Friday, January 27, 2017

Weekend Chill Out and Sharing About Myself

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
I have been using my crock pot (slow cooker) a lot these days and have been really enjoying the meals! Last night I made chicken and potatoes, and it was delicious!  Very moist, tender and flavourful, and it took just a few hours on high temperature.  We have been having all kinds of weather here in Montreal. Freezing rain, rain, snow, and sometimes all of these conditions can make for some very slippery conditions.  Thankfully the snow ploughs have been out in full force and are doing a fine job, so it makes walking and getting around much easier!  I remember last year we had so much ice...and thick ice, too, and it was so bad that I was afraid of falling. This year the city is doing a much better job at clearing the snow and making sure the roads and sidewalks are safe.  

That is enough for this post, thank you so much for listening.  :)

The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Man Turns His House into Indoor Cat Playland

The Pearl Fishers - James Last

Spotlight Dance - Just Like Romeo and Juliet (1964)

Magical Box Releases Kittens, Kittens and More Kittens

The Secret Garden (1949)

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Don't dwell on the bad or it will make you miserable. Look to the good and let that inspire you. - Julie Clayton

Always give something to everyone you meet whether if it is a smile, hug, courage, strength, inspiration, encouragement, compassion, or an act of kindness, no matter how small.  It is a vision of hope for the future.

Honesty has a power that very few people can handle.

Easy days bring rest.  Difficult days bring growth. Each day is a gift from God. - Dave Willis

May all that has been reduced to noise in you become music again.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. - Wayne Dyer

Global warming snowman cookies - depressing yet delicious  :)

Please know that although you might be struggling now, some day you will look back and realize what you went through changed your life in many ways for the better.

Don't lose hope...sometimes something needs to crack before something new can be born.

Cats with extra toes are called polydactyl or "Hemingways".

Life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you.  So just enjoy life, have fun, and give them something to talk about.

I want a person who comes into my life by accident, but stays on purpose.

Be grateful for the cozy, little moments in life.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Dear Linda,
    we now have for at least three weeks also winter and it is very cold, the ground is frozen and we have snow. The videos and the pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing. I wish you very good weekend.

    Many greetings

  2. Lovely post!
    Cats are always so funny and cute. :)
    I like the second thought. It's great to give a smile and get one back.
    Have a nice weekend ahead!

  3. The Pearl Fishers, I really like Linda. Be careful with slippery roads, I hate it!

  4. Beautiful selection of videos and quotations Linda I have enjoyed my visit, have a lovely weekend
    lorraine x

  5. Hi Linda--loved The Secret Garden video. I wasn't aware that there was an original version--my son grew up on the "NEW" version.......though that has been 30 years!
    Stay safe in all that wintry weather. Have a nice weekend.

  6. Yummy Linda pommes de terres et poulet ça c'est une équipe d'enfer...hahahaha. cela dit pour moi c'était soupe car je suis clouée au lit avec la grippe :(
    Autrement, j'aime la citation sur l'honnêteté...une qualité de plus en plus rare - dommage :)

  7. Hello, Linda! I love the sweet kitty videos. Awesome quotes and images. I agree some people can not handle honesty. I hope you stay safe, warm and cozy. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Don't dwell on the bad...How true!

  9. I've never seen a cat like that

  10. Merci à toi pour tes belles publications. C'est un réel plaisir de découvrir tes jolies choses. Bonne fin de semaine à toi

  11. The quotes you posted are so inspiring, thank you!!

    Laura xo

  12. Hello. Thank you for your lovely videos. Greetings

  13. I would have enjoyed your slow-cooked chicken, Linda! Sounds delicious. Not long ago I saw a video of two guys in California what had redesigned their house with walkways and little doorways so that all of their cats could roam at will. Kinda crazy, but interesting. And where do all those kittens come from? I'd love to have a 100 kittens running around but that would be more than a full-time job! :)

  14. Here the snow plowing is done reasonably enough, though hauling it away can take days on end if, like me, you live on a quiet street.

