Friday, January 06, 2017

Weekend Winter Sunshine

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

35 Year Old who Lives in 1946 (BBC)

Anthony - Peter Uryga and His Motor City Orchestra (1940)

5 Crafts Fur (for) Cat Owners

Laurel and Hardy - Christmas Cards

Pansy Cat Painting/Drawing in Pastel (step by step)

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Fosters needed!  Apply at:  Alley Cat Foster

One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is thanking them for being part of your life.

Sometimes it's better to just remain silent and smile.

A relaxing peaceful evening at home is one of life's greatest pleasures.

2017 - The best is yet to come.

People come and go in life, but the right ones will always stay!

My favorite colors of the and white.  :)

It's okay, sometimes we just need a little boost.  :)

The only things you can take with you when you leave this world are the things you've packed inside your heart. - Susan Gale

A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter is not a nice person.

Blessed are the weird people:  poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours for they teach us to see the world through different eyes. - Jacob Nordby

Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. - Albert Einstein

Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul.

May the magic of the season fill your heart with joy.

Sprinkle a little love into someone's heart today! Remember, there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.  Every act creates a ripple with no logical end...

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Lovely quotes! I love a peaceful evening relaxing at home and I fully agree that remaining silent and just smile is better and safer too!

  2. I agree that sometimes it's better to just remain silent and smile!! especially if you hv nothing good to say.. ahahah

  3. Cara Linda, buona Epifania cara amica con un abbraccio e un sorriso:-)

  4. I love the saying with the waiter. It is so true.
    Have a nice day

  5. Lovely quotes! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Hi Linda, hope this finds you well and happy! I was fascinated to see the video of the man who loves to live in 1946. He has a unique approach to everything. (Good to see he has a modern fridge though!).
    He's quite right, the world does move too fast these days.
    Many thanks for finding all these gems. Cheers now, Sue :D) xx

  7. Hi Linda, Laurel and Hardy were really great fun. I wish you a nice Friday.

  8. I have to thank you once again Linda for bringing so much joy to my life I have loved watching the videos I do so love a little nostalgia, the ideas for the cats are awesome a truly wonderful post, thank you for sharing
    lorraine x

  9. Hello, Linda! Wonderful quotes and inspiring words. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. Blessed are the weird people indeed!

  11. Linda you always find great quotes, very uplifting, Thank You for sharing 👍

  12. une belle publication Linda

    "Pansy Cat Painting" a ma préférence


  13. That Einstein quote particularly speaks to me!

  14. I love all the 40s music. I especially love the big ban era. I listen to that music all the time. I'm not sure I'd want to live in a 40s home, but he's happy and that's what counts.

    Love the 5 fun crafts for kitties.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. ♥♥♥

  15. Linda, Weird but somewhat charming...that man who is living back in 1946. I did like the fact that he cheated a little and had a small fridge. Loved the cat crafts...the 'lap bed' was really creative. Our rescue cat loves his big ball of jute twine and any bags or boxes he can get into.

    As for sayings...without actually saying anything negative to someone...down here in the south, the favorite is "Well bless his/her/their heart". It can be a positive message or the exact opposite depending on how its said. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  16. I love Marmalade and Cole! Their cat dad has some great DIY ideas...especially the cardboard scratcher! Guess it's time I purchase a glue gun...have a great weekend!

  17. Once again you have found some great quotes, a real delight.

  18. Interesting videos once again. Love all the quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  19. Wonderful qoutes and videos, dearest Linda - and I LOVE the ideas for cats and their "owners". The black and red cats in the movie look a bit like my cats Nina (black) and Maxwell (red - but without the white "socks") :-))
    Happy new year, my dear and thank you for your nice wishes!!!
    Hugs, Traude

  20. A relaxing peaceful evening at home is one of life's greatest pleasures... I agree!

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and good wishes for the coming weekend

    All the best Jan

  21. As always - wonderful!

  22. Hello Linda! Oh that 40s video is neat. Very fun! I adore things like that, the 40s was just such a neat time in many ways. Our country had a healthy fear of God and things were so much more wholesome then.

    I'll have to view the art video of the pastel cat, drawing and such can be very relaxing. We should create for ten minutes a day I recently read. (good idea i think!) : )

    Great quotes, love the artist and writer one. *smile* Yes, people do view deep thinkers as such. Too bad for them! Ha!

    You take care now, hope you are having a wonderful and uplifting New year.


  23. Lots of great stuff today! Thanks again for the inspiration.

  24. Hi. Cats are so cute. Greetings.

  25. Toujours tellement plaisant chez toi douce Linda! Bise, bonne soirée toute douce!

  26. 'May the magic of the season fill your heart with joy' too, Linda !

  27. He did a good job decorating it like the 40s

  28. Love the emphasis on the 40s - great music, good values, era of the Greatest Generation. And loved everything else, of course (especially the lap for the cats). Thanks, Linda!

  29. very complete post you give always dear .
    loved the cat lap most though liked the all .
    power of positivity overwhelmed me !
    wishing you a very Happy new year my friend.

  30. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Happy New Year!
    I hope you have a great year, Linda!!
    'May the magic of the season...' is very good quote :)


  31. Such an amazing collection, as always, Linda.
    Two quotes really spoke to me...the "peace" one, and "Lost Soul"...both are so important to us in these troubled times, aren't they?!

