos...I love the Fireman, and the old Christmas star intermission especially, wow...what a difference to today.

    All of the videos are so uplifting and great choices. I enjoyed my visit here, and I so like your quotes. I know I will have a nice visit when I come here!

    Bless you Linda! : )

  60. Anonymous5:33 AM

    'Listen with your heart..' encourages me!
    Thank you for your beautiful post!!!



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