  15. I loved all the two kitty videos the best. Too cute.

    Hubby and I use the crock pot a lot in the winter too. Comfort food.

    Have a fabulous day, Linda. ☺

  16. Well, I've certainly cracked and grown a few times, LOL! I love a crock pot full of hot food on a winter night. I like to add some Lipton's onion soup mix and water to a crock pot along with chicken, carrots, potatoes, and onions and let it simmer away. Yum! All I could think of watching the cat trying to catch the fist in the aquarium was The Poor Fish!! And the dance video was sooo early Sixties! It really made me chuckle with fond memories. Things certainly changed in a couple of yearI think it was the growing awareness that came with the escalation of the Vietnam War playing out on our TVs that prompted change. The age of innocence was over. Have a great weekend, my cherished Montreal friend! Thanks for sharing more about yourself! Sending you hugs and love!

  17. Hi Linda! Glad you're safe & warm - eat lots of comfort food!
    The videos are great - Dick Clark - Wow. I used to watch that show & remember thinking everyone looked so old (right - 16 years old...).
    And The Secret Garden - what a wonderful movie! Thanks for the reminder. In fact, all the videos were great - love the cats (lucky fish) & really enjoyed the gorgeous scenery in Pearl Fishers. More inspiring quotes - a winning formula to start the weekend. Thank you, Linda!

  18. Nice post Linda. Always love to check your blog for inspiration...

  19. Love Meanwhile in Canada images! The snowman cookies - depressing yet delicious, LOL!

  20. la musique de James Last vaut toujours la peine Linda..


  21. Hello Linda, your crockpot meal sounds so yummy. I love to have something simmering away in the cooler weather to eat when we feel like it.
    Thanks for your videos and quotes, the Secret Garden was sweet and I enjoyed the must of James Last... it's been so long since I'd listened to him.
    Have a really lovely weekend, take care and stay warm :D)

  22. Remember my "new" crockpot (NEW the year before last!!) that I told you I haven't used yet? I STILL haven't used it! Still using my old reliable one! lol catchatwithcarenandcody

  23. Coucou douce Linda, merci, c'est tout beau! Bise, bonne journée dans la joie!

  24. Always nice to read more about you, Linda.

  25. I go ga-ga over polydactyl kitties! Have a great weekend!

  26. Lots of fun stuff today, Linda. That cat is mighty determined to get that goldfish. Unless precautions are taken soon, I wouldn't give much for the chances of the fish. I love the clip from "The Secret Garden." Makes me want to see the whole movie. I also loved the moose on the ski slope and the global warming snowman cookies.

  27. I love my crockpot too, Linda. I've been making different kinds of squash in it and it's so easy. Wow, 1964 American times have changed!

  28. Hi Linda, I enjoyed the video and great quotes. I also used the slow cooker but it cracked one day. Wanted to get a new one but have not got one yet. Keep warm and stay safe.

  29. Our winter was very short...

  30. My daughter had the box of endless kittens on her Facebook. So Cute! Who doesn't love kittens?

  31. Happy Friday Linda... I too have been using my crock pot regularly... I love how easy it is to make a meal, turn it on and go about your day... We have been very lucky in Halifax so far, not a lot of ice... lots of rain though. Thankfully I get to stay inside most of the time so I don't have to worry about freezing xox

  32. I love slow cooked meals in the Winter. I'll be visiting Canada this year (in your Summer). Can't wait!

  33. I love using the slow cooker, the meat gets to be so nice and tender.

  34. Good morning Linda. I'm pleased to hear that your pathways are less icy this year. It can be very worrying trying to walk on some. Last year Iwent flat on my back with no warning - gave myself quite a crack. Those snowman cookies look quite deleicious. Now if I was just a little nearer....

  35. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Your meals by slow cooker sounds so yummy!
    I don't have slow cooker, but I often listen it is so great!
    The Secret Garden video is so lovely!!


