Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday Moments

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Dusky Woodswallow

Dindim the Penguin Swims 5,000 Miles Every Year to Visit Brazilian Man who Saved Him

Smooth Jazz - Peter White - Love Will Find You

Vintage Old 1940's Westinghouse Roaster Commercial (1949)

Soothing Water Fountains

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Some of the deepest wounds never leave a kind;  you never know the invisible hurts others might be carrying.

Greet the day with gratitude...there's always something to be thankful for!

No matter what's happened in the past...celebrate even the tiniest progress, laugh and move forward with gratitude in your heart!

My goal is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am.

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.

Every day is your day to become a better you!

I'm still me no matter my mental health. - Niki McBain

Learning is a gift.  Even when pain is your teacher. - Maya Watson

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship. - Thomas Aquinas

Sadness, disappointment and severe challenge are events in life, not life itself.

Surround yourself with cheerleaders, not fear leaders.

Become the person you needed when you were younger.

10% of conflict is due to difference in opinion and 90% is due to delivery and tone of voice.

You either get bitter or you get better.  It's that simple.  You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down.  The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you. - Josh Shipp

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Hi. Lovely videos. Greetings.

  2. thank you sooo much for the lovely precious thoughtful post dear friend !!!
    loved the tiny sweet bird peeking down from the tree ,so adorable !
    the mesmerizing scenes in the third video has awaken my soul !
    loved the quotes like always
    specially "be the one you needed when you were young "

  3. Thank you for sharing, Linda! Wise words :)

  4. Yes, be kind, be considerate, be generous to all. Indeed, we do not know what may lie behind the smiles and some may may reaching out to us. Touch them.

  5. Have a good week!

  6. Thank you Linda for this wonderful post. This is what I particularly like and completely agree: Greet the day with gratitude...there's always something to be thankful for! - Have a good week! Greetings from Finland.

  7. Water fountains are a pretty and soothing sight. They attract not only people but also pigeons. Wherever I go I like to visit the square with the fountain (the piazza).

    Indeed we should greet the day with gratitude for the very reason that we were able to wake up and get off the bed to start a new day.

  8. The Dusky Wood Swallow, is a beautiful bird, which we don't know here Linda. I wish you a good start of the new week.

  9. Hi Linda you have selected some awesome videos and quotations I do love the story about the Penguin it sounds amazing for a wild animal to give so much love to a human, thank you for helping to start the week off
    lorraine x

  10. Hello Linda, Dindim the Penguin is such touching story, thank you so much for sharing it. Happy Monday. xx

  11. Good morning, Linda! I loved the penguin story and video. Wonderful quotes and inspiring words. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  12. Hi I just wanted to say thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I also need to say sorry I pressed delete rather than publish, I was reading it on my Kindle and meant to publish but clumsy fingers hit wrong button. As you say comments are sweet treasures and I didnt want you to think I didnt treasure your words. XXX Don

  13. Hello dearest Linda, today the videos and quotes you had chosen touched me to tears. Thank you very much, once more! :)
    Have a happy new week! xx

  14. The penguin video is a beautiful one, so touching. Have a terrific day!

  15. Greet the day with gratitude. Words to live by...

  16. Happy Monday Linda... I hope your week ahead is a happy one xox... I like this quote: No matter what's happened in the past...celebrate even the tiniest progress, laugh and move forward with gratitude in your heart! (we need to celebrate those small progresses)

  17. 'True friends are...' far away, dear Linda, but they are !

  18. Dear Linda,
    I love the video with the Penguin, simply amazing.
    I wish you a very good week.

    Many greetings

  19. I love the quotes ant that turkey roaster:)

  20. What an amazing story about the penguin! And I liked the quote about trying to be as nice as my dog already thinks I am.

  21. That penguin story is amazing! And I loved the "cheerleader" poster. Hope you're off to a good week! It's chilly down here (well, for our area) but the sun is shining and that's a good sign.

  22. As always Linda a joy to visit and lots of thought given to some of the quotes.

  23. Bon lundi Linda et Merci pour tous tes jolis posts qui sont toujours les bienvenus

  24. Dear Linda what touching video of Dindim the penguin. Such an amazing story about a bird who connected with his wonderful rescuer. So glad you shared this lovely story. You always find the best ones. Hugs!

