Friday, January 20, 2017

Weekend Rest

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Cute Duckling Follows Man (I found this adorable and the cute sound of the pitter patter of the duckling's feet as it chases the man made me laugh).  :)

Here's What Happens if You Put Garlic in Your Ear!

Piglets - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen  :)

Mr. Bean - Going to Bed

Teddy Brown (Drums) - Early 1930's

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around.

It's not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves. - William Shakespeare

I don't want perfect.  I want honest.

May you have peace and joy in 2017.

Hello January!  Cozy fires, fresh snow and hot cocoa.

Every time you take a shower, visualize washing away your stress and anxiety.  Concentrate on the feel of the water upon your skin.  Envision the power of the shower washing away your negative thoughts. Feel sadness, regret, anger and depression washing right off of you.  Let it all go down the drain.  You'll start to feel lighter and much more clear.

I have no country to fight for.  My country is the earth.  I am a citizen of the world. - Eugene Debs

Tell your daughter she is beautiful, but make sure she also knows she is strong, smart and capable.

When someone does something wrong, don't forget the things they did right.

My get up and go got up, looked around and said, "Seriously?" and sat right back down again.  :)

Be generous with gratitude, for it is contagious.

Dr. Pepper  :)

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;  indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

When things seem shattered and lost...know that nothing stays broken forever.  Gather up your strength and pick up the pieces one by one.  You must keep going...always!  It's going to get better. Yes, you will make it through this.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Indeed, be generous with gratitude. So many things all around us to be grateful for, give thanks always.

  2. I am a citizen of the world, too.
    So true.
    Have a nice weekend

  3. Some nice thoughts for a terrible day...Have a good weekend!

  4. I love mr bean☺

  5. Hahahahaha ... Cute Duckling is so sweet !! I wish you a pleasant Friday Linda.

  6. Wonderful post! Mr. Bean is classic, and the Alley cats are beautiful.

  7. That little duck is so sweet! I also laughed at the pitter patter noise his feet made, and again when he chirruped and toppled onto his bottom. Just lovely! I’m going to look at the rest of the treats now. Have a good weekend, Barbara x

  8. Hi Linda--LOVED the duckling video, and of course--Mr. Bean!
    I shouldn't watch funny videos at 4:50 in the morning! Might wake hubby--ha!

  9. Hello. Duck chicks are wonderful. Little piglets are also pretty funny.

  10. Another super post Linda and thank you so much for your very sweet comments. I am glad to be back.

  11. I love many ofnthese thoughts for today. My favourite is the one about a small group of committed citizens can change the world. It is an important message for this weekend.

  12. Hello, Linda! Love the ducks and piglets videos. They are cute critters. Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  13. Who knew garlic could be so versatile...Thought provoking quotes once again and uplifting.

  14. Hi Linda popped over to see what you up to, love your Quotes. Had trouble with the video's though. .
    Hugs Sheila Wishing you well and a Happy New Year x

  15. Hi Linda, just had to pop over for one last visit before I go into hospital...and am so glad I did. I feel really uplifted (and how Mr. Bean made me laugh!!).
    Thank you so much for seriously brightening my day! :))

    Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  16. Ducklings are darling and it appears this one has bonded with its owner. Love the Mr. Bean video...what a great character he is. And I think the Eugene Debs quote is exactly right and what we need for the world today!

    Have a superb weekend and thanks again for your comments. Glad you like the new header!

  17. Funny, I make lists of things to do, then anything on TV seems more important and so the dust accumulates for one more day.

  18. Awww on the duckling and the piglets. So cute.

    I didn't know that about garlic. Good information.

    Mr. Bean cracks me up.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Linda. ♥♥♥

  19. The duckling video is adorable!

  20. That little duckling makes quite a racket!

    Have a good weekend!

  21. Nice videos especially the ducklings. Thanks for sharing.

  22. I didn't know garlic had such healing power! I hesitate to put it in my ears, but I might try if I get cold!

  23. Yet another great post but my favourite is When someone does something wrong, don't forget the things they did right. Why is it people complain so readily but seldom say well done what a good job. We always try to drop a line or say thanks when we have had a great meal, or someone has done something really well. So important, especially so when your man is in the kitchen helping out :-) Take care and thanks for sharing Diane

  24. nice positive thoughts, always appreciated!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  25. Coucou ma belle Linda, merci pour ce beau billet, je ne savais pas les pouvoirs de l'ail dans l'oreille! Bise, bonne journée toute douce!

