Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Mid-Week Food for Thought

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Stray Dog Begs for Food, Then Brings it to her Puppies

A Medical Miracle Gives New Life to this Amazing Bionic Dog

6 Wartime Foods - British Pathe

Doll's Factory (1968) - British Pathe

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Being on vacation means:  drop the past, drop the future, drop the camera for a moment and merge with where you are.  The place you are visiting is inviting you to bask in a field of loving awareness called gratitude.

In order to win, you must be right within.  Nurture yourself, love yourself, believe in yourself, and the rest will follow.

When others try to rain on your dreams, carry an umbrella and dream on!

Tears are not a sign of weakness, but proof that you are human and that you care. - Susan Gale

Ideas are like rabbits.  You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. - John Steinbeck

Dreaming or doing is a choice that will mean the difference between failure or success.  Good morning.

Stop thinking about how much more you can sleep and start thinking about how much more you can do. Good morning.

It's perfectly okay to admit you're not okay.

You have to fight through some bad days to get to the best days of your life.

Your life becomes the story you tell yourself.  Change the story you tell.  Change your life.

Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

When we have peace in our hearts and minds, we draw peace into our lives. - Iyanla Vanzant

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Interesting videos, beautiful inspirations, amazing images. Thank you for this post, Linda!

  2. Wow...Love the one about the dog with prosthetics! Happy week to you!

  3. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Enjoyed your blog. Miracles happens not only to humans even to dogs. It was good to see. Doll factory was good:)

  4. Dearest Linda,
    I cannot believe your bionic dog, what an incredible story !

    Wishing you a joy-filled day,
    I'm sending blessings across the many miles,
    with sincere thankfulness for the wondrous lady you are !

    XOXO Dany

  5. Lovely post, Linda! Thank you so much for sharing! Animals are very interesting.

  6. That's a nice one, the two cats watching the dolphin. That's a dolphin, isn't it?

  7. A Medical Miracle, is very special Linda !! Nice that it was possible

  8. Have Umbrella, Will Smile!

  9. I love the one about belief in ourselves, so true. Thanks for another inspiring post. Have a lovely day.😂

  10. Hi! The first video is very interesting. Puppies look very happy. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hello, great quotes and images. I love the video with the momma dog feeding her puppies. Thanks for sharing. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  12. Hello Linda,
    Nice post. Funny to see that dog walking so long with his meal.

    Best regards,

  13. I had to skip over the doll factory. *shudders* That's what comes of hearing the story of the porcelain doll way too young.

    That one about dreaming vs doing... My kids probably get tired of me telling them, "I don't want you to know, I want you to DO."

  14. beau travail de Raphael Vavasseur Linda


  15. Tres interesting videos, Linda. And that first poster with the torii...I just learned about the torii from a Japanese friend. It's a gate through which you leave the profane world and enter the sacred.

  16. Nice quotes, Linda !

  17. I had a doll that looked a lot like the ones in the video, but I had to hold her hand to help her walk. She also closed her eyes when she lay down, and I think she said "Mama." Thanks for the memories.

  18. Awww on the dog that got food for her pups. So precious.

    Love the dog with the second chance at a good life.

    Loved the food prep during the war. Wow, most of us don't even think of those kinds of things.

    Have a fabulous day, Linda. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  19. The kitty art is quite a treat to see!

  20. Dropping the camera, the future and the past during vacation is very good idea. I like it.
    Greetings :)

  21. Hi. Just wonderful videos. Lovely dogs. Thanks a lot.

  22. The Doll Factory video was amusing; a trip in the way-back machine! My god-mother gave me a soft clown doll, made from socks and fabric pieces, and I still have it; cannot bear to throw it out!

  23. Heartwarming dog videos. Even animals love and take care of their young. The bionic dog is so fortunate to meet the right people to get treated and have a chance to live. Have a beautiful day!

  24. Love all of them☺

  25. Thank you for your inspiration today. I particularly liked the paintings :)
    Have a good evening

  26. Very unique videos. Great quotes and cute art work. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  27. Tout est beau. Un gros merci Linda

  28. Merci chère Linda pour ce beau moment, tout est superbe! Bise, bonne soirée toute douce!

  29. Some sweet sayings Linda. Love those Raphael Vavasseur paintings too. Have a wonderful evening.

  30. I'm not okay, LOL! Just kidding, Linda, but there are days I am definitely not! The Mama dog video was heartwarming, and I could get lost in the soothing Raphael Vavasseur paintings! Enjoy the rest of your day! Sending you hugs!

  31. I always enjoy your quotes!

  32. I am smiling - Raphael Vavasseur Art always makes me smile. Tried to look at the video of the bionic dog but gave up. What I could see it is pretty amazing. Have a great day Diane

  33. Una gran lección la perra callejera dando de comer primero a los cachorros.


  34. Sweet and interesting videos Linda and I loved the illustrations and all those wise words. Thanks again and enjoy your evening :)

  35. Wonderful videos Linda and my favorite quote is "In order to win, you must be right within".
    Have a wonderful day!

  36. Hello Linda, I can't believe it's midweek already, the days just fly by so quickly.

    Lovely selection here again, I especially liked the first two videos and the quote from Iyanla Vanzant was good too.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  37. Stop thinking about how much more you can sleep and start thinking about how much more you can do. Good morning. - It's all a matter of attitude isn't it. Love this.

  38. Hi, Linda! Hope you are enjoying a lovely week, and that little gentle beauties reveal themselves to you throughout the day. Thank you for sharing the uplifting goodies! xx

  39. It's always good to be back here. Love your inspirational words

  40. Good morning Linda. I too love thos two doggy videos. Reminding us how precious our best friends can be don't you think. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  41. Now i'd like to know the rest of the story of the mama dog -- did someone adopt her and the pups? Anyway, it brought a tear to my eye.

  42. That bionic dog story is truly amazing! xoxo

  43. So interesting and beautiful!

  44. Hi Linda, lovely videos and quotes, how do you find them all???
    Have a good day!

  45. The first video is my very all time favourite, friend L ... saw this many times while visiting Cuba ... whenever I see a mama cat or dog I give her food ... as most of my luggage contains dry dog and cat food ... and when I wander around the country side I always have plenty in my backpack ... and water ... Cuba is surrounded by water, salt water that is ... Much love, my friend, cat.

  46. As always you give us lots to ponder on.
    Take care, Gordon.

  47. So true that quote about winning. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  48. I hope someone adopted the mother dog and her pups. The quotes are wonderful!

  49. Liked the wartime food video. Still eating much the same diet today.

  50. Anonymous12:42 AM

    The dog and puppies video is so heart warm!
    Thank you for your great selections, Linda!
    I'll change the story I tell!!


  51. The dog videos really melted my heart. Thank you for the great videos and thoughts. Xx

  52. Thank you Linda! Truly beautiful and meaningful post! Big Hugs!


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