  25. De nuevo nos dejas unos bonitos vídeos y unos grandes pensamientos. Me gusto en especial el de quisiera ser tan buena persona como cree mi perro que soy.


  26. Awww on the penguin story. I linked this post to Awww Mondays. Amazing.

    I love water fountains. We have several here, but with the drought we've not used them for a few years. Perhaps this year.

    Have a fabulous day, Linda. ♥♥♥

  27. Once again you did it. Great videos and quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful week. Madeline

  28. une très belle citation de Thomas Aquinas.. Linda

    bon début de la semaine

  29. I so love to begin my new week together with you, precious friend of mine, blessed be !

    Hope you're having a lovely day,
    I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you
    thanks most sincerely for the Beautiful person you are, darling Linda !

    XX Dany

  30. Beautiful bird in the first video! Penguins are very intelligent birds, it was nice to watch the video about them !

  31. That goal of being the good person a dog thinks you are can be a tough one for some people!

  32. The story about the penguin is great! We read about that a few weeks ago. Heartwarming indeed. :-)

  33. Happy Almost February Linda!
    The Penguin video is a testament to the strength a bond of love can make.

  34. I love water fountains!

  35. those roasters are so handy! Great videos!

  36. Let's get surrounded by cheerleaders!
    I love that saying.
    Have a good week

  37. Merci ma belle Linda, tout est tout beau! Bise, bonne journée tout en douceur!

  38. I think my all time fave is the "Become the person you needed when you were younger" love it! Glad to see you are linking under those, I kept meaning to mention that to you, we have to link sources or we could be in deep copyright doo-doo as bloggers. catchatwithcarenandcody

  39. Love the smooth jazz Linda!!!! And that scene by the water was perfect!!! I listen to this kind of music while painting!!! Enjoy this cold but beautiful day!!!

  40. Bonsoir Linda :) Jolies citations pour bien commencer la semaine :) Salutations :-)

  41. Just love the piece on the penguin! The great videos - wonderful quotes= the only way to start the week. Thank you, Linda!

  42. Enjoyed your latest collection of videos and quotes!

  43. Hello Linda - many thanks for all of your selections.
    I love water and those water fountains are soothing ...

    Wishing you a good week ahead

    All the best Jan

  44. Hi Linda! Thank you! I loved everything! Sending you big hugs and wishing you a great week ahead!

  45. Happy Monday, Linda! As always I enjoyed your entire post. The story of the penguin and his rescuer was amazing! Wow! I had to laugh at the quotation: "10% of conflict is due to difference in opinion and 90% is due to delivery and tone of voice." That's very true when it comes to Terry and me and our disagreements! LOL Not that we have serious disagreements very often! Sending you lots of love and hugs!

  46. We really have a lot to learn from animals don't we.

  47. My mom what a roaster like that...But it was much latter then 49.
    Coffee is on

  48. Loved your post. Happy week ahead!

  49. Hi Linda,

    'Learning is a gift even when pain is your teacher' - Maya Watson,

    How true! There are many ways in which people learn, some are more 'interactive', shall we say, than others. With the exclusion of 'no pain, no gain' re: exercise, which has been proven to be false, if one can come out of a painful experience stronger and wiser, then at least it has been worth it.

    'True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart'. I can so relate to this. Thankfully, with the internet, my friends who live far away, are only a click away!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friend!

  50. Hi Linda. That made me laugh "My goal is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am." How true is that? 100%

  51. I love the video about a man and penguin. What a wonderful friendship they have! Thank you for your uplifting post as always :-)

  52. I like the story about the penguin Dindim and thank you for all the inspirational words. “Become the person you needed when you were younger.” is my favorite words this time.


  53. So many birds and animals I've never seen or heard of. The USA is a complete blank to Brits when it comes to the smaller wildlife.

  54. I love the wise wisdom that you've shared here. Particularly the one about becoming the person you needed when you were younger.😂

  55. Oh Linda, I was so touched by that beautiful story of the man and his penguin! Life never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for the lovely inspirational quotes too :D)

  56. Anonymous10:57 PM

    I love the video of the penguin!
    They are so great friends each other.
    Have a lovely weekend, Linda!!


  57. Greet the day with gratitude...there's always something to be thankful for!

    I am grateful there's someone like you out there constantly reminding us to be positive, Linda. You are a gem of a person.

    There is a saying : People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily. ~ Zig Ziglar


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