    Have a Fabulous New Year, my dear Friend...and Lots of Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  32. J'aime aussi les couleurs rouge et blanc.
    Bonne et heureuse année aussi, Linda.

  33. Wise words, Linda:Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. I agree!

  34. Hi, Linda! I love your sentiment about "weird people" seeing the world through different eyes! Makes me smile delightedly and gratefully. xo

  35. I like the quote about 2017: the best is yet to come. Is will save that. Happy weekend Linda,

  36. Hi Linda! What a great collection of posters for the new year ... very appropriate. Love the 1946 video. I have good memories of 1946. I was in the 6th grade in Los Angeles and spent most of my spare time playing "cops and robbers" with my friends or riding me bike around the city. I had my own radio and listened mostly to country music. No TV or video games. Every afternoon I delivered the "Hollywood Citizen News" to about 100 subscribers. A year late I was delivering the "Los Angeles Times" which was a much better deal as I didn't have to go door to door collecting my money! The war was over and the future bright.

    Thanks so much for your kind words and I appreciate greatly that you continue to check in on me on L & L Photography!

  37. Los vídeos de la pintura del gato, de los útiles para los gatos y el Luarel y Hardy muy bonitos.
    Algunas citas dicen grandes verdades.


  38. As ever Linda, great quotes all round. Sometimes it's better to just remain silent and smile though is one that sticks in my mind. I wish I could always remember that, sometimes I just open my mouth when I know I should keep it shut and smile!!!
    Have a great Sunday and keep warm, Diane

  39. LOL!!! Laurel and Hardy! So funny. And I love receiving Christmas cards, too bad they are going out of style.

  40. Thank you Linda! Such a great selection today! My favorite is the "Be Tolerant.." quote, me need much more of that these days... Enjoy the new week ahead! Diane

  41. Hello Linda, It's been another long time since I've visited. I hope 2017 will be a year of more writing and blog reading for me because I do miss it!
    Your videos are quirky and funny. The first one - strangely adorable. And good sentiments from all the quotes. I actually saved one into my computer's library.
    Happy New Year!

  42. I couldn't agree more - gratefulness - thanking someone for being part of your life - is so important in being happy.

  43. The video of projects for cats was really interesting. I'm amazed at the creativity of some people.

  44. Good evening dear Linda,
    It has been much too long since I have visited. Thank you for coming over to visit and leaving such a kind note.
    I would also like to thank you for all your beautiful and uplifting post this past year. Your blog is such a peaceful place to visit. I always come away with a smile.
    Happy New Year

  45. I was expecting the cat crafts to use cat fur! 😂

  46. I'm not sure what happened to my original comment...Loved the cat vid and the one of the guy re-creating 1940's life. I wonder if he appreciate the irony of being on youtube given his take on technology...I've seen a woman do the same as him, also from England...they should meet...Enjoy your Sunday.

  47. Tout est si joli dans ce billet !
    Merci beaucoup pour ces jolies publications. Bon dimanche Linda

  48. Best quotes ever Linda! Enjoy this cold but beautiful day!!

  49. So much wisdom in these little posts!

  50. I love the craft ideas for kitty servants! The lap bed is brilliant! :-)

  51. Wonderful post...wonderful quotes! Keep warm on this very chilly day!

  52. Hei Linda. Hieno valikoima tänään Kiitos Hyvää tammikuun jatkoa

  53. What lovely quotes. More peace and tolerance really would make this troubled world a better place. XX

  54. Lovely collection of quotes! Happy new year :)

  55. Happy New Year LInda and thank you for all the inspiration.

  56. Thankyou Linda!!
    "Blessed are the weird people!" Yes :)
    Loved your post today, as always!! I hope you've been having a great weekend. I hope you don't mind, but I read your comment on Ygraine's blog. Your poor mom, losing so many children!! You are a true blessing Linda!! A treasure! Big Hugs!

    1. Hi dear Stacy! I don't mind at all, and thank you so much for caring enough to read what I had to say. You are such a sweet soul. :) Big hugs.

  57. The "Be tolerant" quote is so true!

  58. The first video of the guy living in the 1940s style reminds me strongly of the old Sparks song with its clever lyrics and funny chorus. "It ain't 1918 for us or for you... if we can't enjoy it then neither should you."

  59. As always a great variety of subjects.
    Have a great week!

  60. Another of your fun post packed with great quotes and interesting videos. I really enjoyed the first one about the fellow living as if in the 1940s. I saw one about a lady living as if still in the 1930s - eccentric people!

  61. Hi Linda! Happy New Year my friend!
    I haven't seen any Laurel and Hardy in so long, it was fun to see the clip here. (What awful Christmas cards they were!)
    I agree that 2017 will be the best yet, so let's ride through it with joy!

  62. I'm thinking that 2017 is going to be a good year, dear Linda! I'm quite happy to live in 2017 and not in 1946, thank you! I was fascinated by the tree stump scratcher and other crafts for kitties. If I could hang the scratcher on the wall it might help when I get a pesky itch between my shoulders. Anyone who is unkind to a waiter is not someone I want to be around! Thanks for sharing these things today!

  63. A relaxing peaceful evening at home is one of life's greatest pleasures - this is so true.

  64. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is thanking them for being part of your life.

    Thank you for being part of mine..even if it's an online one, Linda x


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