Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mid-Week Walk

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Mr. Mo Project Saves Lives by Helping Senior Dogs Find Forever Homes

He's Madly in Love with the Woman who Can't Remember Him

Friendly Giant Pacific Octopus

Rare Laurel and Hardy Interview (1947)

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Pain makes you stronger.  Fear makes you braver.

A big secret to happiness:  you have to forget about anybody who's forgotten about you.

Become aware of how you make people feel when they're around you.  Focus on bringing joy, love and peace.

According to MRI's, the brains of heartbroken people resemble the brains of those experiencing cocaine withdrawal.  Researchers believe this explains why some of us might feel and behave a little crazy after a tough break-up.

Surround yourself with cheerleaders, not fear leaders.

Reminder:  The more you invest in your health now, the more you potentially save in health bills later.

I think a hero is any person really intent on making this world a better place for all people. - Maya Angelou

Nobody will protect you from your suffering.  You can't cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or walk it away or punch it away or even therapy it away.  It's just there, and you have to survive it. You have to enture it.  You have to live through it and love it and move on and be better for it and run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal. - Cheryl Strayed

I just got off the phone with Friday.  She will be here tomorrow, and she's bringing wine.  :)

Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud. - Maya Angelou

Trees which endure the stormiest times grow the strongest and most beautiful.  Ditto how your stormy times can encourage you to thrive and bloom into your mightiest you.

Pine apple  :)

May the fork be with you.  :)

panic button  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. He's Madly in Love, is very touching and beautiful Linda. I wish you a happy Wednesday.

  2. So touch by the first two videos. Thank God for kind and caring people who care for the dogs and such a loving husband still loving the wife.

  3. Love the dog video. Older dogs really do get overlooked so much. Thanks for sharing.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. Hello Linda!

    Wonderful post and videos! I'm so glad that animals finds forever homes.

  5. Moving video , the one about the loving husband and his Alzheimer stricken wife!
    As for the wisdom sayings:
    - I agree with the 'forget those who have forgotten you'.
    - Neither cheerleaders nor fearleaders are really required.

  6. Happy Wednesday Linda.......lovely set. The Alzheimer's video is so sad but true. As a nurse I had some Alzheimer's patients and each one is so very different in how they experience that time in their life. I wish you a beautiful day.

  7. First of all, thanks so much for your comments on my blogs. You're one of the few who comments on some of them. And I appreciate that very much. Alzheimers is such a terrible disease and it takes great strength and compassion to care for a person suffering from the disease. Thanks, too, for once again sharing so much Salmansohn material. I always find much to utilize in my own life.

    Senior dogs can be wonderful companions and I think it's wonderful when people adopt them and care for them. Love those Peadoodles!

    Keep up the good work!

    1. I agree that Alzheimer's is a terrible brain disease. My late father just died last year from Dementia which is a combination of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's together with a collective of unknown brain diseases. It was the saddest period to see my father fading each day.

  8. On devine chez toi une grande profondeur et une sensibilité.
    Belle fin de semaine Linda

  9. Great posts today. But I cried watching the video with the married couple that had married 76 years! Lord, may we not take for granite our memory. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. Dear Linda - I was so moved by the two relationship in the first two videos. Heart-warming and heart-aching at the same time in the second video. Thank you for all the inspiring words as always.


  11. There are so many inspiring things in your post today, Linda! My favorite: "Become aware of how you make people feel when they're around you. Focus on bringing joy, love and peace." This, in my mind, is even better than the golden rule. Simple, profound, and so needed in our troubled world.

  12. Enjoyed the videos. All the quotes were great as usual. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  13. Linda, That charity that takes care of older dogs (and the people that need them) is much more inclusive than the senior dog operations around here. The fact that they pay for the dog's care is very impressive! Alzheimer's is a sad disease, that's for sure...76 years of marriage too. That octopus certainly didn't feel threatened...nice interaction. The Laurel and Hardy interview in the UK was fun...didn't know that Laurel was from England. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  14. Peadoodles images make me chuckle all the time :-)

  15. Thank you very much for always sharing very good videos and quotes of wisdom.I know you invested hours to select them all to share these happiness with the whole world. That's how big and beautiful heart of yours.

  16. Inspiring and truly touching!

  17. Love the peadoddles!

    I have looked for your missing cousin but still haven't found anything. My subscription to Ancestry is running out but I will renew it when I can afford it and keep looking. New information is coming up all the time

  18. Such a sweet dog and a touching story of the couple. Let's hope there is a medical breakthrough one day. The octopus is such an amazing creature and it was fun to see Laurel and Hardy. Always enjoy reading those wise words. Thank you Linda :)

  19. Tout beau! Bonne journée Linda, sous ce beau soleil! Bise, bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  20. Hello dear Linda - it's mid-week already! Goodness me.

    I did like those first two videos, I must admit a tear was shed during the second one.

    Just loved the Peadoodles!

    Enjoy the rest of your week
    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

  21. Such touching videos today. Love the pea doodles. Xx

  22. Hi. Thanks for the wonderful photos and videos. Have a peaceful evening.

  23. Hello Linda, I enjoyed the videos and your wise inspiring quotes! I Hope you are having a great day and week!

  24. We all need cheerleaders :)
    Have a good evening

  25. I like the quote "surround yourself with cheerleaders not fear leaders" Good one!

  26. I've seen that video before--the husband taking care of his wife. It's so sweet. And heart breaking. Can you even imagine being in that situation? I've read a few books about Alzheimer patients, and then quit. It makes me want to cry.

  27. That is love for you. True love.

    Greetings from London.

  28. Laurel et Hardy, Linda!
    quel souvenir :)))

  29. I love this quote, "Become aware of how you make people feel when they're around you. Focus on bringing joy, love and peace." Many of us are too self-centred and if we just stopped to think about others, we would realise we have the power to make life a whole lot better.

  30. May the fork be with you got a grin out of me!

  31. A full range of videos there. That's one big octopus when it uncoils fully so just as well its friendly.

  32. That 2nd video clip brings to mind the book/movie "The Notebook".

  33. The first two videos brought tears to my eyes; the last one made me laugh! And, of course, the quotes are always wonderful. I read every word and save many for my daughter.
    You really make a difference in people's lives, dear friend. Thank you, Linda!!

  34. So touching about the man whose wife doesn't remember him. Alzheimer's is such an unkind illness. Love the "pine apple."

  35. Love the dog lady. We need more like her in the world. Have a good weekend!

  36. Dementia is a terrible illness. Needs great patience & love from people around you....... xoxo

  37. une citation intéressante de Maya Angelou..

    have a nice day Linda

  38. Hi! I like the Mr.Mo' video. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Hi Linda! Loved the Laurel and Hardy interview, I watched their movies when I was a child. Don't know if I saw Robin Hood or not?
    The meme about the secret of happiness if very powerful for me. If people forget me, why do I torture myself asking myself why they did that? So much better to quietly let go too.
    Happy Thursday to you!

  40. Laurel and Hardy -> great, Linda !

  41. My favorite today is the husband that loves his wife. Terrible thing. Hubby and I watched this together.

    Have a fabulous day, Linda. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  42. Those little cartoons at the end, are the greatest! So cute! Another excellent post my friend! Big Hugs!

  43. Anonymous12:02 AM

    That man and his wife on the second video are so beautiful!
    It's touching!
    Have a great weekend, Linda :)


  44. This has a nice ring to it ^.^ and there is wisdom in these words.

    "Surround yourself with cheerleaders, not fear leaders."


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