  26. I like the Dr. Pepper, and I can seriously relate to the "get up and go" one. That duckling is too cute.

  27. Ahhhhhh .... what a cute little duckling. geweldog to the duckling to see if running behind that man whahahahahaha ..... A nice video :-)
    I love garlic and eat it very much. It is an old remedy for many ailments and in this movie is beautifully written how a clove of garlic helps relieve earache.
    Great that these piglets allowed to roam freely :-)))))
    Super is the movie Teddy Brown (Drums). A great artist and drummer!
    Your text spells are all beautiful.
    Have a great weekend.

  28. Great thoughts and tips - I will definitely try the garlic against headache and cough!
    Thank you for sharing, dear Linda, and have a happy weekend!

  29. Thank you very much for this lovely post - I always laugh when I see Mr Bean :)

  30. Ah oui, il est marrant le canard.

  31. Love the pitter patter of ducking feet!

  32. Cute/interesting log, Linda !

  33. 'Love' Mr. Bean going to bed. Good choice! ;-D

  34. Very nice videos. The quotes were all great. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  35. I knew Dr. Pepper was real

  36. I loved the little duckling following the man!!!! Too cute and yes, the pitter patter of his feet was adorable and made me laugh.. Loved the post today!!

  37. Anonymous7:23 PM

    What a lovely duck!!!
    And many beautiful quotes helped me from some problem of my work today!
    Thank you, Linda!!


  38. Linda, Our cat J.D. loved the little duckling! He was sleeping on my printer next to the computer screen and his head popped up as the duckling tweeted as he followed his imprinted mama figure around the house. He watched the piglets for a moment or so and then he lost interest. Thanks and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  39. Love them all, but especially love the duckling. How sweet! Another great collection. Thank you, Linda!

  40. The duckling is so cute and it makes me want to have one too. Love the cute piglets, once full they snuggled together to sleep! Thanks for the garlic video. I might try it out one day. Happy weekend, Linda!

  41. Oh dear Linda!

    you are truly a Blessed soul!!!

    your posts are like smooth rains pour silently upon my soul and fill it with peace and positivity !
    i loved the duckling but for me Mr. Bean rocks! i am huge fan of him and i never get tired to watch his all videos .
    i too take the same way of bathing and it really works for me .
    wishing you happy life dear friend!

  42. Hi Linda, you really know how to pick some great videos! I thought the duckling was adorable, so cute as it fell to sleep.
    The garlic was so interesting, think I would try that!
    Mr Bean is always fun to watch. I like the part where he hypnotises teddy to fall asleep!
    All the quotations are beautiful too.
    Many thanks Linda, have a lovely weekend :D)

  43. Hi Linda this is such a wonderful start to the day loved the videos and quotations, have a great weekend
    lorraine x

  44. Trop beau, toutes ces petites vidéos et posts. Merci Chère Linda.
    Belle fin de semaine. Bises

  45. As always your post is fantastic !! I love the first video !!
    Happy weekend !

  46. Wishing you peace and joy in 2017 too. It's true that we can choose the good people to support us. Have a wonderful weekend.

  47. Dear Linda - I loved that sweet duckling. Bet by the end of the day he is one tired little fella. Your quote about the get up and go had me smiling. Thanks for such a delightful visit. Hope you have a blessed weekend. Hugs!

  48. Enjoyed seeing your videos...

  49. That little duckling video is sweet. I loved the sound of the pitter patter of his feet walking. The "hello January" quote is so delightful. Hot cocoa is nice during these cold winter months. The shower quote was my favorite. Isn't that the truth? It feels so good to take a nice warm shower after a hectic day.

    Have a restful weekend, Linda, and thanks for the smiles I get every time I visit. :)

    love, ~Sheri

  50. Hi Linda, that duckling was adorable! Love the sound his feet made on the floor. Mr a Bean is funny too, always been a favourite of mine.
    Thanks for sharing everything!

  51. la vidéo du canard me plaît beaucoup Linda


  52. Hoi Linda,de groeten terug van Ralph / Greetings back from Ralph to you! Wish you a goood Saterday and Sunday!

  53. oh Mr Bean ... mitico!!!!