  36. Have a nice week end, Linda!

  37. Hi! I like the Positive Energy very much. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Hi Linda !!!!!
    We laugh a lot while watching the videos: Man Turns His House into Indoor Cat Playland and Magical Box Releases Kittens, Kittens and More Kittens !!!!! We like a lot !!!!!Hehehehe......
    Have a great weekend !!!!!
    A meow of the Frida and Sofia

  39. I got busy yesterday and did not check some the blogs I follow. This morning it I thought I'd better check. Enjoyed this post very much. Great videos and the quotes always make my day go so much better. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  40. Look to the good - that's really true!
    Have a lovely weekend

  41. Loved the Secret Garden version, friend Linda ... saw a different version of this movie a long time ago ... will send the link to you if I ever find it ... anyway, I will take a break from blogging for a while, but will maintain my travel blog ... ... next stop is Bali in February. Love, cat.

  42. I don't use my slow cooker as much as I should. I used it a lot when I worked because it was lovely to come home to something hot. What did you add to your chicken? I think maybe I need a slow cooker cookbook :)

  43. I so enjoyed the Spotlight Dance video ... and I have to admit that I didn't know that there were cats with extra toes ... they're even funnier !

    Enjoy your day, today, my Dearest,
    and may your Sunday be as Beautiful as you,

    XX Dany

  44. Love the sound of your croc-pot. I love slow cooking and tender meat. Will definitely look out for one myself.

    Greetings from London.

  45. Lovely post! Happy weekend!:)


  46. Slow cookers are just so good!
    Your meal sounds very nice.

    All the best Jan

  47. Crock pots are the best!
    I loved the cat house video. I'd seen it before but it's still amazing.
    I hope my cats didn't get jealous. :-)

  48. Very interesting and enjoyable, thank you Linda. Stay safe and warm:)

  49. Looks like the moose is going to get a time penalty:)

  50. I bet the slow cooker is perfect for that chilly weather.

  51. I loved the videos !!! Lovely post !! I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR , Linda !!!

  52. Such a nice (and wise) reading for the start of the year! Thank you, Linda, you've made a good choice! I felt the power of smiling, while working on a project in Kenya just a month ago...

  53. Hi Linda, you will again see all the fun videos :-)
    The cat in the first movie displays the still lol on at any given moment ....
    The pearl fishers james music stuff is great and also world famous.
    The box with little kittens is really great hahahaha ...
    Very special video of the secret garden.
    The text spells are as always great to see and to read :-)

  54. Hey dear, those are some awesome quotes! xoxo

  55. I'm glad you are enjoying the season and your slow cooker.

  56. Hi Linda! Your dinner of slow cook chicken and potatoes sounds wonderful! I bet the house smelled divine!
    I watched the video of the Pearl Fishers, and the Dick Clark dance one. What fun to see the young people dancing! I always love the memes that remind me that looking on the bright side really does change my attitude.
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  57. Thank you Linda! The chicken sounds good! Please take care with the weather! We have been getting the same! Another great post! "Don't lose hope...sometimes something needs to crack before something new can be born." Love that one! Big Hugs!

  58. Very nice selection of videos. The cats and kittens stole the show! Also great words of wisdom.

  59. wish I had a secret garden!

  60. It was warm here in Toronto the past weeks. I'm glad you stayed safe. There are so many bad things happening in our World right now especially in the USA. Good thing the people protesting are fighting it in a positive way with unity, love and inclusion.

  61. Crockpots are great! We had a chili cookoff and sampling here in the RV resort this afternoon -- I've never seen so many slow cookers in use at one time in all my life.

    Thanks as always for your videos and words of wisdom and humor.

  62. OH I enjoyed that " Spotlight Dance" video!
    I really like the shoes the ladies were wearing.

    As always, it's a joy visiting with you~

  63. I'm so glad it is safer on the roads now! But, oh-so-cold in Montreal! Since our bodies are used to the tropics, we have to move further and further south with every winter house sit, it seems like! We had a pressure cooker on our boat and used it often during our eight years of cruising.


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