  54. That duckling is adorable.

  55. You found some fun things to share. I love Princess Sassy Pants too! Hugs!

  56. I like the one about always keeping going and never giving up. As you may have noticed one of my favorite quotes is from Clemenceau: "In war, as in peace, the last word goes to those who never give up." Have a wonderful weekend, Linda!

  57. Hello there Linda! It looks like you have some adorable and neat videos up, I will come back to see them. From looking at the comments the duckling sounds like our baby duck we used to have with the little feet and all.

    Cute art on the quotes, and nice quotes as well! I hope you are doing well, it's been a busy week, I've missed your blog!


  58. Hi Linda! Hope you are having a great weekend! I love that little duckling! It was interesting about the garlic! I might try some of the things they mentioned! Big Hugs and thanks for the wonderful quotes!

  59. Hi, Linda! I hope that you are enjoying a cozy, relaxing weekend! I enjoyed the videos. as always. There is something so endearing and cute about baby animals, be they ducklings or piglets or whatever! That little duckling could move! No wonder it was napping at the end. Mr. Bean was funny in his odd way ~ and I couldn't imagine why he had all those lightbulbs in his nightstand. I had to laugh at the wash your stress away in the shower quote. The first trailer we rented here in Riverview RV Resort had such a small hot water heater that I couldn't get into the shower and out before I ran out of hot water. I had to open up my shampoo and conditioner and body wash before I got into the shower and race through as fast as I could ~ no time for calming thoughts as I'd barely have my conditioner in my hair when the water turned cool and cold and freezing in seconds. When I'm reunited with my hot water heater at home, I shall enjoy a leisurely shower and wash my stress and worries away! LOL Sending you hugs and much love!

  60. Hi Linda,
    thank you for visiting our blog, that gave me the chance to discover your beautiful and very interesting blog. I like the videos with the duck and about garlic and you mentioned so many things which are deeply right. (I hope may English is still well enough.)
    I wish you a happy time.

    Many greetings

  61. Hi Linda, enjoyed the videos. Happy Sunday!

  62. Hi Linda. I loved that duckling video. And then you surpassed it with the information about garlic. I am a great fan of eating garlic but had never heard of those uses, especially in the ear!I will pass on this information to someone who suffers from a lot of migraine. Have a lovely day.

  63. I love cute duckling!

  64. What a Nice blog you have Linda...sorry i was here earlier i thought you was a other Linda...but here i favorite is Mr beam....hahaha...have a Nice day....i come back Ria x

  65. The garlic post is very interesting, dear! xoxo

  66. That duckling was adorable! He could really move. I was a bit surprised at how fast he went! Thanks for the smiles :o)

  67. The duckling is darling, Linda! You always find the most inspirational quotes! How therapeutic I found the whole idea about washing away all the negativity from our bodies and cleaning our souls with the purity of water. Thanks for sharing, my friend.

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead,

  68. Bonitos vídeos en del patito persiguiendo al hombre muy gracioso, creo pensaba que era su mama.


  69. You find the cutest things, and most thoughtful sayings!

  70. Hello Linda,
    I like the video of Mr. Been. He is so funny :))
    Happy New Year,
    Christine <3!

  71. Hi Linda! I watched the garlic video, and asked my husband if he'd ever heard of these cures. He's Italian,and always had garlic dishes growing up, but these were new ideas to him!
    Love the idea that we are a very huge partner in how our life will be. We have to get out there and do, not just wait for something to happen!
    Sunday blessings,

  72. Thanks for the smiles and motivation as always. That little duckling has imprinted on that man! Jeepers, he thinks it is his mother. Mr Bean is always silly, but the gun at the end scared me for a minute.

  73. Linda, thanks for the visit which brought me here to your delightful blog. Thanks for sharing the fun videos. I'll be back for more visits.

  74. This is like my feel-good area. :)

  75. Hello Linda! Lovely videos, and great thoughts! Garlic in the ear, it would have never come to mind, but probably I will try it. :)
    Thanks for your kind words you left on my blog. :)
    Have a nice week!

  76. This week has really shown that we are citizens of the world. Thank you for your garlic video. I am going to pass on the recipes for the infected masses at my work. Xc


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